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Notkin, Richard. Autobiographical by A.M. Klein. National Film Board of Canada, 1965.
Rome, David. “Montreal: The Capital City of Jewish Canada.” In Canadian Jewish Reference Book and Directory, edited by Eli Gottesman, 299–305. [S.l.]: Jewish Institute of Higher Research, Central Rabbinical Seminary of Canada, 1965.
Sack, Benjamin G. History of the Jews in Canada. Montreal: Harvest House, 1965.
Purdy, Al. “Leonard Cohen: A Personal Look.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 23 (Winter 1965): 7–16.
Steinberg, M. W. “Poet of a Living Past : Tradition in Klein’s Poetry.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 25 (Summer 1965): 5–20.
Légaré, Jacques. “La population juive de Montréal est-elle victime d’une ségrégation qu’elle se serait elle-même imposée?” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 6, no. 3 (Séptembre-décembre 1965): 311–326.
Beth Zion Congregation. A Community Story: The Story of Beth Zion Congregation, A Story in Progress. Montreal: Beth Zion Congregation, 1966.
Kernaghan, Kenneth. “Freedom of Religion in the Province of Quebec, with Particular Reference to the Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Church-State Relations, 1930-1960.” PhD dissertation, Duke University, 1966.
Lyons, Roberta. “Jewish Poets from Montreal : Concepts of History in the Poetry of A. M. Klein, Irving Layton, and Leonard Cohen.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1966.
Reif, Eric Anthony. “Irving Layton: The Role of the Poet.” Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto, 1966.
Rosenberg, Louis. A Preliminary Study of the Number of Jewish Children of Elementary School Age and Jewish Teenagers in Canada and Its Larger Jewish Communities. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Rosenberg, Louis. Changes in the Geographical Distribution of the Jewish Population of Metropolitan Montreal in the Decennial Periods from 1901 to 1961 and the Estimated Possible Changes During the Period from 1961 to 1971: A Preliminary Study. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Rosenberg, Louis. The Number, Age & Sex Distribution & Marital Status of Jews 60 Years of Age & Over in the Metropolitan Census Area of Montreal and in the Larger Municipal Areas within Metropolitan Montreal in 1961. Series A, no. 6. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Vaugeois, Denis. “Les positions religieuses de Moses Hart.” Sessions d’étude - Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Église catholique Vol. 33 (1966): 41–46.
Belkin, Simon. Through Narrow Crates: A Review of Jewish Immigration, Colonization and Immigrant Aid Work in Canada (1840-1940). Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1967.
Bell, Merirose. “The Image of French Canada in the Poetry of William Henry Drummond, Émile Coderre and A.M. Klein.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1967.
Bissett, Mary Elizabeth, and Richard Zeilinger. “Survival Through Change: An Historical Study of the Baron de Hirsch Institute of Montreal, 1863-1963.” Research report, McGill University, 1967.
Romalis, Coleman. “The Attitudes of the Montreal Jewish Community Toward French Canadian Nationalism and Separatism.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1967.
Shlossman, Morton L., Alvin Bronstein, and Charlotte Bronstein. Highlights of 50 Years Community Service. Montreal: Allied Jewish Community Services of Montreal, 1967.
Wallot, Jean-Pierre. “Les canadiens français et les juifs (1808-1809) : l’affaire Hart.” In Juifs et Canadiens: deuxième cahier du Cercle Juif de langue française, edited by Naïm Kattan, 113–121. Montréal: Éditions du Jour, 1967.
Francis, Wynne. “Irving Layton.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature Vol. 3 (July 1967): 34–48.
Djwa, Sandra. “Leonard Cohen: Black Romantic.” Canadian Literature No. 34 (Autumn 1967): 32–42.
Pacey, Desmond. “The Phenomenon of Leonard Cohen.” Canadian Literature No. 34 (Autumn 1967): 5–23.
Committee for Tax Supported Jewish Schools. Discrimination : Equality for Jewish Schools in Quebec/Égalité Pour Les Écoles Juives de Québec. Chomedey, QC: The Committee, 1968.
Figler, Bernard. Biography of Louis Fitch, Q.C. Montreal: By the author, 1968.
Figler, Bernard. Rabbi Dr. Herman Abramowitz; Lazarus Cohen; Lyon Cohen. Gardenvale, QC: Harpell’s Press Co-operative, 1968.
Frank, Solomon. Two Centuries in the Life of a Synagogue (1768-1968). Montreal: Spanish & Portuguese Congregation, 1968.
Kattan, Naïm. “Jews and French Canadians.” In One Church, Two Nations?, edited by Philip LeBlanc and Arnold Edinborough, 104–115. Don Mills, ON: Longman Canada, 1968.
Lewin, Samuel. “Jewish Education in Montreal: Advantage and Disadvantage of Being Different.” Journal of Jewish Education Vol. 38, no. 3 (1968): 24–29.
Sirois, Antoine. Montréal dans le roman canadien. Paris, France: M. Didier, 1968.
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