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Moyes, Lianne, ed. Gail Scott: Essays on Her Works. Toronto, ON: Guernica, 2002.
Brown, Andy, and rob mclennan, eds. You & Your Bright Ideas: New Montreal Writing. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2001.
Venne, Michel, ed. Vive Quebec! : New Thinking and New Approaches to the Quebec Nation. Translated by Robert Chodos and Louisa Blair. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer, 2001.
Anctil, Pierre, ed. Through the Eyes of the Eagle: The Early Montreal Yiddish Press (1907-1916). Translated by David Rome. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2001.
Allen, R. E. N., and Angela Carr, eds. The Matrix Interviews. The Moosehead Anthology no. 8. Montreal: Livres D.C. Books, 2001.
Dagg, Anne Innis, ed. The Feminine Gaze: A Canadian Compendium of Non-Fiction Women Authors and Their Books, 1836-1945. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001.
Aitken, Ian, ed. St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal: Handbook. Montreal: St. Andrews Society of Montreal, 2001. http://www.standrews.qc.ca/handbook-project.html.
Little, J. I., ed. Love Strong As Death: Lucy Peel’s Canadian Journal, 1833-1836. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001.
Hildebrand, George, ed. Louis Dudek: Essays on His Works. Toronto: Guernica, 2001.
Starnino, Carmine, ed. David Solway : Essays on His Works. Toronto, ON: Guernica, 2001.
Courville, Serge, and Normand Séguin, eds. Atlas historique de Québec. La paroisse. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2001.
Mann, Susan, ed. The War Diary of Clare Gass. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.
Reisner, Mary Ellen, ed. The Diary of a Country Clergyman, 1848-1851: James Reid. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.
Mc Andrew, Marie, and France Gagnon, eds. Relations ethniques et éducation dans les sociétés divisées (Québec, Irlande du Nord, Catalogne et Belgique). Montréal: L’Harmattan, 2000.
McAlpine, Lynn, and Susan Cowan, eds. Reflections on Teaching and Learning: 30 Years at McGill. Montreal: Centre for University Teaching and Learning, McGill University, 2000.
Emery, Winston, Frank Tiseo, and Leon Llewellyn, eds. Rainbow of Dreams : Memories in Black and White : An Anthology of Restored Photographs and Writings by Media Students at Laurier Macdonald High School, St. Leonard, Quebec. Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises, 2000.
Molson, Karen, and Hilbert Buist, eds. On His Way in the World: The Voyages and Travels of John H.R. Molson, 1841. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2000.
Anctil, Pierre, Ira Robinson, and Gérard Bouchard, eds. Juifs et Canadiens français dans la société québécoise. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 2000.
Scobie, Stephen, ed. Intricate Preparations : Writing Leonard Cohen. Toronto, ON: ECW Press, 2000.
Gli Italiani nella società canadese. Montreal: [s.n.], 2000.
Iacouetta, Franca, Roberto Perin, and Angelo Principe, eds. Enemies Within: Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.
Deux Siècles de Développement à Hull/Two Centuries of Development in Hull. Hull, QC: Société d’histoire de l’Outaouais, 2000.
Deschênes, Gaston, ed. Une capitale éphémère. Montréal et les événements tragiques de 1849. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 1999.
Cameron, David R., ed. The Referendum Papers : Essays on Secession and National Unity. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press : Published in association with C.D. Howe Institute, 1999.
Hartwell, Brenda, ed. Taproot: Poetry, Prose and Images From the Eastern Townships. Sherbrooke, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 1999.
Stories About the Deaf: ASLM Literacy Program for the Deaf-Anglo in Montreal. Montreal: American Sign Language of Montreal, 1999.
Résultats électoraux depuis 1867. Québec: Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale, Service de la recherche, 1999.
Program of Access to Health and Social Services in English for the English-Speaking Persons of the Laval Region. Laval, QC: Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux, Laval, 1999.
Robinson, Jennifer, ed. Montreal’s Century: A Record of the News and People Who Shaped the City in the 20th Century. Outremont, QC: Éditions du Trécarré, 1999.
Lelièvre, Francine, ed. Montréal, By Bridge and Crossing. Translated by Terry Knowles and Pamela Ireland. Montréal: Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Museum of Archaeology and History, 1999.
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