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Klein, Christopher. When the Irish Invaded Canada : The Incredible True Story of the Civil War Veterans Who Fought for Ireland’s Freedom. New York, NY: Doubleday, 2019.
Chang, Tan-feng. “Whiteness in Another Color: Winnifred Eaton (Onoto Watanna) and Intra-Racial Citizenship.” Tamkang Review Vol. 48, no. 2 (June 2018): 19–41.
Poirier, Lucien. “La musique au fil de la presse québécoise dans les belles années du régime anglais.” Les Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique Vol. 19, no. nos. 1 et 2 (Printemps-Automne 2018): 71–82.
Hataley, Todd, and Scott J. Mason. “Collective Efficacy Across Borders : The Case of Stanstead, Quebec and Derby Line, Vermont.” Journal of Borderlands Studies Vol. 33, no. 3 (2018): 433–444.
Busseau, Laurent. “La prohibition sur la frontière Québec-Vermont (1860-1930).” Histoire Québec, 2018.
Mackey, Frank. “A Painter’s Progress.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society, June 2017.
Morris. “Bank of Montreal Bicentennial.” Financial History No. 120 (January 2017): 28–31.
Vandervalk, Sandra. “Line Dancing: A Performative and Phenomenological Study of the Borderlands Region of Stanstead, Quebec, and Derby Line, Vermont.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 2017.
Sheehy, Barry. Montreal, City of Secrets: Confederate Operations in Montreal During the American Civil War. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2017.
MacLeod, Roderick. “A Protestant Congregation : The American Presbyterians.” In Montreal : The History of a North American City, edited by Dany Fougères and Roderick MacLeod, 1:709–713. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Lecours, Marie-Josée. “La bibliothèque de la danse Vincent-Warren de Montréal.” In Bibliothèques québécoises remarquables, edited by Claude Corbo, 297–307. Montréal: Del Busso, 2017.
Fonda, Nick. Richmond, Now and Then: An Anecdotal History. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2017.
Gagné, Jacques. “Congregationalist Churches in Lower Canada & Québec.” Last modified November 20, 2016.
Little, J.I. “L’Affaire Coffin/Hébert : justice, politique et liberté de presse au Québec, 1953-1966.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 25, no. 1 (Automne 2016): 113–150.
Belford, Tim. “Clear and Present Danger? The 150th Anniversary of the 1866 Fenian Raid.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2016.
Robinson, Ira. “Finding a Rabbi for Quebec City : The Interplay between an American Yeshiva and a Canadian Congregation.” In Neither in Dark Speeches nor in Similitudes : Reflections and Refractions Between Canadian and American Jews, edited by Barry L. Stiefel and Hernan Tesler-Mabé, 111–128. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2016.
Ostiguy, Raymond. “Loyalists in the Richelieu Valley.” Histoire Québec Vol. 22, no. 1 (2016): 25–27.
Little, Ann M. The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016.
Busseau, Laurent. “The Fenians Are Coming...”: An Illustrated History of an Irish Invasion in the Early Years of Canadian Confederation (1866-1870). Stanbridge East, QC and Montreal: Missisquoi Historical Society Collection and Les Éditions Histoire Québec, 2016.
Busseau, Laurent. “Le télégraphe au XIXe siècle : The Victorian Internet au service des échanges diplomatiques canado-américains durant l’invasion fénienne de 1866 au Québec.” Histoire Québec Vol. 21, no. 3 (2016): 30–33.
Di Mascio, Anthony. “The Emergence of Academies in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada and the Invisibility of the Canada-U.S. Border.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol. 27, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 78–94.
Young, Bill. “Ray Brown in Quebec: The Forgotten Years.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2015.
Loranger, Robert. “Airie Hall.” Au fil du Temps Vol. 24, no. 4 (Hiver 2015): 74–77.
Leroux, Éric. “Brown & Gilmore : Les pionniers de l’imprimerie.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 120 (Hiver 2015): 8–9.
David, François. “La colonisation des Cantons-de l’Est : Des loyalistes américains cités dans un registre.” À rayons ouverts: Bulletin de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec No. 97 (Hiver 2015): 23–24.
Nadeau Paradis, Sandra. “La petite bourgeoisie de La Tuque et son rôle dans l’exercice du pouvoir local, 1907-1939.” Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2015.
MacDonald, Cheryl. Canada Under Attack: Irish-American Veterans of the Civil War and Their Fenian Campaign to Conquer Canada. Toronto, ON: Lorimer, 2015.
Davidson, Stephen. “Lost Voices from Missisquoi Bay.” United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada - Loyalist Trails. Last modified November 16, 2014.
Di Mascio, Anthony. “Cross-Border Schooling and the Complexity of Local Identities in the Quebec-Vermont Borderland Region: A Historical Analysis.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 41 (Fall 2014): 37–54.
Hardwick, Susan W. “American Migration, Settlement, and ‘Belonging’ in Francophone Canada.” Geographical Review Vol. 104, no. 3 (July 2014): 259–276.
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