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Zion Congregational Church, 1832-1910, Montreal. Ottawa, ON: Esdale Press, 1910.
Fairchild, G. M., ed. Lower Canada Affairs in 1836. A Statement of the Controversy and Deadlock Existing Between the Lower Canada Assembly and the Executive, and the Causes Leading Thereto, With Some Suggestions for Their Removal and Certain Reforms to Be Effected. Quebec: The Telegraph Printing Company, 1910.
Douglas Jr., James, ed. Journals and Reminiscences of James Douglas, M.D. New York, NY: Privately Printed, 1910. https://ia600205.us.archive.org/33/items/journalsreminisc00doug/journalsreminisc00doug.pdf.
“Historical Sketch of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.” The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs (Special Historical Supplement) (1910): 59–65.
“Historical Sketch of the Montreal Star.” The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs Vol. 10, no. Special historical supplement (1910): 83–91.
“Historical Sketch of the Bank of Montreal.” The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs (Special Historical Supplement) (1910): 3–20.
“Historical Sketch of Molsons Bank.” The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs (Special Historical Supplement) (1910): 52–58.
The Grosse-Isle Monument Commemorative Souvenir Issued on the Occasion of the Unveiling, on August 15th, 1909, of the Monument Erected to the Irish Victims of the Plague of 1847-48. Quebec: Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1909.
Lovell’s Farmers’ Register of the Garden of the Eastern Townships, Comprising the Counties of Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Compton, Richmond, Brome and Shefford. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1909. https://archive.org/details/lovellsfarmersre00mont/page/25.
Fiftieth Annual Report 1909, With a Brief History of the Bank. Sherbrooke, QC: [s.n.], 1909.
In Memory of the Right Rev. James Carmichael, D.D., D.C.L., Fourth Bishop of Montreal, Died September 21, 1908, Aged 73 Years, and of His Wife, Emma Dubourdieu, Died January 16, 1907, Aged 68 Years. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1908.
Bone, John R., ed. A History of Canadian Journalism in the Several Portions of the Dominion, With a Sketch of the Canadian Press Association 1859-1908. Toronto, ON: Murray Printing Company, 1908.
Sandwell, Bernard K., ed. The Musical Red Book of Montreal: A Review of Music in Montreal from 1895 to 1907 with Biographical Sketches of Musicians, Histories of Musical Societies, Institutions, Choirs, Schools and Orchestras, A List of Concert-Goers... Montreal: F.A. Veitch, Publisher, 1907.
The Montreal Curling Club: 1807-1907. Montreal: [s.n.], 1907.
McAlister, A. W. G., ed. The Bench and Bar of the Province of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1907.
Shortt, Adam, and Arthur G. Doughty, eds. Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1907.
Würtele, Fred C., ed. Blockade of Quebec in 1775-1776 by the American Revolutionists. Quebec: Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1905.
Montreal and Vicinity. Souvenir of the First Annual Convention, Master Painters’ and Decorators’ Association of Canada. Montreal: Printed by Desbarats & Co., 1904.
Roe, Henry, ed. Memoir of the Rev. Archibald Campbell Scarth, M.A., D.C.L., Rector of St. George’s Church, Lennoxville, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, and Canon of the Cathedral of Quebec: Together with Dr. Scarth’s Reminiscences.. Sherbrooke, QC: Stevens & Price, 1904.
“List of Officers and Men Killed and Wounded in 1837-38.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1904): 393–395.
Historical Sketch of St. Luke’s Church, 1854-1904, Montreal, Can. Montreal: [s.n.], 1904. https://ia601309.us.archive.org/12/items/historicalsketch00unse_4/historicalsketch00unse_4.pdf.
An Encyclopedia of Canadian Biography, Containing Brief Sketches and Steel Engravings of Canada’s Prominent Men. 3 vols. Montreal: Canada Press Syndicate, 1904.
Morgan, Henry J., ed. Types Of Canadian Women And Of Women Who Are Or Have Been Connected With Canada. Toronto, ON: W, Briggs, 1903.
The Newspaper Reference Book of Canada: Embracing Facts and Data Regarding Canada and Biographical Sketches of Representative Canadian Men: For Use By Newspapers. Toronto, ON: The Press Publishing Company, 1903.
Cooper, John A., ed. Men of Canada: A Portrait Gallery of Men Whose Energy, Ability, Enterprise and Public Spirit Are Responsible For The Advancement Of Canada, The Premier Colony Of Great Britain: 1901-2. Montreal: The Canadian Historical Company, 1902.
Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, 1840-1902, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: [s.n.], 1902.
“Education in the Canadas.” Canadian Archives Report (1900) (1901): 49–67.
“Reading List on Canada and Montreal.” Library Journal Vol. 25 (March 1900): 120–141.
Montréal fin-de-siècle : histoire de la métropole du Canada au dix-neuvième siècle. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1899.
Sherbrooke Illustrated: Containing a Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location, Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power, Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, ... Sherbrooke, QC: W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
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