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Tremblay, Alex. “La Haskell Free Library and Opera House, pont culturel insolite.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 104 (2010): 34–35.
Racicot, Michel. Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins : au cõur de sa communauté, 1910-2010/ Brome-Missiquoi-Perkins Hospital : 100 Years of Caring. Translated by Michel Lafrenière. Cowansville, QC: Société d’histoire de Cowansville, 2010.
Pigeon, Danielle, and Robert Lemire. Les maisons à loggia des Cantons-de-l’Est : un héritage à préserver. Verchères, QC: Danielle Pigeon et Robert Lemire, 2010.
Fonda, Nick. Roads To Richmond: Portraits of Quebec’s Eastern Townships. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2010.
Ellis, David J. The Boomhower Families Around Missisquoi Bay, Québec. Londonderry, NH: D.J. Ellis, 2010.
Thorpe, Frederick J. “Samuel Johannes Holland: The Dutch Grooming of the Canadian Land Surveyor.” Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies/Revue canadienne d’études néerlandaises Vol. 30, no. 2 (Fall 2009): 9–21.
Little, J. I. “Scenic Tourism on the Northeastern Borderland: Lake Memphremagog’s Steamboat Excursions and Resort Hotels, 1850-1900.” Journal of Historical Geography Vol. 35, no. 4 (October 2009): 716–742.
St. Francis Valley Naturalists’ Club. Fifty Years But Not Yet Extinct: A Brief History of the St. Francis Valley Naturalists’ Club. Sherbrooke, QC: St. Francis Valley Naturalists’ Club, 2009.
Musty, Beverly. Johnville Cemetery Index: Eaton Township, Compton County. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2009.
Moore, Erinn. “The Representation of Tourism: A Historical Analysis of the Development of Tourism in the Eastern Townships, Quebec.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 2009.
Laperrière, Guy. Les Cantons-de-l’Est. Les régions du Québec, histoire en bref. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. Les débuts de l’industrie papetière en Estrie (1825-1900) : histoire de l’industrie papetière en Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: GGC Éditions, 2009.
Gendron, Mario, Johanne Rochon, and Richard Racine. Granby, Patrimoine & Histoire. Granby, QC: Société d’histoire de la Haute-Yamaska, 2009.
Farfan, Matthew. The Vermont-Quebec Border: Life on the Line. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publications, 2009.
Dansereau, Danielle. Frontières, douanes et contrebande : à Frelighsburg, Pigeon Hill, Saint-Armand Ouest, Abercorn, Dunham, depuis 1763/Borders, Customs and Smuggling. Frelighsburg, QC: Société d’histoire et de patrimoine de Frelighsburg, 2009.
Barry, Gwen Rawlings. Hendersons & Related Families of the Caledon Estate, Counties Tyrone & Armagh, Northern Ireland and Megantic County, Quebec. Lower Sackville, NS: Evans Books, 2009.
Barnes, Joan Windle. My Father’s People: A Look into the Roots of an Eastern Townships Family. Penticton, B.C.: Durango Pub, 2009.
Abbott, Louise. Giving Shelter: Historic Barns of the Eastern Townships. Video, Documentary. Rural Route Communications, 2009.
Abbott, Louise. Crisscrossing Space and Time: A History of Farm Fencing. Video, Documentary. Rural Route Communications, 2009.
Webb, Todd. “How the Canadian Methodists Became British: Unity, Schism and Transatlantic Identity, 1827-1854.” In Transatlantic Subjects: Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America, edited by Nancy Christie, 159–198. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.
Société de généalogie des Cantons de l’Est. Baptêmes, Mariages, Sépultures St. Peter’s Anglican Sherbrooke, 1822-1999. Sherbrooke QC: Société de généalogie des Cantons de l’Est, 2008.
Société de généalogie des Cantons de l’Est. Baptêmes, Mariages, Sépultures St. Peter’s Anglican Sherbrooke, 1822-1999. Sherbrooke, QC: Société de généalogie des Cantons de l’Est, 2008.
Palmer, Denis. Homage to a Rural Life / Hommage à La Vie Rurale. Sawyerville, QC: Rabbit Press, 2008.
Nadeau-Saumier, Monique. Un espace et un lieu de culture : le Art Building de Sherbrooke 1887-1927. Sherbrooke, QC: GGC Éditions, 2008.
Nadeau-Saumier, Monique. Mary Catherine (Minnie) Gill, 1862 [Sic]-1946 : Townships and Charlevoix Landscapes/Mary Catherine (Minnie) Gill 1861-1946: Paysage Des Cantons et de Charlevoix. Sherbrooke, QC: Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society, 2008.
Millar, Joyce. Lumières Sur Les Cantons-de-l’Est/Spotlight on the Eastern Townships. Translated by Alexandra Hofmaenner. Sutton, QC & Pointe Claire, Que: Arts Sutton & La Gallerie d’art Stewart Hall, 2008.
Michel, Laliberté dit Colin. Recensements Du Bas-Canada En 1825: Sutton, Stukely, West-Shefford, Brome, Granby, Potton, Farnham, Stanbridge, Compton. Montréal: L’Arbe généalogique Enr., 2008.
Little, J. I. Loyalties in Conflict: A Canadian Borderland in War and Rebellion, 1812-1840. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Langlois, Maurice. Physicians of Magog, 1846-1960 : Historical Notes. Magog, QC: Magog Historical Society, 2008.
Gilbert, Simon. “‘Growing Up Strange’: Des Nouvelles de Joyce Marshall En Traduction.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008.
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