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Little, J. I. “Scenic Tourism on the Northeastern Borderland: Lake Memphremagog’s Steamboat Excursions and Resort Hotels, 1850-1900.” Journal of Historical Geography Vol. 35, no. 4 (October 2009): 716–742.
Darch, Heather. “The Emerging Road: Building a Lifeline Across the Townships.” Quebec Heritage News, August 2009.
Willis, John. “Quand le téléphone est arrivé à Sutton.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 99 (2009): 48–49.
Moore, Erinn. “The Representation of Tourism: A Historical Analysis of the Development of Tourism in the Eastern Townships, Quebec.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 2009.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. Les débuts de l’industrie papetière en Estrie (1825-1900) : histoire de l’industrie papetière en Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: GGC Éditions, 2009.
Dansereau, Danielle, Ginette Brochu, Andrée-Anne Villeneuve, and William Terry Blizzard. Frontières, douanes et contrebande : à Frelighsburg, Pigeon Hill, Saint-Armand Ouest, Abercorn, Dunham, depuis 1763/Borders, Customs and Smuggling. Frelighsburg, QC: Société d’histoire et de patrimoine de Frelighsburg, 2009.
Booth, J. Derek. “The Impact of Railways on Stanstead: 1850 to 1950.” Histoire Québec, 2009.
Bernier, Simon. “Des réseaux locaux aux monopoles régionaux. La régionalisation des marchés de l’électricité au Québec, 1900-1935.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2009.
Jewett, Elizabeth Liane. “Notes on Nineteenth Century Tourism on Lake Memphremagog, 1850-1899.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est Vol. 31 (Fall 2008): 25–43.
Vieira, Aimée. “Being Anglophone: Language, Place and Identity in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2008.
Qu’anglo Communications & Consulting. Vitality Indicators for Official Language Minority Communities. 2, Three English-Speaking Communities in Quebec : The English-Speaking Community of Eastern Townships. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, 2008.
Pigeon, Danielle. The Walbridge Estate in Mystic. Translated by Peter Dare. Québec: Direction du patrimoine du Québec, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, 2007.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. Les chars électriques : histoire du tramway à Sherbrooke, 1895-1932. Sherbrooke, QC: GGC Éditions, 2007.
Robinson, Brion. “Family Blazed Trail for Recyclers: New Environmental Centre Named for Rose Cohen.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 3, no. 11 (October 2006): 23.
Harris, Jane. Stars Appearing: The Galts’ Vision of Canada. Lethbridge, AB: J. Harris, 2006.
Booth, J. Derek. Quebec Central Railway: From the St. Francis to the Chaudière. Pickering, ON: Railfare DC Books, 2006.
Kishchuk, Natalie, and Dann Brault. “Factors in Out-Migration Among English Speakers in the Eastern Townships: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 26 (Spring 2005): 31–44.
Van Die, Marguerite. Religion, Family and Community in Victorian Canada: The Colbys of Carrollcroft. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005.
Brault, Dann, Annis Karpenko, and Natalie Kishchuk. Topportunity Talks: Life Choices among English-Speaking Youth in the Eastern Townships. Lennoxville, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 2005.
Genest, Bernard. “Lac Magog : Vivre l’été.” Continuité, t 2004.
Ferland, and Steve Otis. “Lac Memphrémagog : La villégiature grand V.” Continuité, t 2004.
MacGregor, Robert M. “Dr. A.C. Daniels Co., Bag Balm, and Shania Twain the ‘Saviour’?” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 24 (Spring 2004): 69–85.
Manson, Jimmy W. From Isolation to Integration : The Changing Face of the Eastern Townships, 1830-1867. Knowlton, QC: Brome County Historical Society, 2004.
Clark-Jones, Melissa, and JoAnn McDonald. Globalization and the Single-Industry Town: An Annotated Bibliography. Lennoxville, QC: Eastern Townships Research Centre, Bishop’s University, 2004.
Young, Norma Whitcomb. “The Montreal, Portland & Boston Railway and ‘The Hibbard Road.’” Canadian Rail: The Magazine of Canada’s Railway Heritage No. 497 (November 2003): 228–233.
Manore, Jeanne L. “The Technology of Rivers and Community Transformation: An Alternative History of the St. Francis.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 23 (Fall 2003): 27–40.
Bardati, Darren R. “The View from Shore: Examining Boating at Lake Massawippi.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 23 (Fall 2003): 71–92.
Roy, Louis, and Michel Verdon. “East-Farnham’s Agriculture in 1871: Ethnicity, Circumstances and Economic Rationale in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 84, no. 3 (2003): 355–393.
Nadeau-Saumier, Monique. “L’exceptionnelle contribution de Samuel Foote Morey (1845-1926) au développement culturel de la ville de Sherbrooke.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 21 (Automne 2002): 99–114.
Little, J. I. “A Canadian in Lowell: Labour, Manhood and Independence in the Early Industrial Era, 1840-1849.” Labour/Le Travail Vol. 48 (Fall 2001): 197–263.
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