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Leblond, Sylvio. “Cholera in Quebec in 1849.” Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 71, no. 3 (September 1954): 288–296.
Butcher, Wilfred F. “The ‘English’ of Quebec City.” Hermès Vol. 10 (Hiver 1954): 24–29.
Gallagher, John S. The Story of a Hundred Years : Featuring St. Ann’s Church, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: [s.n.], 1954.
Fabre-Surveyer, Edouard. “Robert Lester (1746-1807) : député de la Basse-Ville de Québec.” Revue de l’Université Laval Vol. 7, no. 7 (March 1953): 622–627.
Byrne, Barbara Ann. “Social Maturity in the Institutional Child, St. Patrick’s Orphanage, Montreal, 1952: A Statistical Study and Analysis.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1952.
Phelan, Josephine. The Ardent Exile: The Life and Times of Thos. D’Arcy McGee. Toronto, ON: Mcmillan of Canada, 1951.
Keep, George. “The Irish Migration to North America in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” PhD dissertation, University of Dublin, 1951.
Keep, George. “D’Arcy McGee and Montreal.” Culture Vol. 12 (1951): 16–28.
Hessian, Evelyn. “Population Movement in St. Patrick’s Orphanage, Montreal, 1850-1950: A Statistical Study of Population Movement.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1951.
Keep, George. “The Irish Congregations in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record Vol. 64 (December 1950): 501–508.
Keep, George. “The Irish Adjustment in Montreal.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 31, no. 1 (March 1950): 39–46.
McCaffrey, Clarence F. “The Catholic High School, Montreal.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report No. 17 (1950): 53–64.
Cooper, John I. “The Quebec Ship Labourers’ Benevolent Society.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 30, no. 4 (December 1949): 336–343.
Pentland, H. Clare. “The Lachine Strike of 1843.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 29, no. 3 (September 1948): 255–277.
Bayne, J. R. D. “History of Medicine in the Eastern Townships.” Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne Vol. 59, no. 1 (July 1948): 75–77.
McGee, J. C. Histoire politique de Québec-Est. Québec: Belisle, 1948.
Lortie, Paul. “Study of an Irish-Canadian Pronounciation: A Phonetic Study.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1948.
Keep, George. “The Irish Migration to Montreal, 1847-1867.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1948.
Devlin, Bernard. Double Heritage. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1948.
Deneau, Henri (Brother Adrian). “Life and Works of Mrs. Leprohon, Née R.E. Mullins.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1948.
Reid, W. Stanford. “The Habitant’s Standard of Living on the Seigneurie Des Mille Isles, 1820-1850.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 28, no. 3 (September 1947): 266–278.
Jobin, Albert. Histoire de Québec. Québec: Institut St-Jean-Bosco, 1947.
Gallagher, John A. “St. Patrick’s Parish, Quebec.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report Vol. 15 (1948 1947): 71–80.
The Story of One Hundred Years: St. Patrick’s Church, Montreal 1847-1947. Montreal: Printed by Plow & Watters, 1947.
Berry, Gerald. “Father Patrick Dowd Refuses to Be a Bishop.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report Vol. 14 (47 1946): 95–104.
Wood, William. “The Historic Seaport of Quebec: From Immemoriality to the Present Day.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 26, no. 4 (December 1945): 392–400.
Massicotte, É-Z. “Fief Nazareth-Griffintown, Quartier Sainte-Anne.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 51, no. 1–2 (January 1945): 73–74.
Cooper, John Irwin. “The Origins and Early History of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank, 1846-1871.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report 1945-1946 Vol. 13 (46 1945): 15–25.
Coffey, Agnes. “The True Witness and Catholic Chronicle, 1850-1910: Its Editors and Policies.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1945.
Sheehy, Memotian. “The Irish in Quebec.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report Vol. 11 (1943): 35–47.
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