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Peacock, Patricia. “Seven Women, Seven Pioneers : The Stories of Seven Women and Their Influential Roles in the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches in the Province of Quebec at the End of the Twentieth Century.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2002.
Neatby, Hilda. “Servitude de l’église catholique : A Reconsideration.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association Session 1969 (n.d.): 9–25.
MacDonald, Duncan (Darby). Selected Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for Early Scots & Irish from Notre Dame de Montreal, Est. 1642 : As Well As Some Family Names of English, German, French, Etc., Origin, Which Your Author/Editor Felt Would Be of Interest. Brockville, ON: D.W. MacDonald, 1992.
Sylvain, Robert. “Séjour mouvementé d’un révolutionnaire à Toronto et à Québec.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 13, no. 2 (September 1959): 183–229.
Olson, Sherry. “Saint-Patrick et les paroissiens irlandais.” In Les Sulpiciens de Montréal: une histoire de pouvoir et de discrétion, 1657-2007, edited by Dominique Deslandres, John A. Dickinson, and Ollivier Hubert, 289–304. Montréal: Fides, 2007.
Downs, John. “Sainte-Marthe et ses Irlandais.” In Quelques pades d’histoire de Sainte-Marthe, comté de Vaudreuil, 8–31. Valleyfield, Qué: Publications généalogiques, 1988.
Guérin, Benoît. Saint-Anthony of Padua, 1884-1941 : mariages et index par épouses. Saint-Jérôme, QC: Société de généalogie des Laurentides, 2005.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Saint Patrick’s, Quebec: The Building of a Church and a Parish 1827 to 1832. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1981.
Hustak, Alan. Saint Patrick’s of Montreal: The Biography of a Basilica. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1998.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Saint Brigid’s, Quebec: The Irish Care For Their People, 1856 to 1981. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1981.
Donovan, Patrick. Saint Brigid’s l’établissement et la fondation : Un héritage d’entraide depuis 1856. Quebec: Saint Brigid’s Home Foundation, 2012.
Donovan, Patrick. Saint Brigid’s and Its Foundation: A Tradition of Caring Since 1856. Quebec: Saint Brigid’s Home Foundation, 2016.
MacLeod, Roderick, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Rural Protestant Schools.” In Les Chantiers de l’Atlas Historique Du Québec : L’École Au Québec : Éducation, Identités et Cultures, edited by Brigitte Caulier, Andrée Dufour, and Thérèse Hamel, 19p. Québec et Trois-Rivières: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ), 2015.
Rules and Regulations for the Guidance and Government of the Congregation of Catholics of Quebec Speaking the English Language. Quebec: Printed at the Colonist Office, 1856.
Skilling, George. Roman Catholic Cemetery, Danville, Quebec, Richmond County. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1988.
McGowan, Mark G. “Rethinking Catholic-Protestant Relations in Canada: The Episcopal Report of 1900-1901.” The Canadian Historical Association/Historical Studies Vol. 59 (1992): 11–32.
Martínez-Ariño, Julia, and Solange Lefebvre. “Resisting or Adapting? How Private Catholic High Schools in Quebec Respond to State Secularism and Religious Diversification.” Eurostudia Vol. 11, no. 1 (2016): 19–44.
Moore, Paulette. Répertoire des mariages paroisse St-Patrick (Montréal), 1859-1899. Saint-Jérôme, QC: Société de généalogie des Laurentides, 2002.
Mercier, Guy. Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Patrick des Trois-Rivières, comté de Saint-Maurice, 1955-1981. Trois-Rivières, QC: Société de généalogie de la Mauricie et des Bois-Francs, 1983.
Doyle, Réal. Répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de la Minganie, de la Basse Côte-Nord et du sud du Labrador,1847-2006. 2 vols. Québec: Société de généalogie de Québec, 2007.
Knopff, Rainer. “Religious Freedom and Party Government: The Galt-White Debate of 1876.” In Political Thought in Canada, edited by Stephen Brooke, 23–48. Toronto, ON: Irwin Publishing, 1984.
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Wallot, Jean-Pierre. “Religion and French-Canadian Mores in the Early Nineteenth Century.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 52, no. 1 (March 1971): 51–94.
Bérubé, Harold. “Regards catholiques sur les villes québécoises: Une haine à géométrie variable (1918-1939).” Archives de sciences sociales des religions No. 165, no. 1 (2014): 47–62.
Laverdure, Paul. Redemption and Renewal: The Redemptorists of English Canada, 1834-1994. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 1996.
Olson, Sherry, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Recovering Identities from the Judicial Archives of Quebec.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 57, no. No. 117 (May 2024): 71–95.
Thornton, Patricia A., and Danielle Gauvreau. “Reconciling Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Measures of Fertility, Quebec 1890-1900.” History & Computing Vol. 14, no. 1–2 (2002): 129–152.
Ville de Québec. Recherches historiques et archéologiques : église Saint-Patrick (CeEt-366), vieux Québec. Québec: Ville de Québec, Division du design urbain et du patrimoine, 1995.
Cohen, Yolande. “Rapports de genre, de classe et d’ethnicité : l’histoire des infirmières au Québec.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine Vol. 21, no. 2 (2004): 387–409.
Noël, Julie. “Querelle pour une paroisse.” Mémoires des Montréalais. Last modified juin 2017.
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