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Durou, Guillaume. “’Contre tous les youpins du monde’ : la ville de Québec au temps de l’antisémitisme (1890–1914).” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 30 (2020): 42–66.
Lelièvre, Nicolas. “Stratégies foncières, gestion seigneuriale et pluriactivité économique: Josias et Jonathan Würtele, 1780-1853.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2020.
Reid Marcil, Eileen. The PS Royal William of Quebec : The First True Transatlantic Steamer. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2020.
Fournier, Marcel. “Émergence des communautés anglicane et presbytérienne à Québec au lendemain de la Conquête.” L’Ancêtre, Printemps 2020.
Anctil, Pierre. Antijudaïsme et influence nazie au Québec : Le cas du journal L’Action catholique (1931-1939). Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021.
Angers, Séverine. “Marrying a Redcoat: Women’s Experiences of Marriage in the British Garrison of Quebec City, 1763-1820.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2021.
Apple, Matthew T. “Irish-Canadian Intercultural Relations in Quebec: An Historical Overview.” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (立命館言語文化研究) Vol. 32, no. 4 (2021): 113–130.
Beogo, Idrissa, Jean Ramdé, Eric Nguemeleu Tchouaket, Drissa Sia, Nebila Jean-Claude Bationo, Stephanie Collin, Abdoulaye Anne, and Marie-Pierre Gagnon. “Co-Development of a Web-Based Hub (ESocial-Hub) to Combat Social Isolation and Loneliness in Francophone and Anglophone Older People in the Linguistic Minority Context (Quebec, Manitoba, and New Brunswick): Protocol for a Mixed Methods Interventional Study.” JMIR Research Protocols Vol. 10, no. 9 (2021).
Jobb, Dean. The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream: The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer. Toronto, ON: Harper Avenue, An imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2021.
Martel, Robert. “Un trésor au bout de l’île: la chapelle anglicane St. Mary.” Histoire Québec, 2021.
McCutcheon, Shawn. “Honnêtes hommes et gentilshommes : L’éducation classique des garçons et la formation du soi masculin au Bas-Canada à l’âge des révolutions (1791-1840).” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2021.
McEneaney, Cian. “Changing Attitudes toward Irish Canadians: The Impact of the 1847 Famine Influx in the Province of Canada.” The Undergraduate Review (Bridgewater State University) Vol. 16, no. [Special Issue] (2021): 90–106.
Ortenberg, Michael, and Charlotte Huberman. Stories of Nathan Ortenberg in Rural Quebec. Edited by Ronald Ortenberg. [Montreal]: [s.n.], 2021.
Vailles, Andréanne. “L’histoire de la mode: La Maison Simons.” Histoire Québec, 2021.
Roy, Julie. “Our gentle, darling, good, unselfish brother.” À rayons ouverts: Bulletin de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Hiver 2021.
Mackey, Frank. “An Afro-Irish Landmark in Quebec City: The Jacquet House.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society, Spring 2021.
Béland, Mario. “Daniel Charles Grose à Québec.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Automne 2021.
Seward, Sara. “From the Outside In : Musical Heritage and Community in Valcartier.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2021.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “Les difficiles hivers de 1759 à 1760 et de 1760 à 1761 : sources de rapprochements entre Britanniques et Canadiennes.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Automne 2021.
Carr, Thomas M. “J.-P. Frénais’s Sabotage of Frances Brooke’s Colonial Agenda in The History of Emily Montague: The ‘Province of Quebec’ Viewed from Paris.” Québec Studies Vol. 74, no. 1 (2022): 117–137.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “L’enracinement de la communauté anglophone dans la toponymie de Québec.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Hiver 2022.
Allard, Yolande. “‘My Dear Mrs. Millar’: Soul Tending from the Townships to the Lower North Shore.” Translated by Julie Miller. Quebec Heritage News, Sprecial Edition 2023.
Kiley, Deborah, and Kerry Ann King. “Shannon Irish Show: A History in the Making.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2023.
Meredith, Mark. “Eminently Picturesque: Domaine Cataraqui, Chemin Saint-Louis, Quebec City.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2023.
Tremblay, Michel. “Une famille irlandaise à Québec au XIXe siècle: acquisitions et possessions.” Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française, Hiver 2024.
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