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Chisholme, David. The Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston, ON: T. MacFarlane, printer, 1829. http://archive.org/stream/lowercanadawatch00chis#page/n3/mode/2up.
Wood, Samuel Simpson. An Apology for the Colonial Clergy of Great Britain: Specially for Those of Lower and Upper Canada. London, England: Printed for J. Hatchard and Son, 1828. https://archive.org/details/cihm_21269.
Fleming, John. Political Annals of Lower Canada: Being a Review of the Political and Legislative History of That Province Under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, 3 Geo. III., Cap. 31, Which Established the House of Assembly and Legislative Council; Showing the Defects of This Constitutional Act and Particularly Its Practical Discouragement of British Colonization.. By a British Settler. Montreal: Office of the Montreal Herald and New Montreal Gazette, 1828.
Quebec Garrison Library. Regulations and Catalogue of the Quebec Garrison Library: Instituted Under the Patronage of...Sir Gordon Drummond in 1816. Quebec: T. Cary, 1827.
Esson, H. A Sketch of the System of Education and Course of Study Pursued in the Montreal Academical Institution : Under the Direction of the Rev. H. Esson. Montreal: Montreal Gazette, 1827. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.61093/2?r=0&s=1.
An Anglo Canadian of Old Standing. An Address to the Electors of the City and County of Montreal. Montreal: Printed at the Gazette Office, 1827. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100276819.
Smith, John. The Quebec Directory or Strangers’ Guide to the City for 1826, Comprising Alphabetical List of Merchants, Traders and Housekeepers. Quebec: T. Cary & Co., 1826. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_40774.
Cushing, Elmer. An Appeal, Addressed to a Candid Public: And to the Feeling of Those Whose Upright Sentiments and Discerning Minds, Enable Them to “Weigh It in the Balance of the Sanctuary.” Stanstead, QC: Printed for the author by S.H. Dickerson, 1826. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_21197#page/n5/mode/2up.
“Memoir of the Late Bishop of Quebec.” The Christian Remembrancer Vol. 7, no. 9 (September 1825): 593–599.
“An Account of Christ’s Church in the City of Montreal. Province of Lower Canada.” Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 4, no. 21, 24 (June 1825): 217–224 & 525–531.
“An Account of the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Montreal General Hospital.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 4, no. 20 (February 1825): 100–126.
Wright, Philemon. “An Account of the First Settlement of the Township of Hull, on the Ottawa River, Lower Canada.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 3, no. 15 (September 1824): 234–236.
“Settlement of the Townships of Lower Canada.” The Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal Vol. 1 (July 1824): 25–30.
“An Account of a Monumental Column Erected to the Memory of the Late Lord Nelson, in the New Market Place, City of Montreal, 1808.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 2, no. 11 (May 1824): 410–418.
G. “On the Influence of a Well Regulated English Theatre in Montreal.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 1, no. 3 (September 1823): 221–226. http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_06234_3/30?r=0&s=1.
Gleason, Thomas Henri. The Quebec Directory, for 1822, Containing an Alphabetical List of the Merchants, Traders and Housekeepers, Etc., Within the City, To Which Is Prefixed a Descriptive Sketch of the Town... Quebec: Printed by Neilson and Cowan, 1822. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_38606.
Sansom, Joseph. Travels in Lower Canada, with the Author’s Recollections of the Soil, and Aspects: The Morals, Habits, and Religious Institutions of That Country. London, UK: Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1820. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_37285.
Wilkie, Daniel. “Memoir of the Life of the Reverend Alexander Spark, D.D., Minister of the Scotch Church , Quebec.” Canadian Christian Examiner and Presbyterian Review (1819).
Doige, Thomas. An Alphabetical List of the Merchants, Traders and Housekeepers Residing in Montreal: To Which Is Prefixed a Descriptive Sketch of the Town. Montreal: Printed by James Lane, 1819. http://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2004673.
A Sermon Preached in St. Andrew’s Church, on the Fourteenth March, 1819, on Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Alex. Spark, D.D., Late Minister of the Scotch (Presbyterian) Church, Quebec. Quebec: Printed and Sold by John Neilson, 1819. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=aeu.ark:/13960/t41r7t63h&view=1up&seq=5.
Christie, Robert. Memoirs of The Administration of the Colonial Government of Lower-Canada by Sir James Henry Craig, and Sir George Prevost; From the Year 1807 to the Year 1815. Comprehending the Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas During the Late War.. Quebec: [s.n.], 1818. http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.21041.
Christie, Robert. A Brief Review of the Political State of Lower Canada, Since the Conquest of the Colony to the Present Day. To Which Are Added Memoirs of the Administrations of the Colonial Government of Lower Canada by Sir Gordon Drummond and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. New York, NY: Printed and published by W.A Mercein, 1818. http://www.archive.org/stream/cihm_32799#page/n5/mode/2up.
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas. A Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America: With Observations Relative to the North-West Company of Montreal. London, England: James Ridgway, 1816.
Sanders, Daniel Clarke. A Discourse at the Funeral of Mr. Henry Lyman, Merchant, of Montreal, Who Died in Burlington, 20th September, 1809, Aged 21. Montreal: Printed by N. Mower, 1809.
Bentom, Clark. A Statement of Facts and Law, Relative to the Prosecution of the Rev. Clark Bentom, Protestant Missionary from the London Missionary Society, for the Assumption of the Office of a Dissenting Minister of the Gospel, in Quebec, by the King’s Attorney General of Lower Canada. Troy, NY: Printed for the author by O. Penniman & Co., 1804. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_27967#page/n3/mode/2up.
The Trial of David McLane for High Treason , at the City of Quebec, in the Province of Lower-Canada on Friday, the Seventh Day of July, A.D. 1797 :Taken in Short-Hand, at the Trial. Quebec: Printed by W. Vondenvelden, Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1797. https://archive.org/details/trialofdavidmcla00mcla/page/n5.
Mackay, Hugh. The Directory for the City and Suburbs of Quebec... Quebec: Printed by William Moore at the Herald Printing Office, 1790.
Maseres, Francis. Additional Papers Concerning the Province of Quebeck: Being an Appendix to the Book Entitled, “An Account of the Proceedings of the British and Other Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck in North America in Order to Obtain an House of Assembly...” London, England: Sold by W. White, 1776.
Maseres, Francis. An Account of the Proceedings of the British, and Other Protestant Inhabitants, of the Province of Quebeck, in North America, in Order to Obtain an House of Assembly in That Province. London, England: Sold by B. White, 1775.
Maseres, Francis. A Draught of an Act of Parliament for Tolerating the Roman Catholick Religion in the Province of Quebec, and for Encouraging and Introducing the Protestant Religion into the Said Province, and for Vesting the Lands Belonging to Certain Religious Houses. London, England: [s.n.], 1772.
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