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Polèse, Mario. “Petite promenade dans NDG et quartiers avoisinants : le dilemme linguistique québécois (et canadien).” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 339–354. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Lamarre, Patricia. “Une approche ethnographique dans l’analyse de la situation linguistique québécoise.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 236–257. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Hirsch, Sivane, and Corina Borri-Anadon. “Making Diversity in Rural Areas Visible: A Changing Perspective for Rural Schools in Quebec.” In Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, edited by Clark Banack and Dionne Pohler, 47–72. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press, 2023.
Corbeil, Jean-Pierre. “Une lecture plus nuancée de l’état de la situation linguistique au Québec en 2023.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 42–92. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Rodgers, Guy Rex. “Waves of Change : Experiencing the Turbulent Years.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Kircher, Ruth, Erin Quirk, Melanie Brouillard, Alexa Ahooja, Susan Ballinger, Linda Polka, and Krista Byers-Heinlein. “Quebec-Based Parents’ Attitudes Towards Childhood Multilingualism: Evaluative Dimensions and Potential Predictors.” Journal of Language and Social Psychology Vol. 4, no. 5 (2022): 527–552.
Kircher, Ruth. “Intergenerational Language Transmission in Quebec: Patterns and Predictors in the Light of Provincial Language Planning.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Vol. 25, no. 2 (2022): 418–435.
Bourhis, Richard Y. “Group Vitality, Language Policies and the French and English-Speaking Communities of Quebec.” In Language, Policy and Territory : A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams, edited by Wilson McLeod, Robert Dunbar, Kathryn Jones, and John Walsh, 277–302. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Ballinger, Susan, Melanie Brouillard, Alexa Ahooja, Ruth Kircher, Linda Polka, and Krista Byers-Heinlein. “Intersections of Official and Family Language Policy in Quebec.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 43, no. 7 (2022): 614–628.
Lacroix, Frédéric. Un libre choix? : cégeps anglais et étudiants internationaux : détournement, anglicisation et fraude. Montréal: Mouvement Québec français, 2021.
Fournier, Marcel. Les premiers Italiens au Québec : 1665-1860. Québec: Les Éditions GID, 2021.
Sweeny, Robert C. H. “Divvying up Space : Housing Segregation and National Identity in Early Twentieth-Century Montréal.” In Sharing Spaces : Essays in Honour of Sherry Olson, edited by Robert C. H. Sweeny, 111–128. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2020.
Fletcher, Raquel. Who Belongs in Quebec? Identity Politics in a Changing Society. Montreal: Linda Leith Publishing, 2020.
Farges, Patrick. “Transnational Yekkishkeit from a Canadian Perspective.” In Refugees from Nazi-Occupied Europe in British Overseas Territories, edited by Swen Steinberg and Anthony Grenville, 21–45. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Rodopi, 2020.
Cooke, Nathalie. “Montreal in the Canadian Culinary Imagination.” In Canadian Culinary Imaginations, edited by Shelley Boyd and Dorothy Barenscott, 117–145. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
Cooke, Dervila. “’Let Me Explain: This Is Who I Am’ : Interview with Anita Aloisio with Introduction by Dervila Cooke.” In Citizenship and Belonging in France and North America : Multicultural Perspectives on Political, Cultural and Artistic Representations of Immigration, edited by Ramona Mielusel and Simona Emilia Pruteanu, 151–168. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Castonguay, Charles. Le français en chute libre : la nouvelle dynamique des langues au Québec. Montréal: Mouvement Québec français, 2020.
Grenier, Gilles. “Quebec’s Language Policy and Economic Globalization.” Language Problems and Language Planning Vol. 43, no. 2 (July 2019): 179–197.
Voldřichová Beránková, Eva. “Symbiose ou ‘solitude à trois’ ? Le théâtre yiddish à Montréal face aux communautés francophone et anglophone.” In Kanade, di Goldene Medine? : Perspectives on Canadian-Jewish Literature and Culture / Perspectives sur la litterature et la culture juives canadiennes, edited by Krzysztof Majer, Justyna Fruzińska, Józef Kwaterko, and Norman Ravvin, 205–217. Leiden, The Netherlands & Boston, MA: Brill, 2019.
Simon, Sherry. “Chava Rosenfarb, le yiddish et Montréal.” In Kanade, di Goldene Medine? : Perspectives on Canadian-Jewish Literature and Culture / Perspectives sur la litterature et la culture juives canadiennes, edited by Krzysztof Majer, Justyna Fruzińska, Józef Kwaterko, and Norman Ravvin, 191–204. Leiden, The Netherlands & Boston, MA: Brill, 2019.
Paquet, Roseline G., and Catherine Levasseur. “When Bilingualism Isn’t Enough: Perspectives of New Speakers of French on Multilingualism in Montreal.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 40, no. 5 (2019): 375–391.
Paillé, Michel. “Succès et faiblesses de l’ intégration des immigrants par la scolarisation obligatoire en français au Québec.” Language Problems and Language Planning Vol. 43, no. 2 (2019): 135–158.
Dagenais, Michèle. “Montreal in the Twentieth Century : Trajectories of a City under Strains.” In New World Cities: Challenges of Urbanization and Globalization in the Americas, edited by John Tutino and Martin V. Melsoi, 169–209. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2019.
Castonguay, Charles. “Quebec’s New Language Dynamic : French Fading Fast.” Language Problems and Language Planning Vol. 43, no. 2 (2019): 113–134.
Lo, Ernest, Mai Thanh Tu, Normand Trempe, and Nathalie Auger. “Linguistic Mortality Gradients in Quebec and the Role of Migrant Composition.” Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue canadienne de santé publique Vol. 109, no. 1 (February 2018): 15–26.
Cancian, Sonia. “‘My Dear, How Different Life Is Here in America…’: A Young Italian Woman’s Impressions of Postwar Montreal.” In Engaging with Diversity. Multidisciplinary Reflections on Plurality in Quebec, edited by Stéphan Gervais, Iacovino, and Mary Anne Poutanen, 439–456. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2018.
Boucher, Francis. La grande déception : dialogue avec les exclus de l’indépendance. Montréal: Éditions Somme toute, 2018.
Lacasse, Simon-Pierre. “À la croisée de la Révolution tranquille et du judaïsme orthodoxe : l’implantation de la communauté hassidique des Tasher au coeur du Québec francophone et catholique (1962-1967).” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 50, no. 102 (November 2017): 399–422.
Piché, Victor. “The Politics of Numbers : Quebec’s Historical Struggle with Ethnic and Linguistic Categories.” Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 40, no. 13 (October 2017): 2318–2325.
Grams, Grant W. “Gustav Hittler, Bund Organizer in Montreal and Return Migrant to Germany.” Québec Studies Vol. 63 (June 2017): 139–162.
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