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Maniakas, Theodoros. “Sociolinguistic Features of Modern Greek As It Is Spoken In Montreal.” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1983.
Maniakas, Theodoros. “The Ethnolinguistic Reality of Montreal Greeks.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1991.
Maniakas, Theodoros. Mémoire écrit présenté à la Commission de Laval sur l’avenir du Québec. Laval, QC: Communauté grecque orthodoxe de Laval, 1995.
Marcoux, Alain. “The Life and Works of Dimitri Dimakopoulos, Architect (1929-1995).” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2002.
Margellou, Anthi. “L’attitude d’adolescents d’origine grecque à Montréal à l’égard de leur langue maternelle.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1988.
Mathieu-Bédard, Raphaëlle. “The Notion of ‘Institutional Completeness’ in Canada: The Contribution of the Judiciary Towards New Avenues of Non-Territorial Autonomy.” [ECMI Working Paper #93]. Last modified June 2016.
Meintel, Deirdre. “L’identité ethnique chez les jeunes Montréalais d’origine immigrée.” Sociologie et sociétés Vol. 24, no. 2 (Automne 1992): 73–89.
Meintel, Deirdre, Micheline Labelle, and Geneviève Turcotte. “Migration, Wage Labor and Domestic Relationships: Immigrant Women in Montreal.” Anthropologica Vol. 26, no. 2 (1984): 135–169.
Melammēd, Renée Lēwîn. An Ode to Salonika : The Ladino Verses of Bouena Sarfatty. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013.
Pabst, Stavroula. “One (Wo)Man’s Shopping Is the Same (Wo)Man’s History? Immigration, Advertisement and Consumption Patterns in the Greek Community of Montreal 1960s—1970s.” Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies Vol. 86, no. 1 (2019): 63–88.
Paillé, Michel. “Quelques caractéristiques démolinguistiques des Québécois de langue maternelle grecque.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 10, no. 2 (Août 1981): 307–338.
Papamanoli, E. N. Pepileptike Istoria Toy Kanada Kai Elleno-Kanadikos Odigos Montrail 1921-22. Toronto: McLaren Micropublishing for the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1979.
Paré, Olivier. “Les premières écoles grecques de Montréal.” Mémoires des Montréalais. Last modified juin 2017.
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Pelletier, Louis. “George Ganetakos et la United Amusement Corporation, Limited, 1910-1930 : formation d’une chaîne de cinémas montréalaise.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2004.
Primeau, Gilles. Les Grecs à Montréal. Montréal: Conseil scolaire de l’île de Montréal, 1981.
Robert, Percy A. “Dufferin District: An Area in Transition.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1928.
Rosenberg, M. Michael, and Jack Jedwab. “Institutional Completeness, Ethnic Organizational Style and the Role of the State: The Jewish, Italian and Greek Communities of Montreal.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue canadienne de sociologie et d’anthropologie Vol. 29, no. 3 (August 1992): 266–287.
Rosenberg, Michael. “Montreal’s Anglophone Community and Minority Ethnocultural NGOs.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne Vol. 8, no. 2 (Spring 2010): 18–23.
Shore, Bettina. “Immigrant Perceptions of Canadian Schools: A Study of Greek Parents in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Slobod, Shirley. “Program Planning in English as a Second Language at the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal: A Historical Study.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1982.
Smith, Philip M., G. Richard Tucker, and Donald M. Taylor. “Language, Ethnic Identity and Intergroup Relations: One Immigrant Group’s Reactions to Language Planning in Quebec.” In Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations, edited by Howard Giles, 283–306. London, England: Academic Press, 1977.
Stalikas, Anastassios. “Patterns of Greek Language Use Among Greek Children: A Preliminary Study.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 28, no. 2 (1993): 269–288.
Stathopoulos, Peter. “The Greek Community: Its Responsibility and Resources to Service Newcomers. The Views of Decision-Makers in the Greek Community of Montreal on the Adjustment Needs of Recent Greek Immigrants, the Responsibility of the Community to Meet These Needs and the Availability of Resources in the Community to Establish the Required Social Services.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1966.
Stathopoulos, Peter. The Greek Community of Montreal. Athens, Greece: National Centre of Social Research, 1971.
Stavrides, Stavros C. Century Man: The Father Salamis Story. Documentary. White Pine Pictures, 1999.
Thériault, Michel. “Un imprimé en caractères grecs à Montréal en 1837 : étude d’histoire typographique.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada/Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada Vol. 13 (1974): 75–84.
Tsakanika, Monika Domenica. “Family Influences on the Development of Vocational Interests in Adolescent Children of Immigrants : A Test of Holland’s Propositions Regarding Occupational Type Development.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1994.
Veltman, Calvin. “La politique linguistique québécoise et le comportement des jeunes Québécois d’origine grecque et portugaise.” Cahier québécois de démographie Vol. 14, no. 1 (Avril 1985): 99–109.
Veltman, Calvin. “Assessing the Effects of Quebec’s Language Legislation.” Canadian Public Policy Vol. 12, no. 2 (June 1986): 314–319.
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