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Roe, Henry. Story of the First Hundred Years of the Diocese of Quebec. Quebec: Printed at the Morning Chronicle Office, 1893.
Stuart, H. C. The Church of England in Canada, 1759-1793: From the Conquest to the Establishment of the See of Quebec. Montreal: Published for the author by John Lovell & Son, 1893.
Fairchild, G. M., ed. A Short Account of Ye Quebec Winter Carnival Holden in 1894. Quebec: Printed by F. Carrel, at ye signe for ye Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1894.
O’Leary, James M. History of the Irish Catholics of Quebec: Saint Patrick’s Church to the Death of Rev. P. McMahon. Quebec: Daily Telegraph Print, 1895.
Lysons, Daniel. Early Reminiscences. London, England: John Murray, 1896.
Langelier, Charles. John Buckworth Parkin, avocat et conseiller de la reine : conférence donnée devant le Barreau de Québec. Lévis, QC: P.-G. Roy, 1897.
Rosa, Narcisse. La construction des navires à Québec et ses environs. Grèves et naufragés. Québec: Imprimerie Léger Brousseau, 1897.
Têtu, Horace. Résumé historique de l’industrie et du commerce de Québec de 1775 à 1900. Québec: [s.n.], 1899.ésumé-historique-de-lindustrie-et-du-commerce-de-québec-de-1775-à-1900#page/1/mode/2up.
Audet, Francis-J. “Le clergé protestant du Bas-Canada de 1760 à 1800.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 6 (1900): 133–142.
Cruikshank, E. “Le service postal au commencement du régime anglais.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 7, no. 3 (March 1901): 89–93.
Doughty, Arthur G., and N.-E. Dionne. Quebec Under Two Flags: A Brief History of the City from Its Foundation Until the Present Time. Quebec: Quebec News, 1903.
Langelier, Charles. L’Honorable Thomas Cushing Aylwin, juge de la Cour du Banc de la reine : conférence donnée devant le Barreau à Québec, novembre MCMIII. Québec: Typ. Dussault & Proulx, 1903.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. “The Hon. Henry Caldwell, L.C., at Quebec, 1759-1810.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 9, no. Section 2 (May 1903): 29–37.
Würtele, Fred C., ed. Blockade of Quebec in 1775-1776 by the American Revolutionists. Quebec: Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1905.
Clark, Wylie C. “The Early Presbyterianism of Quebec under Dr. Spark.” Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec New Series, no. 27 (1907 1906): 28–31.
Shortt, Adam, and Arthur G. Doughty, eds. Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1907.
Croil, James. Genesis of Churches in the United States of America, in Newfoundland and the Dominion of Canada. Montreal: Printed by John Lovell & Sons for Foster Brown & Company, 1907.
Fairchild, George Moore. From My Quebec Scrapbook. Quebec: Frank Carrel, 1907.
Burgett, Arthur Edward. The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Quebec: A Brief Description. Quebec: Quebec Telegraph Printing, 1908.
Fairchild, George Moore. Gleanings From Quebec. Quebec: Frank Carrel, 1908.
Kelly, Bernard W. The Fighting Frasers of the ’Forty-Five and Quebec, with an Historical Notice of the Clan. London, UK: R. & T. Washburne Ltd, 1908.
Burpee, Lawrence J. “Canadian Libraries of Long Ago.” Bulletin of the American Library Association Vol. 2, no. 5 (September 1908): 136–143.
The Grosse-Isle Monument Commemorative Souvenir Issued on the Occasion of the Unveiling, on August 15th, 1909, of the Monument Erected to the Irish Victims of the Plague of 1847-48. Quebec: Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1909.
Jordan, J. A. The Grosse Isle Tragedy and the Monument to the Irish Fever Victims, 1847: Reprinted with Additional Information and Illustrations; from the Daily Telegraph’s Commemorative Souvenir, Issued on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the National Memorial.. Quebec: The Telegraph Printing Company, 1909.
Douglas Jr., James, ed. Journals and Reminiscences of James Douglas, M.D. New York, NY: Privately Printed, 1910.
“Calendar of Public Letters in the (John) Neilson Collection Between the Years 1801 and 1824.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1913): 99–151.
Wood, William. The Proposed Wolfe Memorial Church in Quebec. Quebec? [s.n.], 1913.
Souvenir Edition : Published on the Occasion of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the New St. Patrick’s Church, Grand Allée, Quebec, September Twentieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen. Quebec: Chronicle Print., 1914.
Lighthall, W. D. “English Settlement in Quebec.” In Canada and Its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, Vol. 15, edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty, 121–164. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.
Complete List of Perpetual Members From August, 1914, to August, 1915: New St. Patrick’s Church, Quebec. Quebec: The Church, 1915.
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