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Fraser, Richard. “Greetings from Montreal: Hospital Postcards of the Maude Abbott Medical Museum.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2021.
Roy, Julie. “Our gentle, darling, good, unselfish brother.” À rayons ouverts: Bulletin de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Hiver 2021.
McKellar, Shelley. “The Osler Library Prints Collection.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine Vol. 91, no. 2 (Summer 2017): 435–437.
Blair, Louisa. “La Literary and Historical Society de Québec.” In Bibliothèques québécoises remarquables, edited by Claude Corbo, 227–237. Montréal: Del Busso, 2017.
Anctil, Pierre. “La bibliothèque publique juive de Montréal.” In Bibliothèques québécoises remarquables, edited by Claude Corbo, 173–183. Montréal: Del Busso, 2017.
McNabb, Heather. “The Arrival of the Notman Archives at the McCord Museum.” In Notman: A Visionary Photographer, edited by Hélène Samson and Suzanne Sauvage, 230–236. Paris, France & Montreal: Éditions Hazan & McCord Museum, 2016.
Hague, Nora. “Notman’s Numbers.” In Notman: A Visionary Photographer, edited by Hélène Samson and Suzanne Sauvage, 224–229. Paris, France & Montreal: Éditions Hazan & McCord Museum, 2016.
Robinson, Ira, Rivka Augenfeld, and Karen Biskin, eds. The Future of the Past: The Jewish Public Library of Montreal, 1914-2014. Montreal: Hungry I Books / Concordia University, Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies, 2015.
Sanfilippo, Matteo. “Les relations des Irlandais et des Canadiens français à l’aune des archives vaticanes.” In Le Québec et l’Irlande: Culture, histoire et identité, edited by Linda Cardinal, Simon Jolivet, and Isabelle Matte, 50–83. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Shannon, Gail. “Melville in Montreal: The Archives of the Montreal Mercantile Library Association.” Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies Vol. 14, no. 2 (June 2012): 44–53.
Deshaies, Anthony. “Le fonds de la famille Hart, 1762-1883.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 105 (2011): 37–39.
Rosen, Janice. “Ressources documentaires et archivistiques sur les Juifs de Montréal.” In Les communautés juives de Montréal: Histoire et enjeux contemporains, edited by Pierre Anctil and Ira Robinson, 256–271. Québec: Septentrion, 2010.
Cartier, François. “Le projet de sauvegarde de la collection Bens Delicatessen. Bien plus que les archives du smoked meat!” Archives Vol. 40, no. 2 (2009 2008): 45–59.
Rosen, Janice. “La patrimoine religieux et les ressources archivistiques de la communauté juive du Québec.” In Le patrimoine des minorités religieuses du Québec: richesse et vulnérabilité, edited by Marie-Claude Rocher and Marc Pelchat, 151–160. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006.
Murray, Irena. “A Scout of the Past: Ramsay Traquair and the Legacy of the National Art Survey of Scotland in Quebec.” In A Kingdom of the Mind: How the Scots Helped Make Canada, edited by Peter E. Rider and Heather McNabb, 201–210. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006.
Lapidus, Steven. “Les archives du Vaad Ha’ir : un reflet sur l’histoire juive montréalaise.” In Le patrimoine des minorités religieuses du Québec: richesse et vulnérabilité, edited by Marie-Claude Rocher and Marc Pelchat, 161–168. Quebec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006.
Jackman, Dorothy J. German Polish English Jewish Congregation, Montreal. Bismarck, North Dakota: Dorothy J. Jackman, 2005.
Jackman, Dorothy J. City of Montreal, Protestant House of Industry & Refuge, Protestant Infants Home, Montreal Foundling & Infants Nursery ... 1891-1899. Bismarck, North Dakota: Dorothy J. Jackman, 2005.
Douglas, Althea. Finding Your Ancestors in English Quebec. Toronto, ON: Heritage Productions, 2001.
Abbott, Louise. “Marion Phelps: A Guardian of Townships History.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 16 (Spring 2000): 5–15.
Brock, Elizabeth, and Aileen Desbarats. A Guide to the Stanstead Historical Society Archives. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society / La Société historique de Stanstead, 2000.
Menagh, Melanie. “A Gem On the Line : The Amazing Haskell Library and Opera House.” Vermont Life, Summer 1999.
Jean, Stéphane. Le Fonds Oscar-Peterson. Répertoire numérique. Ottawa, ON: Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Farfan, Matthew F. The Making of the Haskell Free Library and Opera House : The Construction Years, 1901-1904 : Selected Letters from the Haskell Archives. Stanstead, QC: Historic Theatres Trust, 1999.
Farfan, Matthew F. A Guide to the Haskell Archives: Haskell Free Library and Opera House, Stanstead, Quebec/Derby Line, Vermont. Rock Island, QC & Derby Line, VT: Haskell Free Library and Opera House, 1999.
“Thomas Reagh Millman, 1905-1996.” Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society Vol. 40, no. 1 (1998): 3–4.
“Pre-1900 Imprints in General Synod Archives: Anglican Records Series No. 5.” Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society Vol. 39, no. nos. 1-2 (Spring/Fall 1997): 1–340.
Vigneau, André, and Simon Richard. Répertoire: fonds de la Montreal Street Railway Company, fonds de la Montreal Park and Island Railway Company, fonds de la Montreal Terminal Railway Company, fonds de la Public Service Corporation, fonds de la Commission de tramsway de Montréal, fonds de la Verchères, Chambly and Laprairie Tramways Company. Montréal: Société de transport de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal, 1996.
Triggs, Stanley G. “The Notman Photographic Archives.” History of Photography Vol. 20, no. 2 (1996): 180–185.
Harris, Beverley, and Eiran Harris. Le fonds Conseil communautaire juif de Montréal : un instrument de recherche / Jewish Community Council of Montreal (Vaad Ha’ir) : A Finding Aid. Montreal: Archives de la Bibliothèque publique juive, 1996.
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