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Stock, Sandra. “Public Art In Montreal: Messages from the Past and to the Future.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2024.
Darch, Heather. “Lost Corners: Where in the World Is Puddledock?” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2024.
Darch, Heather. “The Whistling Chautauqua Girl.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2024.
MacLeod, Roderick. “The High Ground: Mansions, Mythology, and the Mountain.” In Montreal’s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole, edited by Dimitry Anastakis, Elizabeth Kirkland, and Don Nerbas, 21-51p. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
Lacasse, Chantal. Le Québec anglophone distinct du reste du Canada? La communauté anglo-québécoise au prisme des éditoriaux de The Gazette de 1976 à 1982. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2024.
Kirkland, Elizabeth, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Searching for Intimacies beyond the Notman Photographs: The Case of Amy Redpath Roddick.” In Montreal’s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole, edited by Dimitry Anastakis and Don Nerbas, 179–215. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
Fonda, Nick, and Barry Husk. Voices Lost in Time: The Anglophone Legacy of a Small Quebec City. Drummondville, QC: Société d’histoire de Drummondville, 2024.
Bérubé, Harold. “The Death of the Golden Square Mile? Understanding the Transformation of an Urban District, 1945-1985.” In Montreal’s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole, edited by Dimitry Anastakis, Elizabeth Kirkland, and Don Nerbas, 383–414. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
Bérubé, Harold. “Selling the Suburbs to Montrealers: Advertising Discourse and Strategies, 1950–1970.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada Vol. 34, no. 2 (2024): 3–37.
Adams, Annmarie. “‘Glad of Your Help’: Scottish Architects in Montreal, 1860-1940.” In Montreal’s Square Mile: The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole, edited by Dimitry Anastakis, Elizabeth Kirkland, and Don Nerbas, 279–311. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
Rainey, Gordon, and Glenn Patterson. “The Inimitable Graham Townsend: A Canadian Fiddle Legend’s Quebec Roots.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2023.
Meredith, Mark. “Eminently Picturesque: Domaine Cataraqui, Chemin Saint-Louis, Quebec City.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2023.
Hanna, David B. “Westmount Station: Canadian Pacific History and Future Visioning.” The Westmount Historian, September 2023.
Meredith, Mark. “The Grandest Town Residence: David Ross’ House, St. Gabriel Street.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2023.
Kiley, Deborah, and Kerry Ann King. “Shannon Irish Show: A History in the Making.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2023.
Moyes, Lianne. “Voyages sans retour: les nouvelles de Mavis Gallant.” Voix et Images Vol. 48, no. 2 (Hiver 2023): 57–69.
Hurley, Erin. “Changing States: The Well-Being of English Language Theater in Quebec.” In Theater and Human Flourishing, edited by Harvey Young, 154–177. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Doyon, Julie S. Mission New Liverpool : l’histoire de sa communauté anglicane et de son église. Québec: Septentrion, 2023.
Desjardins, Yves. L’avenue du Parc et son histoire : témoin privilégié de la diversité montréalaise. Québec: Septentrion, 2023.
Cooke, Dervila. Indigenous and Transcultural Narratives in Québec : Ways of Belonging. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Anderson, Matthew R. Prophets of Love: The Unlikely Kinship of Leonard Cohen and the Apostle Paul. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Mills, Sean, Eric Fillion, and Désirée Rochat, eds. Statesman of the Piano: Jazz, Race, and History in the Life of Lou Hooper. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Stock, Sandra. “Under the Sun: Dominion Square’s Insurance Showcase.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Bur, Justin. “St. Michael’s Legacy : In Search of Irish Mile End.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2022.
Wilson, John. “Wilson’s Westernaires : Square Dancing in the Chateauguay Valley.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Nigam, Sunita, and Fabian Will. “Black in the Townships : Exhibit Research Grapples with Uncomfortable Truths and Fragmented Archives.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Wilkins, Robert N. Grandad’s Montreal, 1901. [Montreal]: Corner Studio, 2022.
Walters, Evelyn. Prudence Heward : Canadian Modernist Painter. Altona, MB: FriesenPress, 2022.
Trépanier, Esther. Scott, Brandtner, Eveleigh, Webber : Revisiting Montreal Abstraction of the 1940s. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, Les presses de l’Université de Montréal and the Musée d’art de Joliette, 2022.
Rosenblatt Mauer, Shana. Mordecai Richler’s Imperfect Search for Moral Values. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
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