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Horak, Marianne. “Changing Land Use and Retail Mobility: A Historical Study of the Town of Lennoxville, Quebec.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1999.
Hoerder, Dirk. “Immigrants in Montreal.” In Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada, 71–84. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999.
Tulchinsky, Gerald. Branching Out: The Transformation of the Canadian Jewish Community. Toronto: Stoddart, 1998.
Igartua, José E. “Vivre à Arvida.” In Villes industrielles planifiées, edited by Robert Fortier, 153–176. Montréal: Boréal/Centre canadien d’architecture, 1996.
Brouillette, Normand. “Shawinigan Falls, ville de l’électricité, ville de l’industrie.” In Villes industrielles planifiées, edited by Robert Fortier, 51–88. Montréal: Boréal/Centre canadien d’architecture, 1996.
Boone, Christopher G. “Language Politics and Flood Control in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” Environmental History Vol. 1, no. 3 (1996): 70–85.
Legault, Roch. “Le Commissariat de l’armée britannique et les dépenses militaires au Canada (1815-1830).” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1995.
Lowe, Noreen E. “Settlers in St. Andrews, Lower Canada : A Study of Rural Life in an Anglophone Seigneurie, 1830-1839.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1993.
Vaillancourt, François. “English and Anglophones in Quebec: An Economic Perspective.” In Survival: Official Language Rights in Canada, edited by John Richards, François Vaillancourt, and William Watson, 63–93. (The Canada Round Table). Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1992.
Annett, Kenneth. “British Influence in Gaspésia.” Gaspésie Vol. 29, no. 3–4 (1991): 46–56.
רובינסון, צחק, and Ira Robinson. “‘The Kosher Meat War’ and the Foundation of the Montreal Jewish Community Council, 1922–1925 / ‘מלחמת הבשר הכשר’ והקמת ועד העיר של מונטריאול, 1922–1925.” Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / דברי הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות Vol. 1989. Division B, Volume I : The History of the Jewish People / חטיבה ב, כרך ראשון: תולדות עם ישראל (1989): 369–376.
Macmillan, Robert Bown. “The Contribution of Education Towards the Differential Patterns of Settlement and Migration of English and French Groups in Inverness Township until 1977.” Master’s Thesis, Bishop’s University, 1989.
Sanchez, Antonia, Gilles Pilon, Gilles Proulx, and Pamela Hyde. Baie D’Urfé 1686-1986. Baie D’Urfé, QC: Town of Baie D’Urfé, 1986.
Le temps. “M. E.B. Eddy Est Mort.” Asticou Vol. 33 (Décembre 1985): 5–9.
Ruddel, David-Thiery, and Marc Lafrance. “Québec, 1750-1840 : problèmes de croissance d’une ville coloniale.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 18, no. 36 (November 1985): 315–333.
Benoit, Serge. Évolution de la population anglophone et allophone à Laval, 1981-1986. Laval, QC: Service des recherches et de la statistique, Ville de Laval, 1984.
Gravel, Eveleen, and Yves Guillet. Saint-Lambert. Saint-Lambert, QC: Société culturelle et historique de Saint-Lambert. Comité d’histoire Mouillepied, 1982.
Whyte, Walter S. “The Loyalists of Sorel.” Canadian Genealogist Vol. 4, no. 2 (1981): 73–84.
Tabacnik, Ruth. Wakefield Today: A Gatineau Village Sourcebook. Wakefield, QC: R. Tabacnik, 1980.
Bohn Gmelch, Sharon. “Social History of the Quebec Hebridean Settlements.” In Cultural Retention and Demographic Change : Studies of the Hebridean Scots in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, edited by Laurel Doucette, 5–44. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada, 1980.
Taylor, Charlotte Anne. “Cultural Sequent Occupance and the Impact On Nomenclature in the Eastern Townships.” Master’s Thesis, University of Vermont, 1978.
Baldwin, Alice Sharples. The Price Family: Pioneers of the Saguenay. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1978.
Parson, Helen E. “An Investigation of the Changing Rural Economy of Gatineau County, Quebec.” Canadian Geographer/Le geographe canadien Vol. 21, no. 1 (1977): 22–31.
Parson, Helen E. “Rural Land Use Change: A Study of the Gatineau Valley of Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Kentucky, 1976.
Rossignol, Léo, Pierre-Louis Lapointe, and Gaston Carrière, eds. Hull, 1800-1975: Histoire Illustrée/Hull, 1800-1975: Illustrated History. Hull, QC: [s.n.], 1975.
Binns, Richard M. Montreal’s Electric Streetcars: An Illustrated History of the Tramway Era, 1892-1959. Montreal: Railfare Enterprises, 1973.
Centre for Community Development at Algonquin College, Ottawa. YMCA Community Outreach: The Experience of the Montreal and Toronto Associations. Ottawa, ON: Algonquin College, Ottawa, 1972.
Meyer, H. Gordon. “The Development of the Site of Sherbrooke From Its Beginnings to 1900.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1971.
Demers, Louis-Philippe. Sherbrooke : découvertes, légendes, documents, nos rues et leur symboles. Sherbrooke, QC: Gauvin, 1969.
Centennial Souvenir Album of St. Lambert, 1857-1957 / Album-Souvenir Du Centenaire de St-Lambert. Saint-Lambert, QC: Centennial Committee / Comité du Centenaire, 1957.
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