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MAP: Montréal, l'avenir du passé. Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
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MAP: Montréal, l'avenir du passé. Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Abstract |
Montréal l'avenir du passé (MAP) was established in 2000 to create an historical GIS research infrastructure for 19th and 20th century Montreal. The authors digitized six highly detailed historical maps representing all buildings in the city for 1825, 1846, 1880, 1912, 1949 and 2000. The first three and last were geo-referenced and successfully "peopled" by linking at the street-scape (1846) or lot level (1880 & 2000) census returns, tax records, city directories and a wide variety of non-routinely generated sources. The project is currently focusing on turn of the century Montreal. A CD entitled "MAP: le 19e siècle/The 19th Century" was launched in October 2010 and is available from the web site
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Vol. 57
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no. 2
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Citation |
Sweeny, Robert C. H., and Sherry Olson. “MAP: Montréal, l’avenir Du Passé. Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Geomatica Vol. 57, no. 2 (2003): 145–154.
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