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Gaboury, Placide. “Le Québécois doit-il savoir l’anglais?” Revue commerce No. 902 (Février 1969): 24–32.
Pugsley, W. H. “A Sober Look at French-English Relations in Quebec.” Industrial Relations/Relations industrielles Vol. 23, no. 3 (1968): 415–425.
Lieberson, Stanley. “Bilingualism in Montreal: A Demographic Analysis.” The American Journal of Sociology Vol. 71, no. 1 (July 1965): 10–25.
Cimon, Paul. L’entreprise au Québec : sondage sur le biculturalisme et la formation professionnelle / Quebec Business : A Provisional Inquiry into Business, Education and Training. Montréal: Éditions du Jour, 1965.
Townsend, Paul A. R. “The Legal History of Bilingualism in Canada: Past and Present.” B.C.L. degree, McGill University, 1964.
McLeod, Malcolm Edward. The Legal History of Bilingualism, Past and Present. Montreal: McGill University, 1963.
Hill, Mary B. “Bilingual Advertising in the Retail Enterprise.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1963.
Cotler, Irwin. “The Legal History of Bilingualism in Canada, Past and Present.” B.C.L. degree, McGill University, 1963.
Roseborough, Howard. A Report on a Survey of Students at McGill University, Sir George Williams University, and Bishop’s University. Montreal: [s.n.], 1962.
Lacoste, Norbert. Les caractéristiques sociales de la population du Grand Montréal : étude de sociologie urbaine. Montréal: Faculté des Sciences sociales, economiques et politiques, Université de Montréal, 1958.
Guimond, Lionel. “La Gazette de Montréal de 1785 à 1790.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1958.
Lortie, Paul. “Study of an Irish-Canadian Pronounciation: A Phonetic Study.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1948.
Audet, Francis-J. “William Brown (1737-1789), premier imprimeur, journaliste et librairie de Québec. Sa vie et ses oeuvres.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 26 (May 1932): 97–112.
Clark, James B. M. “French and English in the Province of Quebec.” The Nineteenth Century and After No. 607 (September 1927): 327–336.
Fetherstonhaugh, R. C. The Royal Montreal Regiment, 14th Battalion, C.E.F., 1914-1925. Montreal: Printed in Canada to the order of the Royal Montreal Regiment by the Gazette Printing Company, 1927.
Norris, Alexander. “The New Anglo.” The Gazette. Montreal, June 29, 1999.
Béland, Nicolas. “Labor Income and French-English Bilingualism in the Two Major Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Montreal Metropolitan Census Area: 1970 - 2000” Presented at the Population Association of America 2005 Annual Meeting, [S.l.], April 31, 2005.
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