Full bibliography
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Eastern Townships Bank. List of Shareholders. Sherbrooke, QC: The Bank, 1880.
Dawson, John William. The Future of McGill University; Annual University Lecture, Session 1880-81. Montreal: [s.n.], 1880.
Dent, John Charles, ed. Canadian Portrait Gallery. 4 vols. Toronto, ON: J.B. Magurn, 1880.
Miles, Henry H. “Nelson at Quebec: An Episode in the Life of the Great British Admiral.” Rose-Belford’s Canadian Monthly and National Review (March 1879): 257–275. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_29743.
St. George, Percival Walter. “On the Street and Footwalk Pavements of Montreal, Canada from Year 1842 to 1878.” Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Vol. 58, Part 4, no. 1879 (1879): 287–309.
Norris, John F. The Consolidated Bank of Canada. A Compilation. Montreal: The Montreal Herald Printing and Publishing Company, 1879.
Fuller, O. L. County of Missisquoi and Town of St. Johns Directory for 1879, 1880 and 1881: Containing a Separate Alphabetical Directory of Every Town and Village, a Farmers’ Directory and an Advertisers’ and Subscribers’ Classified Business Directory for the County. Montreal: Published for O.L. Fuller by Lovell Printing and Publishing Co., 1879. http://archive.org/details/countyofmissisqu00mont/.
Cherrier, A. B. History of the Quebec Directory Since Its First Issue In 1844 Up The Present Day. Containing Also Lists of Our Municipal and Local Government as Presently Constituted, A Calendar for 1879, Carter’s Tariff, Fire Alarm Signal Boxes, and a Tabular Statement of Our Past and Present Population : The Whole Respectfully Dedicated to the Present Supporters of the Work. Quebec: Dawson & Co., 1879. http://contentdm.ucalgary.ca/digital/collection/p22007coll8/id/683545/rec/458.
White, Robert S. General Review of the Trade of Montreal: Also a Synopsis of the Commerce of Canada. Montreal: T. and R. White, 1878.
Morgan, Henry J. Canadian Legal Directory: A Guide to the Bench and Bar of the Dominion of Canada. Toronto, ON: Carswell, 1878.
Hamilton, Fred J. The New Declaration: A Record of the Reception of the Sixth Fusiliers, of Montreal. by the Citizens of St. Albans, Vt., July 4th, 1878. Montreal & St. Albans, VT: Dawson Brothers & Advertiser Publishing Office, 1878. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_06672.
Protestant Public Schools, Montreal, Province of Quebec, Dominion of Canada, 1878. Montreal: [s.n.], 1878.
List of Provincial Land Surveyors for Lower-Canada. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1878. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_38502.
Simpson, Matthew, ed. Cyclopaedia of Methodism: Embracing Sketches of Its Rise, Progress and Present Condition, with Biographical Notes and Numeous Illustrations. Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Stewart, 1878.
McLennan, William. “The First Protestant Church in Canada.” The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal Vol. 5, no. 4 (April 1877): 165–168. http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_06467_20/23?r=0&s=1.
Ulster True Blue. Poem on the Montreal Riots, 12th July, 1877 : With the Murder and Funeral of the Late Thomas Lett Hackett. Montreal: [s.n.], 1877. https://montrealirishparadehistorian.wordpress.com/2015/07/12/thomas-lett-hackett/.
Thomas, Cyrus. The History of Shefford, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical and Statistical. Montreal: Lovell Printing and Publishing, 1877. http://archive.org/details/cihm_25161.
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Condensed Catalogue of Manuscripts, Books and Engravings on Exhibition at the Caxton Celebration, Held Under the Auspices of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, at the Mechanics’ Hall, on 26th, 27th, 28th and 28th June, 1877,.. Montreal: Printed at the Gazette Printing House, 1877.
McGibbon, Robert D. A Complete Synopsis of the Great Pew Case: From the Institution to the Final Decree of the Supreme Court of Canada: James Johnston (Plaintiff), Appellant and the Minister and Trustees of St. Andrew’s Church, Montreal (Defendants) Respondents. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1877. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_24145#page/n7/mode/2up.
Hincks, Francis. The Political History of Canada Between 1840-55. A Lecture Delivered on the 17th October, 1877, at the Request of the St. Patrick’s National Association, with Copious Additions. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1877. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_24147.
Fleming, John C. Orangeism and the 12th of July Riots in Montreal; with the Letter of Sir Francis Hincks, as an Appendix. Montreal: Printed for the author, 1877.
Curran, J. J. Quebec East: Address Delivered by J.J. Curran, Q.C. to the English Speaking Electors of Quebec East: Epitomized from the Stenographic Report of Mr. E. J. Duggan. Quebec: [s.n.], 1877. https://archive.org/details/cihm_24183.
“Freemasonry in the Province of Quebec.” The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal Vol. 5, no. 2 (October 1876): 76–82. http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_06467_18/28?r=0&s=1.
Young, John. The Origin of the Victoria Bridge. Montreal: D. Bentley & Co., 1876. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_24109.
White, Thomas. The Protestant Minority in Quebec and Its Political Relations with the Roman Catholic Majority: A Letter Addressed to Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt, K.C.M.G. Montreal: Dawson Bros., 1876. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_24084.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. Quebec Past and Present: A History of Quebec, 1608-1876 In Two Parts. Quebec: Augustin Coté & Co., 1876.
Galt, Alexander T. Civil Liberty in Lower Canada. Montreal: D. Bentley and Co., 1876. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_24095.
Miss Holt, C. E. An Autobiographical Sketch of a Teacher’s Life Including a Residence in the Northern and Southern States, California, Cuba and Peru. Quebec: James Carrel, 1875. http://whf.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.06850.
Dawson, Samuel Edward. Christ Church, Montreal : As Parish Church and Cathedral, a Report to the Rector of the Parish, with Appendices, Containing Opinions of Canadian Counsel and Evidence of the Chief Cathedral Authorities in England, Relative to Ecclesiastical Law and Usage in England and Canada. Montreal: The Lovell Printing and Publishing Company, 1875.
Borthwick, John Douglas. Montreal, Its History, To Which Is Added Biographical Sketches, With Photographs Of Many Of Its Principal Citizens. Montreal: Drysdale & Co., 1875.
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