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4 resources
Tzuk, Yogev. “Government Funding and Jewish Social Welfare in Montreal.” Viewpoints Vol. 12, no. 2 (Fall 1981): 22–27.
Rosenberg, Louis. The Number, Age & Sex Distribution & Marital Status of Jews 60 Years of Age & Over in the Metropolitan Census Area of Montreal and in the Larger Municipal Areas within Metropolitan Montreal in 1961. Series A, no. 6. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Shriar, Rupert. “Independent Jewish Societies of Montreal: A Survey of the Nature and Extent of Philanthropic Programmes - 1949.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1953.
Solomon, David N. “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Montreal: A Study of the Role of the Formal and Informal in an Ethnic Institution.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1942.