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Gillmor, Don. I Swear by Apollo...: Dr. Ewen Cameron, the CIA, and the Canadian Mind-Control Experiments. Montreal: Eden Press, 1986.
Cooper, George. Opinion of George Cooper, Q.C., Regarding Canadian Government Funding of the Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950’s and 1960’s / Opinion de M. George Cooper, C.R. Au Sujet Du Financement Par Le Gouvernement Canadien de l’Institut Allan Memorial Au Cours Des Années 1950 et 1960. Ottawa, ON: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1986.
Le temps. “M. E.B. Eddy Est Mort.” Asticou Vol. 33 (Décembre 1985): 5–9.
Annett, Kenneth. “The Davis Family of Gaspé (Part 1).” Gaspésie Vol. 23, no. 4 (Décembre 1985): 35–39.
Pringle, Allan. “Robert S. Duncanson in Montreal, 1863-1865.” Americal Art Journal Vol. 17, no. 4 (Autumn 1985): 28–50.
Igartua, José E. “‘Corporate’ Strategy and Locational Decision-Making: The Duke-Price Alcoa Merger, 1925.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 20, no. 3 (Autumn 1985): 82–101.
Fitzgerald, E. Keith. “Loyalist Stragglers in Montreal, September-October 1784.” Families Vol. 24, no. 1 (February 1985): 2–22.
Wagg, Susan. Ernest Isbell Barott, Architecte: Une Introduction/Ernest Isbell Barott, Architect: An Introduction. Montreal: Centre canadien d’architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1985.
Thibault, Charlotte. Samuel Brooks, entrepreneur et homme politique de Sherbrooke, 1793-1849. (Histoire des Cantons de l’Est, 7). Sherbrooke, QC: Département d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1985.
Stewart, Walter. True Blue: The Loyalist Legend. Toronto, ON: Collins, 1985.
Somerville, Alister. Hemmingford Then and Now. Hemmingford, QC: [s.n.], 1985.
Holder, Carol. Pennoyer Family History: Bristol, England, to Canada from 1614-1985, Direct Lineage from...and Jesse Pennoyer (1760-1825) American Revolutionary War Veteran, Immigrant to Canada, Surveyor of Compton County, Quebec, and His Descendants in Canada. Calgary, AB: Printer by Craftsman Printing & Graphics, 1985.
Brittain, Donald. Canada’s Sweetheart: The Saga of Hal C. Banks. Documentary & Biography. National Film Board of Canada, 1985.
Bellavance, Claude. “Patronat et entreprise au XXe siècle : l’exemple mauricien.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 38, no. 2 (Automne 1984): 181–201.
McDougall, David J. “A Outline of the Patterns of Non-French Speaking Settlement in Quebec in the 18th and 19th Centuries.” Connections Vol. 7, no. 1–2 (December 1984): 4-11-4–10.
Launitz-Schurer, Leopold S. “Feudal Revival or Republican Government: An Interpretation of the Loyalist Ideology of William Smith of New York.” Australian Journal of Politics and History Vol. 30, no. 2 (August 1984): 236–247.
Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch, U. E. L. Loyalists of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Historical Sketches and Biographical Descriptions and Annals and Narratives and Verse, by Various Writers. Stanbridge East, QC: Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch, U.E.L., 1984.
Quinn, Majella. L’immigration loyaliste au Québec. Québec: Parcs Canada, 1984.
Fitzgerald, E. Keith. Loyalist Lists: Over 2000 Loyalist Names and Families from the Haldimand Papers. Toronto, ON: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1984.
Dow, Cynthia, Raymond Garrett, and Norman Desjardins. The Loyalists of Gaspesia: 1784-1984. New Carlisle, QC: Committee for Anglophone Social Action, 1984.
Corupe, Linda. Index to the Loyalists of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Stanbridge East, QC: Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch, U.E.L., 1984.
Senior, Hereward. “Portrait of a Quebec Loyalist: William Smith of New York.” Loyalist Gazette Vol. 21, no. 2 (Autumn 1983): 11–12.
Ruch, John E. “When Loyalty Was Not Enough: The Losses Claims Commission in Old Quebec 1787-1788.” Loyalist Gazette Vol. 21, no. 2 (Autumn 1983): 17–18.
McDougall, David J. “The Gaspé Loyalists.” The Loyalist Gazette Vol. 21, no. 2 (Autumn 1983): 14–16.
Dubé, Philippe. “Faire l’histoire du pays visité : Charlevoix.” Loisir & Société Vol. 6, no. 1 (Printemps 1983): 211–228.
Ruch, John E. “Warm and Bold Hearts: The Montreal Platts.” Canadian Genealogist Vol. 5, no. 1 (March 1983): 30–43.
Lundgren, J.O.J. “The Market Area of the Turn of the Century Hotel: The Château Frontenac in Québec City.” Recreation Research Review Vol. 10, no. 3 (1983): 11–21.
Jacobs, Peter. “Frederick G. Todd and the Creation of Canada’s Urban Landscape.” APT Bulletin (Association for Preservation Technology) Vol. 15, no. 4 (1983): 27–34.
Feindel, William. “The Contributions of Wilder Penfield and the Montreal Neurological Institute to Canadian Neurosciences.” In Health, Disease and Medicine: Essays in Canadian History, edited by Charles G. Roland, 347–358. Toronto, ON: Published for the Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine by Clarke Irwin, 1983.
Dimock, Cathay. Search for the Loyalist (New Richmond). New Richmond, QC: Committee for Anglophone Social Action, 1983.
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