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Olson, Sherry. “Ethnic Strategies in the Urban Economy.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 23, no. 2 (1991): 39–64.
Benoît, Michèle, and Roger Gratton. Pignon sur rue : Les quartiers de Montréal. Montréal et Québec: Guérin et Ville de Montréal et Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1991.
Drouin, François. “La population urbaine de Québec, 1795-1971. Origines et autres caractéristiques de recensement.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 19, no. 1 (Printemps 1990): 95–112.
Saint-Laurent, Marie-France. “Le Pique-nique des Orangistes de Megantic : temps de socialisation et d’affirmation.” Culture & Tradition: The Canadian Graduate Student Journal of Folklore and Ethnology Vol. 14 (1990): 33–49.
Allison, Sam, and James Wilson. The Father Dowd Home: One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Service to the Community. Montreal: James Wilson and Sam Allison, 1990.
Shanahan, David. “The Irish Question in Canada: Ireland, the Irish and Canadian Politics, 1880-1922.” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1989.
Hare, John, Marc Lafrance, and David-Thiery Ruddel. Histoire de la ville de Québec, 1608-1871. Montréal et Ottawa: Boréal Express et Musée canadien des civilisations, 1989.
Bourguignon, Claude. “Pratiques alimentaires irlandaises dans un contexte culturel franco-québécois rural : spécificité, acculturation, apport culturel (1821-1920).” In Alimentation et régions, edited by Jean Peltre and Claude Thouvenot, 275–297. Nancy, France: Presses universitaires de Nancy, 1989.
Bernatchez, Ginette. “Un disciple de pasteur: Michael Joseph Ahern (1844-1914).” Cap-aux-Diamants Special Issue (1989): 37–38.
Winter, Hal. “The Montreal Irish.” Language and Society No. 22 (Spring 1988): 18–19.
Skilling, George. Roman Catholic Cemetery, Danville, Quebec, Richmond County. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1988.
Posen, Ira Sheldon. For Singing and Dancing and All Sorts of Fun: The Story of the Ottawa Valley’s Most Famous Song, The Chapeau Boys. Toronto, ON: Deneau, 1988.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. “The Irish in Quebec.” In The Untold Story: The Irish in Canada. Volume 1, edited by Robert O’Driscoll and Lorna Reynolds, 253–261. Toronto, ON: Celtic Arts of Canada, 1988.
Léger, Ronald. Mariages de La Paroisse Holy Family de Montréal, 1926-1987. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC: Ronald Léger, 1988.
Burns, Robin B. “Who Shall Separate Us? The Montreal Irish and the Great War.” In The Untold Story: The Irish in Canada. Volume 2, edited by Robert O’Driscoll and Lorna Reynolds, 571–583. Toronto, ON: Celtic Arts of Canada, 1988.
Pedersen, Diana L. “The Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada, 1870-1920: ‘A Movement to Meet the Spiritual, Civic and National Need.’” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1987.
Ó Gormaile, Pádraig. “Une minorité ambiguë: les Irlandais du Québec vus par Jacques Perron.” Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies No. 21 (1987): 277–284.
Metcalfe, Alan. Canada Learns to Play: The Emergence of Organized Sport in Canada, 1807-1914. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 1987.
Lambton, Gunda. “Irish Surnames of the Gatineau.” Up the Gatineau Vol. 13 (1987): 13–20.
Dinan, J. J. St. Mary’s Hospital: The Early Years. Montreal: Optimum Publishing International, 1987.
Dahlie, Hallvard. “Brian Moore - Biocritical Essay.” In The Brian Moore Papers, First Accession and Second Accession: An Inventory of the Archive at the University of Calgary Libraries, edited by Jean F. Tener and Apollonia Steele, by Marlys Chevrefils, ix-xxiii p. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press, 1987.
Choquette, Richard. “Les associations volontaires et le changement social : Sherbrooke, 1855-1909.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 1987.
Brady, Gérard. Une Bien Belle Histoire, 1837-1987 : 150e Anniversaire de La Paroisse Marie-Reine-Du-Monde et Saint-Patrice de Rawdon / Rawdon, A Human Mosaic: Marie Reine Du Monde and St. Patrick’s Parish, 1837-1987. Rawdon, QC: Gérard Brady, 1987.
Vigneault, Michel. “La diffusion du hockey à Montréal, 1895-1910.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l’histoire des sports Vol. 17, no. 1 (1986): 60–74.
Paquette, Mario. “Les communautés ethniques et rituelles dans le diocèse de Montréal, 1836-1986.” In L’Église de Montréal aperçus d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, 1836-1986, edited by Rolland Litalien, 340–366. Montréal: Fides, 1986.
Catholic Times. “The English-Speaking Catholic People of Montreal.” In L’Église de Montréal, 1836-1986: Aperçus d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, edited by Rolland Litalien, 318–339. Montréal: Fides, 1986.
Rainville, Alain. “The Grosse Ile Quarantine Station: 1832 to 1937.” The Archivist Vol. 12, no. 5 (October 1985): 8.
Vigneault, Michel. “The Cultural Diffusion of Hockey in Montreal, 1890-1910.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1985.
Moir, John S. “A Shared Vision? The Catholic Register and Canadian Identity before World War I.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens Vol. 7 (1985): 356–366.
Burns, Robin B. “The Montreal Irish and the Great War.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies Vol. 52 (1985): 67–81.
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