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25 resources
Vigo, Laura. “Then and Now: On Activating Sikh Visual and Material Culture at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA).” Sikh Research Journal Vol. 8, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 57–76.
Woodsworth, Judith. “Remaking Richler for French Canada: Translation as Remaniement.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 248 (2022): 149–157.
Lan, Kenneth. “Understanding the Orient : Dr. Kiang Kang-Hu and the Foundation to Chinese Studies in Canada.” Socioanthropic Studies Vol. 1, no. 1 (2020): 59–73.
Leofeli Romero Barlizo, Marie. “Diversity In Bloom In Montreal English Theatre.” TicArtToc, Spring 2018.
Heine, Samuel. “Les Chinois sur papier : étude des représentations du quartier chinois de Montréal et de ses habitants dans la presse (1930-1985).” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2018.
Wing, Emily. “On Different Sides of the Studio: Chinese Male and Female Sitters in Montreal’s Photographic Portraiture, Pre Exclusion Era (1885-1923).” Chrysalis: A Critical Student Journal of Transformative Art History Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2014): 77–90.
Chapman, Mary. “The ‘Thrill’ of Not Belonging: Edith Eaton (Sui Sin Far) and Flexible Citizenship.” Canadian Literature/Littérature canadienne Vol. 212 (Spring 2012): 191–195.
Boisvert, Mathieu. “Le temple tamoul Śri Murugan de Dollard-des-Ormeaux (Montréal): Mobilisation d’une communauté,construction physique et transmission d’une tradition ancestrale.” Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada /Journal de la Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada Vol. 37, no. 1 (2012): 37–43.
Samson, Christian. “Les représentations des travailleurs migrants : L’exemple des Chinois à Québec dans la presse quotidienne (1891-1926).” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 68 (Automne 2011): 117–137.
Quirk, Linda Elizabeth. “Breaking New Ground: The First Generation of Women to Work as Professional Authors in English Canada (1880-1920).” PhD dissertation, Queen’s University, 2011.
Kiely, Shannon. “Maids, Media, and Migration : Filipino News Media in Montreal and the Transnational Lives of Live-in Caregivers.” Master’s Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2011.
Herbert, Rhiannon. “Elephant in the City: An Analysis of Visual Culture and the Aesthetic Elsewhere of Indian Restaurants in Montreal, QC.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
Morris, Kim Chow. “‘Small Has No Inside, Big Has No Outside’: Montreal’s Chinese Diaspora Breaks Out/In Music.” MUSICultures: Canadian Society for Traditional Music/Société canadienne pour les traditions musicales Vol. 36 (2009): 49–82.
Li, Yanhong. “Les médias chinois à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2009.
French, Scott. “Cold Welcome: Stereotypes and Xenophobia in Early Press Portrayals of Chinese Quebecers.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 4, no. 11 (October 2008): 6–7.
Cha, Jonathan. “La représentation symbolique dans le contexte de la mondialisation : L’exemple de la construction identitaire du quartier chinois de Montréal.” Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada/Journal de la Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada Vol. 29, no. 3–4 (2004): 3–18.
Wilson, Hayley. “The Practice and Meaning of Bonsai, Ikebana, and Tea in Montreal and Abroad: A Case Study of the Processes of Cultural Globalization.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2002.
Hallak, Mahmoud Essam. “Privacy in Homes of Shammy Muslim Immigrants: A Study of Privacy Patterns in Single-Family Detached Homes and Townhouses of Middle-Class Immigrants in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2000.
Insaf, Zeenat S. “A Neighborhood That Empowers Women : In Search of Housing Sustainability.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1999.
Allor, Martin. “Locating Cultural Activity: The ‘Main’ as Chronotope and Heterotopia.” Topia Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 42–54.
Ahmed, Shameem. “Imagining Ethnicity: Role of the Montreal Bangladeshi Press in Ethnic Cohesion.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1997.
Doyle, James. “Sui Sin Far and Onoto Watanna : Two Early Chinese-Canadian Authors.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 140 (Spring 1994): 50–58.
Morrison, Val M. “Beyond Physical Boundaries: The Symbolic Construction of Chinatown.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1992.
Jansen, Catholyn K. “A Case Study of a Learning Practitioner’s Processes in an English Language Acquisition Program.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1992.
Hoe, Ban Seng. “Folktales and Social Structure: The Case of the Chinese in Montreal.” Canadian Museum of History / Musée Canadien de l’histoire. Last modified 1979.