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Leitch, Gillian I. “Irish Catholic Leadership in Nineteenth Century Montreal: Research Notes.” Cahiers d’histoire Vol. 23, no. 1 (Automne 2003): 23–36.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Importance of Being English?: Identity and Social Organisation in British Montreal, 1800-1850.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2007.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Reford Family of Montreal.” Journal of the St Andrew’s Society of Montreal, January 2012.
Leitch, Gillian I. “Community and Identity in Nineteenth Century Montreal: The Founding of Saint Patrick’s Church.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1999.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Scots in Montreal and Their Quest to Stay Scottish.” In Montreal-Glasgow, edited by Bill Marshall, 67–77. Glasgow, Scotland: University of Glasgow French and German Publications, 2005.
Leitch, Gillian I. “Entre les tensions et les groupes de pression : les Britanniques de Montréal au temps des rébellions.” In De la représentation à la manifestation: Groupes de pression et enjeux politiques au Québec, XIXe et XXe siècles, edited by Stéphane Savard and Jérôme Boivin, 276–291. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Leitch, Gillian I. “Scottish Identity and British Loyalty in Early-Nineteenth Century Montreal.” In Kingdom of the Mind: How the Scots Helped Make Canada, edited by Peter E. Rider and Heather McNabb, 211–226. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006.
Leitch, Gillian I. “Claiming the Streets: Negotiating National Identities in Montreal’s Parades, 1840-1880.” In Celebrating Canada. Volume 1: Holidays, National Days and the Crafting of Identities, edited by Matthew Hayday and Raymond B. Blake, 29–53. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Leitch, Gillian I. “‘The Irish Roman Catholics of Montreal in Body Assembled’: Ethnic Identity and Separate Worship in Nineteenth Century Montreal.” In Constructions Identitaires et Pratiques Sociales. Actes Du Colloque En Hommage à Pierre Savard Tenu à l’Université d’Ottawa Les 4, 5 et 6 Octobre 2000, edited by Jean-Pierre Wallot, Pierre Lanthier, and Hubert Watelet, 205–218. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa/Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française, 2002.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Importance of Being English: English Ethnic Culture in Montreal, c.1800–1864.” In Locating the English Diaspora, 1500-2010, edited by Tanja Bueltmann, David T. Gleeson, and Donald M. MacRaild, 100–117. Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, 2012.