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Gilmour, J. L. “The Baptists in Canada.” In Canada and Its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, edited by Adam Shortt and A. G. Doughty, 11:345–376. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Co., 1914.
Gordon, Charles W. “The Presbyterian Church and Its Mission.” In Canada and Its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, edited by Adam Shortt and A. G. Doughty, 11:249–300. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.
Jedwab, Jack. “Maurice Duplessis et l’électorat anglo-montréalais : 1935-1956.” In Duplessis: entre la Grande Noirceur et la société libérale, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon and Michel Sarra-Bournet, 145–171. Montréal: Éditions Québec/Amérique, 1997.
Fyson, Donald. “The Conquered and the Conqueror: The Mutual Adaptation of the Canadiens and the British in Quebec, 1759-1775.” In 1759 Revisited: The Conquest of Canada in Historical Perspective, edited by Phillip A. Buckner and John G. Reid, 190–217. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Lighthall, W. D. “English Settlement in Quebec.” In Canada and Its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, Vol. 15, edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty, 121–164. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Company, 1914.
Bruck, Margaret, Wallace E. Lambert, and G. Richard Tucker. Cognitive and Attitudinal Consequences of Bilingual Schooling: The St. Lambert Project Through Grade Six. Montreal: McGill University, 1973.
Bastien, Geneviève G., Doris Drolet-Dubé, and Christina Southam. “Inventaire des marchés de construction des archives civiles de Québec, 1800-1870.” History and Archaeology (Parks Canada) No. 1a (1975): 430p.
Geggie, H. J. G. The Extra Mile: Medicine in Rural Quebec 1885-1965. Wakefield, QC: N. and S. Geggie, 1987.
Pilarczyk, Ian C. “‘To Shudder at the Bare Recital of Those Acts’: Child Abuse, Family, and Montreal Courts in the Early Nineteenth Century.” In Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Vol. XI: Quebec and the Canadas, edited by G. Blaine Baker and Donald Fyson, 370–426. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2013.
Tucker, Norman L. “The Anglican Church and Its Missions.” In Canada and Its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, edited by Adam Shortt and A. G. Doughty, 199–246. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Co., 1914.
Rose, S. P. “The Methodist Church: Its Missions and Institutions.” In Canada and Its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, edited by Adam Shortt and A. G. Doughty, 11:303–342. Toronto, ON: Glasgow, Brook & Co., 1914.
Dere, Jessica, Andrew G. Ryder, and Laurence J. Kirmayer. “Bidimensional Measurement of Acculturation in a Multiethnic Community Sample of First-Generation Immigrants.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement Vol. 42, no. 2 (April 2010): 134–138.
Bonin, Pierre-Olivier. “Relative Deprivation and Perceived Discrimination Among Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Communities : ‘Second-Class Citizens’ in a Multi-National Context?” In Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay, 241–268. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Galipeau, Claude Jean. “National Minorities, Rights and Signs: The Supreme Court and Language Legislation in Quebec.” In Democracy with Justice: Essays in Honour of Khayyam Zev Paltiel, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon and A. Brian Tanguay, 66–84. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University Press, 1992.
Arias-Valenzuela, Melisa, Carherine E. Amiot, and Andrew G. Ryder. “Which One to Take On? International Students’ Identity Acquisition in the Hyperdiversity of Montreal.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 48, no. 1 (2016): 123–140.
Campbell, Russell N., Donald M. Taylor, and G. Richard Tucker. “Teachers’ Views of Immersion-Type Bilingual Programs: A Quebec Example.” Foreign Language Annals Vol. 7, no. 1 (October 1973): 106–110.
Daly, Ruth, Thomas A. G. Daly, and Sylvia Green-Guenette. St. James Anglican Church Cemetery Inscriptions and Memorials, Ormstown, Chateauguay County, Quebec. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 2001.
Baker, G. Blaine, Brian Young, Kattheen Fisher, and Vince Masciotra. Sources in the Law Library of McGill University for a Reconstruction of the Legal Culture of Quebec, 1760-1890. Montreal: McGill University, Faculty of Law; & Business History Project, 1987.
Triggs, Stanley G., Brian Young, Conrad Graham, and Gilles Lauzon. Le Pont Victoria, Un Lien Vital/Victoria Bridge, The Vital Link. Montreal: McCord Museum of Canadian History, 1992.
Legault, Josée, and Gary Caldwell. “L’exode de la communauté anglo-québécoise : la nécessaire responsabilisation.” In Répliques aux détracteurs de la souveraineté du Québec, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon and François Rocher, 291–313. Montréal: VLB éditeur, 1992.
Roskies, David G. “Yiddish in Montreal: The Utopian Experiment.” In An Everyday Miracle: Yiddish Culture in Montreal, edited by Ira Robinson, Pierre Anctil, and Mervin Butovsky, 22–38. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1990.
Gagnon, Alain-G., and Stéphan Gervais. “La diversité québécoise.” In Le française au Québec : 400 ans d’histoire et vie, edited by Michel Ploudre and Pierre Georgeault, 342–347. Montréal: Fides et Les Publications du Québec, 2000.
Hann, Russell G., Gregory S. Kealey, Linda Kealey, and Peter Warrian. Primary Sources in Canadian Working Class History, 1860-1930. Kitchener, ON: Dumont Press, 1973.
Griffin-Allwood, Philip G. A., George A. Rawlyk, and Jarold K. Zeman. Baptists in Canada, 1760-1990: A Bibliography of Selected Printed Resources in English. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 1989.
Yakobov, Esther, Tomas Jurcik, Lelyzaveta Solopieieva-Jurcikova, and Andrew G. Ryder. “Expectations and Acculturation : Further Unpacking of Adjustment Mechanisms within the Russian-Speaking Community in Montreal.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations Vol. 68 (January 2019): 67–76.
Smith, Philip M., G. Richard Tucker, and Donald M. Taylor. “Language, Ethnic Identity and Intergroup Relations: One Immigrant Group’s Reactions to Language Planning in Quebec.” In Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations, edited by Howard Giles, 283–306. London, England: Academic Press, 1977.
Richardson, A. J. H., Geneviève G. Bastien, Doris Dubé, and Marthe Lacombe. Quebec City: Architects, Artisans, and Builders. [Mercury Series 37]. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man, 1984.
Bastien, Geneviève G., Doris Drolet-Dubé, Marthe Lacombe, and Arthur John Hampson Richardson. Quebec City: Architects, Artisans, and Builders. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man/Musée national de l’Homme, 1984.
Bellhouse-King, Mathew W., Benoit A. Bacon, Lionel G. Standing, and Dale Stout. “Factors Modulating Attitudes towards Homosexuality at a Small Canadian University.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 32-33 (Spring-Fall 2008): 73–88.
Zhao, Yue, Norman Segalowitz, Anastasiya Voloshyn, Estelle Chamoux, and Andrew G. Ryder. “Language Barriers to Healthcare for Linguistic Minorities : The Case of Second Language-Specific Health Communication Anxiety.” Health Communication (2019): 1–13.
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