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Montgomery, George Hugh Alexander. Missisquoi Bay (Philipsburg, Que.). Granby, QC: Granby Printing and Publishing Co., 1950.
Milner, Elizabeth Hearn. Huntingville, 1815-1980: A Story of a Village in the Eastern Townships. Lennoxville, QC: E.H. Milner, 1981.
Miller, Harry. “Potash from Wood Ashes: Frontier Technology in Canada and the United States.” Technology and Culture Vol. 21, no. 2 (April 1980): 187–208.
McOuat, J. Egbert. “A Study of Rural School Conditions in Quebec in so Far as They Affect Agricultural Education : Containing Suggestions as to Improvements in These Conditions, and the Possibility of Introducing a System of Agricultural Education Suitable to This Province by Bringing about Such Improvements.” Master’s Thesis (?), McGill University, 1918.
Manson, Jimmy W. The Loyal Americans of New England and New York, Founders of the Townships of Lower Canada : Their Struggle to Open “Ye Waste Lands”, 1740-1812. Brome, QC: Brome County Historical Society, 2001.
Mann, J. Debbie. “The World(s) of Three Pines : Creating Community in the Novels of Louise Penny.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 48 (2020): 13–25.
MacLeod, M.C. Settlement of the Lake Megantic District in the Province of Quebec, Canada. New York, NY: M.C. MacLeod, 1931.
MacKenzie, Frank. “A History of Man’s Utilization of the St. Francis River, Quebec.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1977.
MacDonald, Jamie. “Young Anglophone Women of Waterloo : An Island on Their Own.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 2002.
Little, J. I. “Confronting Rural Localism: The Good Roads Movement in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, 1897–1920.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol 57, no. 117 (May 2024): 139–167.
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Little, J. I. “‘Labouring in a Great Cause’: Marcus Child as Pioneer School Inspector in Lower Canada’s Eastern Townships, 1852-59.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol. 10, no. 1–2 (Spring & Fall 1998): 85–115.
Little, J. I. State and Society in Transition: The Politics of Institutional Reform in the Eastern Townships, 1838-1852. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997.
Little, J. I. “Colonization and Municipal Reform in Canada East.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 14, no. 27 (May 1981): 93–121.
Little, J. I. “The Parish and French Canadian Migrants to Compton County, Quebec, 1851-1891.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 11, no. 2 (May 1978): 134–143.
Leydet, Anne. “The Scandal Makers : The Accused.” [Documentary]. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified January 27, 2022.
Létourneau, Georges, and Jay Sames. “Ash to Cash – The Untold Story Nature’s Burnt Offering to 19th Century Settlers.” Histoire Québec, 2013.
Lauzon, Gilles, and Denis Tremblay. “Histoire de la petite maison blanche d’Orford et proposition d’une nouvelle appellation.” 43p. Orford, QC: La Société d’histoire du Canton d’Orford, 2020.
Lambert, James. “Missisquoi County Agricultural Society, 1857-1929 : MG 28, I, 227.” [Archive]. Public Archives of Canada, Manuscript Division, 1975.
Lacasse, Pierre. Bibliographie analytique régionale: étude sur l’Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: Université de Sherbrooke, Centre de recherches en aménagement régional, 1972.
Kestreman, Jean-Pierre. “MRC de Coaticook : La conquête de l’est.” Continuité, Printemps 2014.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. “To Sojourn and to Leave : Geographical Mobility, Social and Cultural Rebalancing in One Region of Quebec : The Case of the Eastern Townships in the 19th & 20th Centuries.” Translated by Sandra Jewett. Histoire Potton History, Printemps 2016.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. “Séjourner et repartir. Mobilité géographique, rééquilibrages sociaux et culturels dans une région du Québec : le cas des Cantons-de-l’Est aux XIXe et XXe siècles.” Histoire Québec, 2012.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. Aborder l’histoire des Cantons-de-l’Est. Sherbrooke, QC: GGC Éditions, 2007.
Jenson, Jane, and Juanita McKelvey. “Settling Cherry River : Internal Migration in the Eastern Townships in the Nineteenth Century.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2020.
Jenson, Jane. “Fixing Ownership: Land Agents, Settlers, and Property Relations in Two Eastern Townships, 1840–1865.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 55, no. 113 (2022): 27–48.
Jenson, Jane. “A Sundry Place : George Bonnallie and the Settlement of Orford Township.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2021.
Jensen, Jane. “Widows Along the Road : Orford Township in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2022.
Jahnke, Elke. Migration und Identität in einer bikulturellen Gemeinde : Anglo- und Frankokanadier zwischen Isolation und Integration 1850-1920. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Campus, 2002.
Horwood, Dorothy M. From Monica With Love : Sketches of the Life of an English Quebecer in the Early 20th Century. Ottawa, ON: Baico Publishing, 2013.
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