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Lenfest, Donald. “The Naming of Counties and Townships in Lower Canada in Accordance with the Constitution Act of 1791.” Onomastica Canadiana Vol. 76, no. 2 (December 1994): 77–101.
Scott, Anatol L. “The Legendary Veil: New Light on Alexander Henry, the Elder, 1739-1824.” Master’s Thesis, University of Alberta, 1994.
Gendron, Mario. “Les débuts du Canton de Granby, 1788-1831.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 3 (Automne 1993): 49–70.
Scott, John M. “Georgeville : le calme serein d’un petit village.” Continuité, March 1993.
Moore, Stephen. “The Hyatt Papers : An Interpretation.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 1 (Fall 1992): 89–108.
United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada. Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch. The Loyalists of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Belleville, ON: Mika Pub., 1992.
Solomon, Michel. Aaron Hart, sieur de Bécancour : la vie mouvementée du premier juif établi au Québec au XVIIIe siècle. Montréal: Humanitas nouvelle optique, 1992.
Farfan, Matthew F. The Stanstead Region, 1792-1844: Isolation, Reform and Class on the Eastern Townships Frontier. Hull, QC: Townships Publications, 1992.
Epps, Bernard. The Eastern Townships Adventure: Volume 1, A History to 1837. Ayer’s Cliff, QC: Pigwidgeon Press, 1992.
Corupe, Linda. Index to The Loyalists of the Eastern Townships of Quebec (1984). Bolton, ON: L. Corupe, 1992.
Broadhurst, Ralph Neil. The Savage Family of Shefford. Calgary, AB: Kintracers, 1992.
Stanzel, Franz K. “Innocent Eyes?: Canadian Landscape As Seen By Frances Brooke, Susanna Moodie And Others.” International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 4 (Fall 1991): 97–110.
Graffagnino, J. Kevin. “‘Twenty Thousand Muskets!!!’: Ira Allen and the Olive Branch Affair, 1796-1800.” The William and Mary Quarterly Vol. 48, no. 3 (July 1991): 409–431.
Standen, S. Dale. “The Debate on the Social and Economic Consequences of the Conquest : A Summary.” In Readings in Canadian History: Pre-Confederation, edited by Robert Douglas Francis and Donald Boyd Smith, 246–255. Toronto, ON: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990.
Matthews, Winona Lawrence. The Story of West Shefford (Bromont), 1792-1966: An Anecdotal History. Richmond, QC: W.L. Matthews, 1990.
Kolish, Evelyn. “Some Aspects of Civil Litigation in Lower Canada, 1785-1825: Towards the Use of Court Records for Canadian Social History.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 70, no. 3 (September 1989): 337–365.
Thomas, Earle. “The Loyalists in the Montreal Area, 1775-1784.” In The Loyalists of Quebec, 1774-1825 : A Forgotten History, edited by United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada -- Heritage Branch-Montreal, 75–112. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 1989.
Senior, Hereward. “The Loyalists in Quebec: A Study in Diversity.” In The Loyalists of Quebec, 1774-1825: A Forgotten History, edited by United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada -- Heritage Branch-Montreal, 51–74. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 1989.
Ruch, John. “Blacks Among the Loyalists.” In The Loyalists of Quebec, 1774-1825: A Forgotten History, edited by United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada -- Heritage Branch-Montreal, 201–215. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 1989.
Little, J. I. Ethno-Cultural Transition and Regional Identity in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Historical Association, 1989.
Dubois, Jean-Marie. Les Cantons de l’Est. Aspects géographiques, politiques, socio-économiques et culturels. Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 1989.
Crawford, Kenneth James. Early Methodists in Upper and Lower Canada: A Canadian History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1759-1828. Picton, ON: K.J. Crawford, 1989.
Tremblay, Sylvie. “La famille Hale.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Automne 1988.
Rajotte-LaBrèque, Marie-Paule. “Les Cantons de l’Est. Une région empreinte de traditions britanniques.” Cap-aux-Diamants Vol. 4, no. 3 (Automne 1988): 11–14.
Saint-Pierre, Marielle, and Thérèse Pelletier. Loyalistes ou Américains? Seule l’histoire le sait. Sherbrooke, QC: Société d’histoire des Cantons de l’Est, 1988.
Noël, Françoise. Competing For Souls: Missionary Activity and Settlement in the Eastern Townships, 1784-1851. (Histoire des cantons de l’Est, 8). Sherbrooke, QC: Départment d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1988.
Mock, Meredith Cole. Johannes Mock of Missisquoi Bay, Quebec, Canada and His Descendants. [S.l.]: S. Mock, 1988.
Douglas, Althea. “The Eastern Townships.” Canadian Genealogist Vol. 10, no. 2 (1988): 92–119.
Brunelle-Lavoie, Louise. Histoire de Sherbrooke/The Story of Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, QC: Société d’histoire des Cantons de l’Est, 1988.
Kasowski, Margaret Ann. Toponymy of Stanstead County, 1792-1979. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1987.
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