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Morris, Kim Chow. “‘Small Has No Inside, Big Has No Outside’: Montreal’s Chinese Diaspora Breaks Out/In Music.” MUSICultures: Canadian Society for Traditional Music/Société canadienne pour les traditions musicales Vol. 36 (2009): 49–82.
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin. “Sibling Hybridities : The Case of Edith Eaton/Sui Sin Far and Winnifred Eaton/Onoto Watanna.” Life Writing Vol. 4, no. 1 (2007): 81–99.
Lam, Siu-Yuk. “School Achievement and Cultural Adjustment of the Chinese Adolescents in Montreal, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
Chan, Kwok B., and Lawrence Lam. “Resettlement of Vietnamese-Chinese Refugees in Montreal, Canada: Some Socio-Psychological Problems and Dilemmas.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 15, no. 1 (1983): 1–17.
Robinson, Greg. “Quebec Newspaper Reactions to the 1907 Vancouver Riots: Humanitarianism, Nationalism, and Internationalism.” BC Studies No. 192 (Winter /2017 2016): 25–49.
Chan-Yip, Alice M., and Michael S. Kramer. “Promotion of Breast-Feeding in a Chinese Community in Montreal.” Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne Vol. 129, no. 9 (November 1, 1983): 955–958.
Zheng, Macy. “Principal Sir Arthur Currie and the Department of Chinese Studies at McGill.” Fontanus Vol. 13 (2013): 69–80.
Jolicoeur, Martin. “Presse ethnique et socialisation politique : le cas de la communauté chinoise de Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1995.
Dong, Mei, Christine Loignon, Alissa Levine, and Christophe Bedos. “Perceptions of Oral Illness Among Chinese Immigrants in Montreal: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Dental Education Vol. 71, no. 10 (October 1, 2007): 1340–1347.
Bergeron, Josée. “Perceptions des différences et communication interculturelle : le cas des immigrants taiwanais de Montréal, 1986-1990.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1992.
Chan, Kwok Bun. “Perceived Racial Discrimination and Response: An Analysis of Perceptions of Chinese and Indochinese Community Leaders.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 19, no. 3 (1987): 125–147.
Papineau, Elisabeth. “Pathological Gambling in Montreal’s Chinese Community: An Anthropological Perspective.” Journal of Gambling Studies Vol. 21, no. 2 (2005): 157–178.
Birchall, Diana. Onoto Watanna: The Story of Winnifred Eaton. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2001.
Dai, Shiang Ying. “One Century of Chinese Immigration to Canada, 1880-1981.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1989.
Wing, Emily. “On Different Sides of the Studio: Chinese Male and Female Sitters in Montreal’s Photographic Portraiture, Pre Exclusion Era (1885-1923).” Chrysalis: A Critical Student Journal of Transformative Art History Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2014): 77–90.
Chiang, Frances Shiu-Ching. “Occupational Mobility and Achievements of Post-War Chinese Immigrants in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
Chiang, Frances Shiu-Ching. Occupational Achievement of Post-War Chinese Immigrants in Montreal. Working Papers in Migration and Ethnicity, no. 78-4. Montreal: Department of Sociology, McGill University, 1978.
Bélanger, Danielle. “Nourriture et culture : étude des pratiques alimentaires des Chinois de Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1991.
Hou, Feng. “Neighbourhood Ethnic Transition and Summary Segregation Indices: A Methodological Assessment.” PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1997.
Shaffer, Beverly. My Name Is Susan Yee. The National Film Board of Canada, 1975.
Aiken, Rebecca B. Montreal Chinese Property Ownership and Occupational Change, 1881-1981. New York: AMS Press, 1989.
Montreal Chinese Catholic Community Centre /Centre communautaire catholique chinois de Montréal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1980.
Ledoyen, Alberte. Montréal au pluriel : huit communautés ethno-culturelles de la région montréalaise. Sainte-Foy, QC: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1992.
Chan, Kwok Bun. Migration, Ethnic Relations and Chinese Business. London, England and New York, NY: Routledge, 2005.
Lengies, Melissa Mei-Zhen. “Memory + Renewal: Equitable Development through the Reuse of Historic Buildings in Montreal’s Chinatown.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 2023.
Lee, Day’s. “Marking Hallowed Ground.” Canada History Vol. 90, no. 6 (January 2010): 13.
Lovell, John. Lovell’s Historic Report of Census of Montreal, Taken in January, 1891...of Town of St. Henry...of City of St. Cunegonde...of St. Louis of Mile End...of Coteau St. Louis...of Town of Notre Dame Des Neiges...of Outremont... Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1891.
Allor, Martin. “Locating Cultural Activity: The ‘Main’ as Chronotope and Heterotopia.” Topia Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 42–54.
Samson, Christian. “Les représentations des travailleurs migrants : L’exemple des Chinois à Québec dans la presse quotidienne (1891-1926).” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 68 (Automne 2011): 117–137.
Li, Yanhong. “Les médias chinois à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2009.
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