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Williams, Dorothy W. They “Could Care for Our Elderly in Our Homes”: The Historical Impact of Black Caregivers. [QUESCREN Working Paper no. 10]. Montreal: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, Concordia University, 2023.
Portolese, Marisa, and Vincent Bonin. Goose Village. Montreal: Marisa Portolese, 2023.
Gauvreau, Danielle, Sherry Olson, and Patricia Thornton. “Dynamiques démographiques à Montréal, 1880-1900.” In Le fait urbain, edited by Claude Bellavance and Marc St-Hilaire. [Atlas historique du Québec]. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises/CIEQ, 2022.
Apple, Matthew T. “Irish-Canadian Intercultural Relations in Quebec: An Historical Overview.” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (立命館言語文化研究) Vol. 32, no. 4 (2021): 113–130.
Sweeny, Robert C. H. “Divvying up Space : Housing Segregation and National Identity in Early Twentieth-Century Montréal.” In Sharing Spaces : Essays in Honour of Sherry Olson, edited by Robert C. H. Sweeny, 111–128. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2020.
Ó hAllmhuráin, Gearóid. The Lost Children of The Carricks. Documentary. Celtic Crossings Productions, 2019.
Donovan, Patrick. “The Boundaries of Charity : The Impact of Ethnic Relations on Private Charitable Services for Quebec City’s English-Speakers, 1759-1900.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2019.
Lauzon, Gilles. “Vivre dans un quartier ouvrier de Montréal vers 1930.” Histoire Québec Vol. 23, no. 1 (2017): 23–27.
Bur, Justin, Yves Desjardins, Jean-Claude Robert, Bernard Vallée, and Joshua Wolfe. Dictionnaire historique du Plateau Mont-Royal. Montréal: Écosociété, 2017.
Fougères, Dany, and Roderick MacLeod, eds. Montreal: The History of a North American City. 2 vols. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Rodrigue, Jolyne. “Le peuplement du Canton de Leeds au XIXe siècle : Des pionniers de passage.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 124 (Hiver 2016): 8–11.
Ó hAllmhuráin, Gearóid. “The Carricks of Whitehaven: Irish Famine Dinnsheanchas in the New World.” In Landscape Values: Place and Praxis, edited by Tim Collins, Gesche Kindermann, Conor Newman, and Nessa Cronin, 240–243. Galway, Ireland: Centre for Landscape Studies, National University of Ireland Galway, 2016.
King, Jason. “French-Canadian and Irish Memories of Montreal’s Famine Migration of 1847.” edited by Patrick Fitzgerald, Christine Kinealy, and Gerard Moran, 95–106. West Haven, CT: Quinnipiac University Press, 2015.
Gauvreau, Danielle, and Patricia Thornton. “Marrying ‘the Other’: Trends and Determinants of Culturally Mixed Marriages in Québec, 1880-1940.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 47, no. 3 (2015): 111–141.
Leduc, Jean-Marc. “La figure de l’Irlandais au Québec : perspectives historiques et littéraires (1815-1922).” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2014.
Lauzon, Gilles. Pointe-Saint-Charles : L’urbanisation d’un quartier ouvrier de Montréal, 1830-1940. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Jolivet, Simon, Isabelle Matte, and Linda Cardinal, eds. Le Québec et l’Irlande. Culture, histoire, identité. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Lauzon, Gilles. Trois familles à Pointe-Saint-Charles de 1850 à 1900 : visite patrimoniale autoguidée. Montréal: SHPSC, Société d’histoire de Pointe-Saint-Charles, 2013.
Routhier, Bernard. Glanures historiques : Leeds et ses environs. Thetford Mines, QC: Société de généalogie et d’histoire de la région de Thetford Mines, 2012.
King, Jason. “Remembering Famine Orphans: The Transmission of Famine Memory between Ireland and Quebec.” In Holodomor and Gorta Mór: Histories, Memories and Representations of Famine in Ukraine and Ireland, edited by Christian Noack, Lindsay Janssen, and Vincent Comerford, 115–144. London, UK; New York, NY; Delhi, India: Anthem Press, 2012.
Gossage, Peter, and J. I. Little. An Illustrated History of Quebec: Tradition & Modernity. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Piché, Victor. “Catégories ethniques et linguistiques au Québec : quand compter est une question de survie.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 40, no. 1 (Printemps 2011): 139–154.
Gilliland, Jason A., Sherry Olson, and Danielle Gauvreau. “Did Segregation Increase as the City Expanded? The Case of Montreal, 1881-1901.” Social Science History Vol. 35, no. 4 (Winter 2011): 465–503.
Olson, Sherry, and Patricia Thornton. Peopling the North American City: Montreal, 1840-1900. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.
Martel, Marcel, and Martin Pâquet. Langue et politique au Canada et au Québec : une synthèse historique. Montréal: Boréal, 2010.
McGee, Robert. A Young Person’s Introduction to the Chateauguay Valley: Settlement of the Valley. Huntingdon, QC: The Innismacsaint Press, 2009.
Nadeau-Saumier, Monique. “The Impact of Immigration on Art, History and Architecture.” Histoire Québec, 2008.
Gauvreau, Danielle, and Sherry Olson. “Mobilité sociale dans une ville industrielle nord-américaine : Montréal, 1880-1900.” Annales de démographie historique Vol. 115, no. 1 (2008): 89–114.
Gauvreau, Danielle, Sherry Olson, and Patricia A. Thonton. “The Harsh Welcome of an Industrial City: Immigrant Women in Montreal, 1880-1900.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 40, no. 80 (November 2007): 345–380.
Letendre, Maude, Louis Houde, Hélène Vézina, and Marc Tremblay. “La contribution des Irlandais au patriomoine génétique de la population québécoise.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 88 (Hiver 2007): 10–12.
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