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Barsony, André, and Mauro F. Malservisi. Les groupes ethniques et l’épanouissement du français au Québec. Québec: Commission d’enquête sur la situation de la langue française et sur les droits linguistiques au Québec, 1972.
Stathopoulos, Peter. The Greek Community of Montreal. Athens, Greece: National Centre of Social Research, 1971.
Parisella, John E. “Pressure Group Politics: A Case Study of the Saint-Léonard School Crisis.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1971.
Marshall, Peter. “The Incorporation of Quebec in the British Empire, 1763-1774.” In Of Mother Country and Plantations: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Conference in Early American History, edited by Virginia Bever Platt and David Curtis Skaggs, 43–70. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Press, 1971.
Marion, Séraphin. “Les Orangistes au Canada.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 33 (1971): 79–125.
Lamontagne, Roland. Monographie sur Saint-Léonard : un cas de conflit social. Montréal: [s.n.], 1971.
Fournier, Pierre. “A Political Analysis of School Reorganization in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1971.
Boissevain, Jeremy. “Family and Kinship among Italians of Montreal.” In The Canadian Family: A Book of Readings, edited by K. Ishwaran, 506–517. Toronto, ON: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1971.
Lieberson, Stanley. “Residence and Language Maintenance in a Multicultural City.” South African Journal of Sociology Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1970): 13–22.
Ribordy, François-Xavier. “Conflit de culture et criminalité des italiens à Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1970.
Mitchell, Chas A. “Events Leading up to and the Establishment of the Grosse Ile Quarantine Station.” Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal /Société canadienne des sciences judiciaires Journal Vol. 3, no. 3 (1970): 84–90.
Maxwell, John A. “Employment Experiences of Jamaican Immigrants in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1970.
Marion, Séraphin. “L’institution royale, les biens des Jésuites et Honoré Mercier.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 35 (1970): 97–126.
Malboeuf, Diane. “Ethnic Residential Assimilation in Montreal.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1970.
Lefebvre, André. La Montreal Gazette et le nationalisme canadien (1835-1842). Montréal: Guérin, 1970.
Godfrey, Marvin Julian. “A Study of the Academic Achievement and Personal and Social Adjustment of Jewish Moroccan Immigrant Students in the English High Schools of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1970.
Egretaud, Henry. L’affaire Saint-Léonard. Montréal: Société d’éducation du Québec, 1970.
Charbonneau, Hubert, Jacques Henripin, and Jacques Légaré. “L’avenir démographies des francophones au Québec et à Montréal en l’absence de politiques adéquates.” Revue de géographie de Montréal Vol. 24, no. 2 (1970): 199–202.
Boissevain, Jeremy. The Italians of Montreal: Social Adjustment in a Plural Society. Studies of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Ottawa, ON: Queen’s Printer, 1970.
Audet, Louis-Philippe. “La question des écoles juives : 1870-1931.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada Series 4, Vol. 8 (1970): 109–122.
Hoekstra, Anna E., and W. Gillies Ross. “The Craig and Gosford Roads, Early Colonization Routes in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.” Canadian Geographical Journal Vol. 79, no. 2 (August 1969): 52–57.
Québec (Province). Conseil executif. Office d’information et de publicité. Le conflit linguistique de Saint-Léonard. Québec: l’Office, 1969.
Magnuson, Roger. Education in the Province of Quebec. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1969.
Leblond, Sylvio. “Le Docteur George Douglas (1804-1864).” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 34 (1969): 145–164.
Ares, Richard. “Langues parlées par les néo-Québécois à Montréal.” Relations No. 337 (1969): 102–105.
Ares, Richard. “Comportement linguistique des groupes ethniques à Montréal.” Relations No. 336 (1969): 77–79.
“The Fictitious ‘Right’ to a Language of Instruction.” Canada Month Vol. 9, no. 8 (1969): 3–4.
Correspondence and Other Papers Relating to Canada and to Immigration in the Provinces, 1847-1848. Shannon, Ireland: Irish University Press, 1969.
Vance, Catherine. Not by Gods but by People: The Story of Bella Hall Gauld. Toronto, ON: Progress Books, 1968.
Tremblay, Claude. “Contrôle social et exogamie : une étude des mariages interethniques et interreligieux à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1968.
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