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Young, Bernard. The Young & Allied Families of Missisquoi County, Quebec. Fairport, NY: B. Young, 1979.
Weinfeld, Morton, and William W. Eaton. A Survey of the Jewish Community of Montreal: Report. Montreal: Jewish Community Research Institute of Montreal, 1979.
Vaillancourt, François. The Role of Language in the Determination of the Labour Earnings of Quebec Males in 1970. Montréal: Université de Montréal et le Centre de recherche en développement économique, 1979.
Tremblay, François. William Hugh Coverdale, collectionneur : chronologie de Pointe-au-Pic (Manoir Richelieu) et de Tadoussac (Hôtel). La Malbaie, QC: Musée régional Laure Conan, 1979.
Thompson, Lysle. Beulah United Church, Ayler’s Cliff, Quebec, 1879-1979. Ayer’s Cliff, QC: The Committee, 1979.
Tees, Douglas H. Chronicles of Ogilvy, Renault, 1879-1979: Published on the Occasion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of Its Founding. Montreal: Ogilvy, Renault, 1979.
Scriver, Jessie Boyd. The Montreal Children’s Hospital : Years of Growth. Montreal: Published for the Montreal Children’s Hospital by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1979.
Scowen, Reed. Reflections on the Future of the English Language in Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1979.
Scowen, Reed. Outline of the Presence of Anglophones on the Boards and Commissions of the Government of Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1979.
Sales, Arnaud. La bourgeoisie industrielle au Québec. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1979.
Roy, Raoul. Lettre aux juifs de Montréal : le secret des juifs. Montréal: Éditions du Franc-Canada, 1979.
Roland, Charles G., and Paul Potter. An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Medical Periodicals, 1826-1975. Toronto, ON: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, 1979.
Prattis, J. I. Ethnic Succession in the Eastern Townships. Ottawa, ON: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, 1979.
Payne, David. La Basse-Côte-Nord : perspectives de développement : rapport de la Mission de la Basse-Côte-Nord au docteur Camille Laurin, ministre d’Etat au développement culturel. Québec: Editeur officiel, Service des publications officielles, 1979.
Montreal Board of Trade. Survey of Persons with Mother-Tongue French in the Management Ranks of Montreal Area Firms, 1979 / Enquête Sur Les Personnes Dans Les Niveaux de Direction Des Entreprises de La Région de Montréal Dont La Langue Maternelle Est Le Français, 1979. Montreal: Board of Trade, 1979.
Milner, Elizabeth Hearn. The History of King’s Hall, Compton, 1874-1972. Lennoxville, QC: Secretary of the B.C.S. Alumni Association, 1979.
Mauger, Dan. Médecin Des Neiges/Doctor of the Snow. Sept-Îles, QC: Éditions Le Musée des Sept-Îles, 1979.
Markell, H. Keith. The Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 1948-1978. Montreal: Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, 1979.
MacLeod, Kenneth O. The First Century: The Story of a Canadian Company: Henry Birks & Sons 1879-1979. Montreal: Henry Birks & Sons, 1979.
Laliberté, Yvon, Hélène Laliberté, and Clarence X. Dodd. St. Mungo’s United Church Cemetery: Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontarion Genealogical Socirty, 1979.
Heydenkorn, Benedykt. Organizational Structure of the Polish-Canadian Community: The Federation of Polish Societies in Canada / Struktura Organizacyjna Polonii Kanadyjskiej: Zjednoczenie Zrzesze´n Polskich w Kanadzie. Toronto, ON: Canadian Polish Research Institute, 1979.
Greenhill, Ralph, and Andrew Birrell. Canadian Photography, 1839-1920. Toronto, ON: Coach House Press, 1979.
Frost, Stanley B. The History of McGill in Relation to the Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of Montreal and Quebec. Montreal: McGill University, 1979.
Ferns, John. A.J.M. Smith. Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers, 1979.
Crawford, Venetia. Treasures of the Pontiac in Song and Story / Les Trésors Du Pontiac Nos Chansons et Nos Histoires. Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 1979.
Cooke, O. A. The Canadian Military Experience, 1867-1967 : A Bibliography/ Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1967. Ottawa, ON: Minister of National Defence, 1979.
Boulet, Jac-André. L’évolution des disparités linguistiques de revenus de travail dans la zone métropolitaine de Montréal de 1961 à 1977. Ottawa: Conseil economique du Canada/Economic Council of Canada, 1979.
Bernard, Paul, Andrée Demers, Diane Grenier, and Jean Renaud. L’évolution de la situation socio-économique des Francophones et des non-Francophones au Québec (1971-1978). Montréal: Office de la langue française, 1979.
Bennett, Joy, and James Polson. Irving Layton, A Bibliography, 1935-1977. Montreal: Concordia University Library, 1979.
Barry, Gwen. Pioneers of Inverness Township, Quebec : A Genealogical and Historical Story, 1800-1978. Cheltenham, ON: Boston Mills Press, 1979.
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