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Mus, Francis. “Les langues de Leonard Cohen.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 26, no. 1 (1er semestre 2013): 103–122.
Pinsky, Marian. “Jewish School Question - Protestant School Board: 1920-1930.” Last modified [n.d.].
Béland, Nicolas. “Labor Income and French-English Bilingualism in the Two Major Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Montreal Metropolitan Census Area: 1970 - 2000” Presented at the Population Association of America 2005 Annual Meeting, [S.l.], April 31, 2005.
Clift, Dominique. “Montreal Star Survey on Language.” Montreal Star. [S.l.], March 27, 1976.
The Trial of Daniel Disney, Esq., Captain of a Company in His Majesty’s 44th Regiment of Foot, and Town-Major of the Garrison of Montreal: At the Session of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Holden at Montreal, on Saturday the 28th Day of February, and Thence Continued by Adjournments to Wednesday the 11th Day of March, 1767 ... Upon an Indictment Containing Two Charges, the One for a Burglary and Felony, in Breaking and Entering Mr. Thomas Walker’s House, at Montreal ... Quebec: Brown and Gilmore, 1767.
Cushing, Elmer. An Appeal, Addressed to a Candid Public: And to the Feeling of Those Whose Upright Sentiments and Discerning Minds, Enable Them to “Weigh It in the Balance of the Sanctuary.” Stanstead, QC: Printed for the author by S.H. Dickerson, 1826.
An Anglo Canadian of Old Standing. An Address to the Electors of the City and County of Montreal. Montreal: Printed at the Gazette Office, 1827.
Chisholme, David. The Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston, ON: T. MacFarlane, printer, 1829.
Thom, Adam. Remarks on the Petition of the Convention and on the Petition of the Constitutionalists. By Anti-Bureaucrat. Montreal: Printed at the Herald Office, 1835.
Thom, Adam. Anti-Gallic Letters: Addressed to His Excellency the Earl of Gosford, Governor-in-Chief of the Canadas. By Camillus. Montreal: Herald Printing, 1836.
Report on the State Trials Before a General Court Martial Held at Montreal in 1838-1839: Exhibiting a Complete History of the Late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. Montreal: Armour & Ramsay, 1839.
A. R.C. La Reine vs Jalbert, accusé du meurtre du Lieutenant Weir du 32e Régiment de sa Majesté : procès politique. Montréal: F. Cinq-Mars, 1839.
Rose, A. W. H. The Emigrant Churchman in Canada. By a Pioneer in the Wilderness. Edited by Henry Christmas. 2 vols. London, England: Richard Bentley, 1849.
Lachlan, Robert. “Report of a Meeting of the Friends and Admirers of Lord Metcalfe Held at Montreal on 1st February, 1847.” In The Age and Theology: An Address Delivered before the Society for Religious Inquiry of the University of Vermont, edited by Henry Wilkes, 15p. Burlington, VT: Tuttle and Stacy, 1850.
Carpenter, Philip P. On the Relative Value of Human Life in Different Parts of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1859.
A Few Remarks on the Meeting at Montreal for the Formation of an Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Educational Interests of Protestants in Lower Canada. Montreal: E. Sénécal, 1864.
Dawson, John William. On Some Points in the History and Prospects of Protestant Education in Lower Canada. A Lecture Delivered by Principal Dawson Before the Association of Teachers in Connection with the McGill Normal School. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1864.
Day, Samuel Phillips. English America: Or, Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols. London, England: T.C. Newby, 1864.
Ferrie, Adam. Autobiography Late Hon. Adam Ferrie. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1864.
Observations sur l’assemblée tenue à Montréal pour former une association dans le but de proteger les intérêts des Protestants dans l’instruction publique. Montréal: Imprimé par Eusèbe Senécal, 1865.
Abstract of Proceedings in Montreal, in Connection with the Interests of the British Protestant Population in Eastern Canada, Under the Proposed Union of the British American Provinces. Montreal: [s.n.], 1866.
Carpenter, Philip P. “On the Vital Statistics of Montreal.” The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist New Series, Vol. 3 (December 1866): 134–156.
Clarke, Henry J. O’C. A Short Sketch of the Life of the Hon. Thomas D’Arcy McGee, M.P. for Montreal (West), Late Minister of Agriculture and Immigration for Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Spaight, George. Trial of Patrick J. Whelan for the Murder of the Hon. Thos. D’Arcy MaGee, with a Photograph of the Accused. Ottawa, ON: G. E. Desbarets, 1868.
Taylor, Fennings. Thos. D’Arcy McGee: Sketch of His Life and Death. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Rodden, William. Montreal Water Works: The Reports of Walter Shanly, Esq., T.C. Keefer, Esq., and James B. Francis Esq., of Lowell, Mass., Reviewed by William Rodden, Alderman, Montreal, March 1869. Montreal: Printed by the Montreal Printing and Publishing Company, 1869.
Dawson, John William. Plea for the Extension of University Education in Canada, and Especially in Connection with McGill University. Montreal: John C. Becket, 1870.
Report of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for the City of Montreal, 1847 to 1871. Montreal: Gazette Printing House, 1872.
Galt, Alexander T. Civil Liberty in Lower Canada. Montreal: D. Bentley and Co., 1876.
White, Thomas. The Protestant Minority in Quebec and Its Political Relations with the Roman Catholic Majority: A Letter Addressed to Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt, K.C.M.G. Montreal: Dawson Bros., 1876.
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