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King, Jason. “The Remembrance of Irish Famine Migrants in the Fever Sheds of Montreal.” 245–266, n.d.
Morrin, Jos. “Cholera at Quebec.” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal Vol. 6, no. 24 (July 25, 1832): 379–382.
Farley, Charles A. A Sermon Preached in the Unitarian Chapel, Montreal, on Wednesday, 6th February, 1833: Being a Day Appointed for Public Thanksgiving, by His Excellency, the Governor-in-Chief, for Deliverance from the Ravages of the Cholera. Montreal: Published by request, 1833.
Ferrie, Adam. Letter to the Right Hon. Earl Grey, One of Her Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council, and Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs: Embracing a Statement of Facts in Relation to Emigration to Canada during the Summer of 1847. Montreal: The Pilot, 1847.
Whyte, Robert. The Ocean Plague, or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel: Embracing a Quarantine at Grosse Isle in 1847 with Notes Illustrative of the Ship-Pestilence of That Fatal Year. By a Cabin Passenger. Boston, MA: Coolidge and Wiley, 1848.
Lever, Charles James. The Confessions of Con Cregan: The Irish Gil Blas. 2 vols. vols. London, UK: W.S. Orr, 1849.
Bigsby, John J. The Shoe and Canoe, Or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas Illustrative of Their Scenery and of Colonial Life; With Facts and Opinions on Emigration, State Policy and Other Points of Public Interest. 2 vols. London, England: Chapman and Hall, 1850.
Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier. “William Evans, l’agronome.” Journal de l’instruction publique Vol. 1, no. 2 (Février 1857): 33–34.
Boxer, Frederick N. Hunter’s Hand Book of the Victoria Bridge, Illustrated with Wood-Cuts; A Brief History of the Wonderful Work, from the Time That the First Practical Idea for Its Construction Was Submitted to the Public in 1846, up to Its Completion in 1859; Also a Short Sketch of the Lives of the Celebrated Stephensons. Montreal: Hunter and Pickup, printed by John Lovell, 1860.
Mountain, Armine W. A Memoir of George Jehoshaphat Mountain, D.D., D.C.L., Late Bishop of Quebec. Montreal: John Lovell, 1866.
Curran, J. J., ed. Golden Jubilee of the Reverend Fathers Dowd and Toupin: With Historical Sketch of Irish Community of Montreal, Biographies of Pastors of “Recollet” and “St. Patrick’s”, Etc. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1887.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. The Explorations of Jonathan Oldbuck, F.G.S.Q., in Eastern Latitudes. Canadian History - Legends - Scenery - Sport. Quebec: L.-J. Demers, 1889.
Shortis, Valentine. The Queen vs. F.V.C. Shortis : English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax and A.A. Urquhart, Official Stenographers to the Court. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1895.
Saint-Pierre, Henri Césaire. Affaire Shortis : plaidoyer de mtre H. C. Saint-Pierre, c.r. pour la défense de Valentine Shortis accusé de meutre : audiences des 29, 30 et 31 octobre 1895. Montréal: C. O. Beauchemin & fils, 1896.
Shortis, Valentine. Documents relatifs à la commutation de la sentence de mort dans la cause de Valentine F.C. Shortis. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1896.
The Grosse-Isle Monument Commemorative Souvenir Issued on the Occasion of the Unveiling, on August 15th, 1909, of the Monument Erected to the Irish Victims of the Plague of 1847-48. Quebec: Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1909.
Jordan, J. A. The Grosse Isle Tragedy and the Monument to the Irish Fever Victims, 1847: Reprinted with Additional Information and Illustrations; from the Daily Telegraph’s Commemorative Souvenir, Issued on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the National Memorial.. Quebec: The Telegraph Printing Company, 1909.
Guerin, Bellelle Guerin. John Easton Mills: The Martyr Mayor of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1911.
Johnson, Stanley C. A History of Emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912. London, UK: G. Routledge & Sons, 1913.
Lighthall, W. D. “English Settlement in Quebec.” In Canada and Its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, Vol. 15, edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty, 121–164. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.
Desbras (Pseud. ). “Les Irlandais dans Sainte-Anne-du-Sud.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 28, no. 10 (October 1922): 289–291.
Skelton, Isabel. The Life of Thomas D’Arcy McGee. Gardenvale, QC: Garden City Press, 1925.
Robert, Percy A. “Dufferin District: An Area in Transition.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1928.
Gravel, Albert. Histoire du Lac Mégantic. Sherbrooke, QC: La Tribune, 1931.
Tucker, Gilbert. “The Famine Immigration to Canada, 1847.” American Historical Review Vol. 36, no. 3 (April 1931): 532–546.
Adams, William Fobes. Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World from 1815 to the Famine. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1932.
Davidson, Mary H. “The Social Adjustment of British Immigrant Families in Verdun and Point St. Charles.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1933.
Coffey, Agnes. “George Edward Clerk, Founder of the True Witness, A Pioneer of Catholic Action.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report (1935 1934): 45–59.
Cannon, Robert. “Edward Cannon, 1739-1814.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association (Report -1936 1935): 11–22.
Gallagher, John A. “The Irish Emigration of 1847 and Its Canadian Consequences.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report Vol. 3 (36 1935): 43–57.
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