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Kelley, Arthur Reading. “Early Theological Education in Lower Canada.” Canadian Churchman Vol. 69, no. 39 (October 29, 1942): 615–616.
Hargreaves, James. Farm Politics: Old Problems in a New World. Montreal: Renouf Publishing Company, 1942.
Rothney, W. O. “Schools in the Township of Leeds, County of Megantic, One Hundred Years Ago.” The Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Vol. 12, no. 5 (December 1941): 295–298.
Williams, Helen E. Three Churches. Knowlton, QC: St. Paul’s Church, 1941.
Rossignol, Léo. “Histoire documentaire de Hull, 1792-1900.” PhD dissertation, Université d’Ottawa, 1941.
Hackett, Linda H. Eleazer Fitch, the First Leader of Stanstead Township. Stanstead, QC: Published under the auspices of the Stanstead Historical Society, 1941.
Stewart, Charles H. The Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec: A Bibliography of Historical, Geographical and Descriptive Material. Montreal: McGill University Library School, 1940.
Rossignol, Léo. “Débuts de Hull, 1792-1842.” Master’s Thesis, Université d’Ottawa, 1940.
Nadeau, Jacques. “La ville de Sherbrooke : monographie régionale.” Thèse de licence, École des hautes études commerciales, 1940.
Mitchell, Homer A. Freemasonry in the District of Bedford. Quebec: [s.n.], 1940.
Hansen, Marcus Lee. The Mingling of the Canadian and American Peoples. Toronto, ON: The Ryerson Press, 1940.
Millman, Thomas R. “Canon James Reid, D.D., Frelighsburg, 1815-1865.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 27, no. 9 (September 1939): 9.
Rev. Walsh, T. J. “Pioneer English Catholics in the Eastern Townships.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report (40 1939): 55–70.
Mullins, Gladys. “English-Speaking Priests Who Evangelized the Eastern Townships.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report Vol. 7 (1940 1939): 43–54.
Hunter, Jean I. “The French Invasion of the Eastern Townships: A Regional Study.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1939.
Auclair, Élie-J. “Le role de l’église dans les Cantons de l’est.” Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Église catholique, Rapport (40 1939): 89–97.
Lampee, Thomas C. “The Missisquoi Loyalists.” Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society New Series, Vol. 6, no. 2 (June 1938): 80–140.
Gravel, Albert. Les Cantons de l’Est. Sherbrooke, QC: [s.n.], 1938.
Brown, George W. “The Early Methodist Church and the Canadian Point of View.” The Canadian Historical Association Annual Report Vol. 17, no. 1 (1938): 79–96.
Innis, Mary Quayle. “Philip Henry Gosse in Canada.” The Dalhousie Review Vol. 17, no. 1 (1937): 55–60.
Brome County Historical Society. Catalogue of Documents: Bibliography of the Eastern Townships: Birth of the Eastern Townships. Knowlton, QC: The Society, 1937.
Lanctôt, Gustave. “Un régionaliste anglais de Québec, Robert Sellar.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 41, no. 3 (March 1935): 172–174.
“Eastern Townships of Quebec.” Sherbrooke Daily Record. Sherbrooke, QC, February 23, 1935.
Dresser, John A. “The Eastern Townships of Quebec: A Study in Human Geography.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada Series III, Vol. 29, no. Section 2 (1935): 89–100.
Bowen, C. L. H. The Sherbrooke Regiment: A Brief Historical Sketch. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1935.
Macdonald, Norman. “English Land Tenure on the North American Continent: A Summary.” Contributions to Canadian Economics Vol. 7 (1934): 21–44.
Audet, Francis-J., and E. F. Surveyer. Les députés de Saint-Maurice et de Buckinghamshire (1792 à 1808). Trois-Rivières, QC: Éditions du Bien public, 1934.
Reid, Albert W. The Story of the Eastern Townships Telephone Company and Its Founder, Carlos Skinner. Sherbrooke, QC: Page-Sangster Printing Company, 1933.
MacLeod, M.C. Settlement of the Lake Megantic District in the Province of Quebec, Canada. New York, NY: M.C. MacLeod, 1931.
Gravel, Albert. Histoire du Lac Mégantic. Sherbrooke, QC: La Tribune, 1931.
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