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21 resources
Gold, Phil. Gold’s Rounds: Medicine, McGill, and Growing Up Jewish in Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Guttman, Frank Myron, and Alexander Wright. The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital. Montreal and Kingston: Published for the Jewish General Hospital Foundation by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Lei, Da (Linda), and Arlene Greenberg. “A Glimpse at the Treasures of the Jewish General Hospital Archives.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 25 (2017): 171–176.
Abrams, Jeanne. “‘Chasing the Cure’ on Both Sides of the Border : Jewish Tuberculosis Sanatoriums in Denver and Montreal.” In Neither in Dark Speeches nor in Similitudes : Reflections and Refractions between Canadian and American Jews, edited by Barry L. Stiefel and Hernan Tesler-Mabé. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2016.
Robinson, Ira. “’Maîtres chez eux’ : La grève des internes de 1934 revisitée.” Globe. Revue internationale d’études québécoises Vol. 18, no. 1 (2015): 153–168.
Robinson, Ira. “‘The Other Side of the Coin’: The Anatomy of a Public Controversy in the Montreal Jewish Community, 1931.” Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses Vol. 40, no. 3 (September 2011): 271–282.
Vanier, Marie-Hélène. “Tuberculose, foyers et familles : les soins à domicile des tuberculeux à Montréal, 1900-1950.” Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011.
Adams, Annmarie, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Architecture, Religion and Tuberculosis in Sainte-Agathe-Des-Monts, Quebec.” Scientia Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine / Scientia Canadensis: revue canadienne d’histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine Vol. 32, no. 1 (2009): 1–19.
Heinik, Jeremia. “V.A. Kral, The Montreal Hebrew Old People’s Home, and Benign Senescent Forgetfulness.” History of Psychiatry Vol. 17, no. 3 (September 2006): 313–332.
Semenic, Sonia E., Lynn Clark Callister, and Perle Feldman. “Giving Birth: The Voices of Orthodox Jewish Women Living in Canada.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing Vol. 33, no. 1 (February 2004): 80–87.
Hôpital Mont-Sinaï: D’hier à Aujourd’hui / Mount Sinai Hospital: Then and Now. Montreal: Mount Sinai Hospital, 2004.
Leung, Ho Hun. “Cultural Sensitivity in the Context of Ethnic Polities: A Comparison of Two Families Service Agencies.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2001.
Cohen, Jack. “Un grève comme il n’y en a plus.” Cité Libre, Hiver 1999.
Regenstreif, Michael. Our History of Family Medicine: The Herzl Family Practice Centre and Department of Family Medicine of the Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, 1912-1994. Montreal: Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital, 1994.
Choinière, Robert, and Norbert Robitaille. “The Aging of Ethnic Groups in Quebec.” In Ethnic Demography: Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations, edited by Shiva S. Halli, Frank Trovato, and Leo Driedger, 253–271. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1990.
Anctil, Pierre. “Deux siècles de présence à Montréal.” Continuité No. 45 (Automne 1989): 32–35.
Wright, Alexander. Our Tribute Everlasting: 50th Anniversary, Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital, 1934-1984. Montreal: The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital, 1984.
Etziony, M. B. History of the Montreal Clinical Society. Montreal Clinical Society: Montreal, 1963.
Memoirs of Mercy. Montreal: The Women’s Auxiliary of the Jewish General Hospital, 1962.
Fraser, Mary Constance. “The Convalescent Care of Children in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1951.
Gold, Rosalynd. “Occupational Selection and Adjustment in the Jewish Group in Montreal with Special Reference to the Medical Profession.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1942.