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Scott, William. Documents and Observations Relating to the Affairs of the Montreal Circuit. Montreal: Wilson & Nolan, 1855.
Selkirk, Thomas Douglas. A Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America: With Observations Relative to the North-West Company of Montreal. London, England: James Ridgway, 1816.
Sellar, Robert. The History of the County of Huntingdon and of the Seignories of Chateauguay and Beauharnois From Their First Settlement to the Year 1839. Huntingdon, QC: The Canadian Gleaner, 1888.
Sellar, Robert. Important Letter by a Resident of Quebec as to “the Disabilities of Protestants in That Province.” Toronto, ON: Equal Rights Association, 1890.
Sellar, Robert. Letters Relative to the Rights and Present Position of the Quebec Minority. Huntingdon, QC: The Gleaner, 1890.
Sellar, Robert. In Defence of the Quebec Minority: (A Letter to the Hon. H.G. Joly). Huntingdon, QC: [s.n.], 1894.
Shakespeare Club. Constitution and Revised Bye-Laws of the Shakespeare Club, Revised at a Special Meeting of the Society, Held on the 31st May, 1845. Montreal: Lovell & Gipson, 1845.
Shanly, Walter. “Jottings From Tombstones in the Old ‘English’ Burying Ground, Dorchester Street, Montreal, 1866.” In Report on Canadian Archives by Douglas Brymner, Archivist, 1889 -- Sessional Papers of the Parliament of Canada 1890, No. 6(B):xv–xix. Ottawa, ON: Printed by Brown Chamberlin, 1890.
Shortis, Valentine. The Queen vs. F.V.C. Shortis : English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax and A.A. Urquhart, Official Stenographers to the Court. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1895.
Shortis, Valentine. Documents relatifs à la commutation de la sentence de mort dans la cause de Valentine F.C. Shortis. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1896.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 1 (October 1896): 1–19.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 2 (January 1897): 129–144.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 3 (April 1897): 235–252.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 4 (July 1897): 343–360.
Smith, Gustave. Compte-rendu de la réception de l’orgue de la chapelle Wesleyenne, le 5 février 1861 : à laquelle ont assisté le facteur S.R. Warren, et MM. les organistes de la cité de Montréal. Montréal: Des presses à vapeur de Plinguet & Cie, 1861.
Smith, John. The Quebec Directory or Strangers’ Guide to the City for 1826, Comprising Alphabetical List of Merchants, Traders and Housekeepers. Quebec: T. Cary & Co., 1826.
Smith, John. Narrative of the Shipwreck and Suffering of the Crew and Passengers of the English Brig Neptune, Which Was Wrecked in a Violent Snow Storm on the 12th of January, 1830, on Her Passage from Bristol (Eng.) to Quebec. New York, NY: Published by John Smith, 1830.
Spaight, George. Trial of Patrick J. Whelan for the Murder of the Hon. Thos. D’Arcy MaGee, with a Photograph of the Accused. Ottawa, ON: G. E. Desbarets, 1868.
St. George, Percival Walter. “On the Street and Footwalk Pavements of Montreal, Canada from Year 1842 to 1878.” Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Vol. 58, Part 4, no. 1879 (1879): 287–309.
St. Patrick’s Total Abstinence and Benefit Society. Souvenir of the Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick’s T.A. & B. Society, 1840-1890. Montreal: printed by the Dominion Illustrated Co., 1890.
Stirling, John. A Short Sketch of the History of Crescent Street Church, Montreal. Montreal: Morton, Phillips & Co., 1899.
Stuart, Andrew. Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831: With an Appendix Containing Some Important Documents, Now First Given to the Public. Montreal: Thomas A. Starke, 1832.
Stuart, H. C. The Church of England in Canada, 1759-1793: From the Conquest to the Establishment of the See of Quebec. Montreal: Published for the author by John Lovell & Son, 1893.
Sulte, Benjamin. “Historical and Miscellaneous Literature of Quebec - 1764-1830.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 3 (1897): 269–278.
Tassé, Joseph. Philémon Wright, ou, colonisation et commerce de bois. Montréal: La Minerve, 1871.
Taylor, Fennings. Thos. D’Arcy McGee: Sketch of His Life and Death. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Taylor, Fennings. The Last Three Bishops Appointed by The Crown for the Anglican Church of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1869.
Taylor, Fennings. The Last Three Bishops Appointed by the Crown for the Anglican Church of Canada: The Right Rev. Francis Fulford, D.D., The Right Rev. George Jehosaphat Mountain, D. D., DC.L., The Hon and Right Rev. John Strachan, D.D. LL.D.,: Notices, Opinions and Criticisms of the Press. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1870.
Terrill, Frederick W. Chronology of Montreal and Canada from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1893, Including Commercial Statistics, Historic Sketches of Commercial Corporations and Firms and Advertisements, Arranged to Show in What Year the Several Houses and Corporate Bodies Originated.. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1893.
Têtu, Horace. Journaux et revues de Montréal par ordre chronologique. Québec: [s.n.], 1881.
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