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5 resources
Zaruba, Antonin. “A Current Affair : Sigismund Mohr Pioneered Quebec City’s Hydro-Electric Power.” Translated by Patrick Donovan. Quebec Heritage News Vol. 4, no. 11 (October 2008): 8–9.
Rouleau, Serge. “Les installations portuaires de la société Lymburner & Crawford : Quand un port change de cap.” Continuité, Printemps 1999.
Dorion, Nicole. “L’industrie de la bière : le cas de la brasserie Boswell.” Material History Review/Revue d’histoire de la culture matérielle Vol. 33 (Printemps 1991): 1–9.
Goheen, Peter G. “The Impact of the Telegraph on the Newspaper in Mid-Nineteenth Century British North America.” Urban Geography Vol. 11, no. 2 (April 1990): 107–129.
Parker, George L. The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1985.