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Carr, Thomas M. “J.-P. Frénais’s Sabotage of Frances Brooke’s Colonial Agenda in The History of Emily Montague: The ‘Province of Quebec’ Viewed from Paris.” Québec Studies Vol. 74, no. 1 (2022): 117–137.
Vincent, Josée, and Marie-Pier Luneau, eds. Dictionnaire historique des gens du livre au Québec. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université Montréal, 2022.
Leconte, Marie. “An Ultraminor Literature: English Writing in Montreal.” In Translation and the Global City : Bridges and Gateways, edited by Judith Weisz Woodsworth, 19 pages. Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Anctil, Pierre. “The Jews of Montreal: At the Crossroads of Languages and Translation.” In Translation and the Global City : Bridges and Gateways, edited by Judith Weisz Woodsworth, 21 pages. Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Bernard, Michèle. “Les étonnants univers de David Homel.” Nuit blanche, magazine littéraire, Hiver 2020.
Merola, Lidia. “Barney’s Version : Une traduction mise en échec.” À rayons ouverts: Bulletin de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Printemps-Ét 2019.
Lane-Mercier, Gillian. “From English into French. Literary Translation as a Measure of the (Inter)Cultural Vitality of Quebec’s Anglophone Communities.” In Engaging with Diversity : Multidisciplinary Reflections on Plurality from Quebec, edited by Stéphan Gervais, Raffaele Iacovino, and Mary Anne Poutanen, 457–476. Bruxelles, Belgique: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2018.
Simon, Sherry. “Yiddish and Multilingual Urban Space in Montreal.” In The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Jewish Cultures, edited by Nadia Valman and Laurence Roth, 272–285. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014.
McDonough Dolmaya, Julie. “1992: Through Translation, Mordecai Richler’s Oh Canada! Oh Quebec! Generates Controversy in English and French.” In Translation Effects: The Shaping of Modern Canadian Culture, edited by Kathy Mezei, Sherry Simon, and Luise von Flotow, 262–270. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Lane-Mercier, Gillian. “From Plurilingualism and Translation Effects to Sutures and Crypto-Languages: Variations on the Theme of the Two Solitudes in the Contemporary Anglo-Québec Novel.” In Modern Canada: Prejudices, Stereotypes, Authenticity, edited by Jelena Novaković and Vladimir Gvozden, 23–32. Belgrade, Serbia: Megatrend University Press, 2013.
Fraser, Graham. “F.R. Scott and the Poetry of Translation.” In In Translation: Honouring Sheila Fischman, 13–25. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Lane-Mercier, Gillian. “Le rôle des écrivains-traducteurs dans la construction d’une littérature anglo-québécoise : Philip Stratford, David Homel, Gail Scott.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Fall 2012): 128–157.
Ellenwood, Ray. “David Homel in the Writing Community of Quebec.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Fall 2012): 158–169.
McDonough, Julie. “Framed! Translations, Paratexts and Narratives of Nationalism, Independence Movements and the 1980/1995 Referenda in Canada, 1968-2000 with Special Focus on Mordecai Richler’s ‘Oh Canada! Oh Quebec!’ And Pierre Vallières’ ‘Nègres Blancs d’Amérique.’” PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 2009.
Skallerup, Lee. “Montreal via Paris: Mordecai Richler in French.” In Traduire Depuis Les Marges / Translating from the Margins, edited by Denise Merkle, Jane Koustas, and Glen Nichols, 365–383. Québec: Éditions Nota bene, 2008.
Zylberberg, Sonia. “Lost in Translation? Transition From Yiddish to English in Montreal Jewish Literature.” In New Readings of Yiddish Montreal/Traduire Le Montréal Yiddish/Taytshn Un Ibertaytshn Yiddish in Montreol, edited by Pierre Anctil, Norman Ravvin, and Sherry Simon, 86–92. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Simon, Sherry. “A.M. Klein as Pimontel: The Risks of Diasporic Translation.” In New Readings of Yiddish Montreal/Traduire Le Montréal Yiddish/Taytshn Un Ibertaytshn Yiddish in Montreol, edited by Pierre Anctil, Norman Ravvin, and Sherry Simon, 65–71. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Quennet, Fabienne. “From Beautiful Losers to No Logo!: German Readings of Jewish Canadian Writing.” In Translating Canada. Charting the Institutions and Influences of Cultural Transfer: Canadian Writing in German/y, edited by Luise von Flotow and Reingard M. Nischik, 143–163. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Morgentaler, Goldie. “Yiddish Montreal Lost and Regained: The Recuperative Power of the Translated Word.” In New Readings of Yiddish Montreal/Traduire Le Montréal Yiddish/Taytshn Un Ibertaytshn Yiddish in Montreol, edited by Pierre Anctil, Norman Ravvin, and Sherry Simon, 103–109. Ottawa, ON: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Godbout, Patricia. “Glassco Virtuoso.” In Writing Between the Lines: Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators, edited by Agnes Whitfield, 37–52. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006.
Frankland, Marie. “Babel : traduire l’Autre; suivi de La chaise berçante.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2004.
Dumas, Patricia. “La naissance de la traduction officielle au Canada, et son impact politique et culturel sous le gouvernement militaire et civil du général James Murray, Québec (septembre 1759 à juin 1766).” Master’s Thesis, York University, 2004.
Simon, Sherry. “Hybrid Montreal: The Shadows of Language.” The Journal of Twentieth-Century/Contemporary French Studies revue d’études français Vol. 5, no. 2 (Fall 2001): 315–330.
Stanworth, Karen. “‘God Save the Queen’: Narrating Nationalism and Imperialism in Quebec on the Occasion of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee.” RACAR (Revue d’art canadienne/Canadian Art Review) Vol. 21, no. 1–2 (1994): 85–99.
Simon, Sherry. Le trafic des langues : traduction et culture dans la littérature québécoise. Montréal: Boréal, 1994.
Prai, Brenda. “Interferences in the English Translation of Québec Law.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1994.
Robinson, Ira. “Literary Forgery and Hasidic Judaism: The Case of Rabbi Yudel Rosenberg.” Judaism Vol. 40, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 61–78.
Stratford, Philip. “Quebec Landscape Poetry in French and English: A Song for Two Voices, Not Necessarily a Duet.” In Multiple Voices: Recent Canadian Fiction, edited by Jeanne Delbaere, 161–174. Sydney, Australia: Dangaroo Press, 1990.
Mezei, Kathy. “A Bridge of Sorts: The Translation of Quebec Literature into English.” The Yearbook of English Studies Vol. 15 (1985): 201–226.
Plaice, Mary. “Is That Really English?” Actes du Colloque sur la traduction et la qualité de langue, Documentation du Conseil de la langue française Vol. 16 (1984): 67–73.
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