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Elliott, Bruce S. 1861 Census of Eardley Township, C.E. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1975.
Evans, Patrick M. O. MacLaren Cemetery, Wakefield, Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1975.
MacKechnie, S. Wyman. What Men They Were! Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 1975. 0-919942-00-8.
Veltman, Calvin J. “Ethnic Assimilation in Quebec: A Statistical Analysis.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 5, no. 2 (1975): 104–129.
Zinman, Rosalind. “Lachute, Quebec, French-English Frontier: A Case Study in Language and Community.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1975.
Parson, Helen E. “The Rise and Fall of Farming in a Marginal Area: The Gatineau Valley, Quebec.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec Vol. 19, no. 48 (Décembre 1975): 573–582.
Coyne, Fred, and Lucy Wyman Edey. Poems of the Pontiac. Shawville, QC: Pontiac Printshop, 1976.
Doucette, Laurel. “Family Studies as an Approach to Oral History.” Canadian Oral History Association Journal/Société canadienne d’histoire orale journal Vol. 2 (1977 1976): 24–31.
Finnigan, Joan. I Come from the Valley. Toronto, ON: NC Press, 1976.
Geggie, Norma, and Stuart Geggie. Unto the Hills: A Church History. Old Chelsea, QC: Historical Society of Gatineau, 1976.
Harris, R. Cole. Two Societies: Life in Mid-Nineteenth Century Quebec. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
Nadler, George A. Cities of Canada, Vol. 2: Profiles of Fifteen Metropolitan Centres. Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 1976.
Ouimet, Raymond. Mariages du comté de Pontiac 1836-1973. Montreal: Éditions Bergeron & Fils Enr’g, 1976.
Parson, Helen E. “Rural Land Use Change: A Study of the Gatineau Valley of Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Kentucky, 1976.
Quaile, Basil, and Grace Dagg Quaile. A Century of Unity: A Brief History of Otter Lake and District. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1976.
Aylmer and District Arts Association. A Tour of Historic Aylmer, Quebec / Un Voyage Au Passé Historique d’Aylmer. Aylmer, QC: Aylmer and District Arts Association, 1977.
Elliott, Bruce S. St. James Anglican Cemetery, Hull, Quebec: Gravestone Inscriptions. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1977.
Evans, Patrick M. O. Protestant Cemetery, Cantley, Que.: Adjacent to Highway 307 (Mont Cascades Turnoff). Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1977.
Geldart, David, and Audrey Strutt. The Impact of Bill I on Education with Particular Reference to Western Quebec / Impact Sur l’enseignement Du Projet de Loi No 1 Visant plus Particulièrement La Région de l’ouest Du Québec. Gatineau, QC: English-Speaking Educational Community of Western Quebec, 1977.
Horan, Patrick J., and Patrick M. O. Evans. St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cantley, Que.: Church Established 1868, off Highway 307, on St. Elisabeth Rd. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1977.
Mitchell, Elaine Allan. Fort Timiskaming and the Fur Trade. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1977.
Parson, Helen E. “An Investigation of the Changing Rural Economy of Gatineau County, Quebec.” Canadian Geographer/Le geographe canadien Vol. 21, no. 1 (1977): 22–31.
Evans, Patrick M. O. The Wrights: A Genealogical Study of the First Settlers in Canada’s Capital Region. Revised Edition. Ottawa, ON: National Capital Commission, 1978.
Lee-Whiting, Brenda. “Logging on the Schyan 1938-39.” The Beaver Outfit 309, no. 1 (Summer 1978): 48–53.
Crawford, Venetia. Treasures of the Pontiac in Song and Story / Les Trésors Du Pontiac Nos Chansons et Nos Histoires. Shawville, QC: Dickson Enterprises, 1979.
Doucette, Laurel. Skill and Status: Traditional Expertise with a Rural Canadian Family. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man, Mercury Series. Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies (Paper no. 28), 1979.
Laliberté, Yvon, Hélène Laliberté, and Clarence X. Dodd. St. Mungo’s United Church Cemetery: Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontarion Genealogical Socirty, 1979.
Elliott, Bruce S. “‘The Famous Township of Hull’: Image and Aspirations of a Pioneer Quebec Community.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 12, no. 24 (November 1979): 339–367.
St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Qué. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1980.
Amyot, Michel, Antonio Bisson, and Claude St-Germain. “La clientèle scolaire des écoles anglophones du réseau d’enseignement public au Québec de 1971 à 1976.” In La situation démolinguistique au Québec et la Charte de la langue française, edited by Michel Amyot, 121–123. Documentation du Conseil de la langue française no. 5. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1980.
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