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Montréal fin-de-siècle : histoire de la métropole du Canada au dix-neuvième siècle. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1899.
Woodward, Jas. R. Sherbrooke Illustrated : Containing A Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location : Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power ; Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, Surrounded by a Beautifully Picturesque Country. Sherbrooke, QC: published under the auspices of the City Council and Board of Trade by W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
Sherbrooke Illustrated: Containing a Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location, Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power, Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, ... Sherbrooke, QC: W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 4 (July 1897): 343–360.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 3 (April 1897): 235–252.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 2 (January 1897): 129–144.
Rosa, Narcisse. La construction des navires à Québec et ses environs. Grèves et naufragés. Québec: Imprimerie Léger Brousseau, 1897.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 1 (October 1896): 1–19.
Germano, Joseph. “L’auberge de Joe Beef.” La revue nationale Vol. 1 (1895): 634–638.
Thompson, F. C. “Sherbrooke, The Metropolis of the Eastern Townships.” In Sherbrooke City Directory for 1892-93, 13–22. Royer: J.-P., 1893.
Montreal Board of Trade. Semi-Centennial Report: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for 1892. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Semi-Centennial Report of the Montreal Board of Trade: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for the Year Ending 31st December 1892. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Borthwick, John Douglas. History and Biographical Gazetteer of Montreal. Montreal: John Lovell, 1892.
Special Number of the Dominion Illustrated Devoted to Montreal, the Commercial Metropolis of Canada. Montreal: Sabiston Lithographic & Publishing Co, 1891.
Huttemeyer, K. G. C. Les intérêts commerciaux de Montréal et Québec et leurs manufactures. Montréal: Imprimerie de la Gazette, 1889.
Le commerce de Montréal et de Québec et leurs industries en 1889. Montréal: J.J. Kane & Cie, 1889.
The Commerce of Montreal and Its Manufactures. Montreal: G. Bishop, 1888.
Carnival Commercial Guide & Programme for 1887 to Visitors and Merchants. [S.l.]: Published by Jos. L. Wiseman, 162 St. James Street, 1887.
Industries of Canada. City of Montreal. Historical and Descriptive Review. Leading Firms and Moneyed Institutions. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1886.
Langelier, J. C. A Sketch on Gaspesia. Québec: J. Dussault, 1884.
Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Mechanics’ Institute of Montreal, with the Rules of the Library and Reading Room. Montreal: McQueen & Corneil, 1884.
A Few Words on the Savings Banks in Eastern and Western Canada, and Particularly on the “Montreal City and District” from Its Establishment. Montreal: Printed by John Lovell & Son, 1884.
Massiah, Christopher William, ed. The Quebec Railway Statutes: A Compilation of All Railway Charters Granted, with the Amendments Thereto, Up To and Including the Session of 1883; With a Copious Alphabetical Index. Quebec: Augustin Coté, 1883.
Murphy, Edward. “Notes on the Positions Held in Montreal in the First Half of This Century by Americans.” Ottawa, ON, 1882.
Grant, George M., ed. Picturesque Canada: The Country As It Was And Is. 2 vols. Toronto, ON: Belden Brothers, 1882.
Dorwin, J. H. “Montreal in 1816. Reminiscences of Mr. J.H. Dorwin. What Our Fathers Did When They Were Boys - Laying the Foundations of the City’s Wealth and Prosperity - ... - ‘The Good Old Times’ - Food For Reflection and Facts for Future Reference.” The Montreal Daily Star. Montreal, February 5, 1881.
Norris, John F. The Consolidated Bank of Canada. A Compilation. Montreal: The Montreal Herald Printing and Publishing Company, 1879.
White, Robert S. General Review of the Trade of Montreal: Also a Synopsis of the Commerce of Canada. Montreal: T. and R. White, 1878.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. Quebec Past and Present: A History of Quebec, 1608-1876 In Two Parts. Quebec: Augustin Coté & Co., 1876.
Brown, Thomas Storrow. “Montreal Fifty Years Ago.” New Dominion Monthly (March 1870): 19–29.
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