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Kingsmill, Suzanne. “Isle of Irish Despair.” Canadian Geographic Vol. 112, no. 1 (February 1992): 78–83.
Thompson, Gary. “Island of the Sorrows: A Quebec Beauty Spot Where Thousands Perished.” The Beaver Vol. 71, no. 1 (March 1991): 35–38.
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Clendenning, David H. “Iron Wills : The Legacy of the Clendinneng Family Foundry.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Finnegan, Mary. “Irish-French Relations in Lower Canada.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Historical Studies (1985): 35–49.
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Apple, Matthew T. “Irish-Canadian Intercultural Relations in Quebec: An Historical Overview.” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (立命館言語文化研究) Vol. 32, no. 4 (2021): 113–130.
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