Full bibliography
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Lelièvre, Nicolas. “Stratégies foncières, gestion seigneuriale et pluriactivité économique: Josias et Jonathan Würtele, 1780-1853.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2020. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/id/eprint/9321/1/eprint9321.pdf.
Lemay, Clarence. “Chronique sportive ou politique? Le Canadien de Montréal et la crise constitutionnelle canadienne dans La Presse, Le Devoir et la Gazette (1976-1995).” Master’s Thesis, Université d’Ottawa, 2020. https://ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/41103/1/Lemay_Clarence_2020_Th%C3%A8se.pdf.
Levine, Saul. “A Psychiatrist’s Life Journey Through Anti-Semitism.” In Anti-Semitism and Psychiatry : Recognition, Prevention, and Interventions, edited by H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, Ahmed Hankir, and Mary V. Seeman, 113–124. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
Library and Archives Canada. “Jews: Genealogy and Family History.” Government of Canada. Last modified 2020. https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/immigration/history-ethnic-cultural/Pages/jewish.aspx.
Mann, J. Debbie. “The World(s) of Three Pines : Creating Community in the Novels of Louise Penny.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 48 (2020): 13–25.
Martin-Laforge, Sylvia. “Toward Truly Equal Voice and Equitable Treatment: Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Community and the Official Languages Act.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020. https://acs-metropolis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/canadiandiversity-vol17-no1-2020-zyknm.pdf.
Mason, Emily. “Establishing Effective Representation and a Protected District for Anglophones in Brome-Missisquoi.” Master’s Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2020. https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/bitstream/handle/10222/80128/Mason-Emily-MA-POLI-December-2020.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y.
McGaughey, Jane G.V. Violent Loyalties: Manliness, Migration, and the Irish in the Canadas, 1798-1841. Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, 2020.
Mercado, Ryan. “Between Crisis and Preservation: The Canadian Jewish Congress and the Quebec Nationalist Movement, 1976-1980.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2020. https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/986866/1/Mercado_MA_F2020.pdf.
Momryk, Myron. The Cold War in Val-d’Or: A History of the Ukrainian Community in Val-d’Or, Quebec. Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press, 2020.
Moore, Lisa. “Civic Identities in Conflict: Montreal’s Anglophone and Francophone Private School Girls.” In Making the Best of It : Women and Girls of Canada and Newfoundland during the Second World War, edited by Sarah Glassford and Amy Shaw, 89–106. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2020.
Morel de La Durantaye, Jean-Paul. La noblesse canadienne sous le Régime anglais. Le destin des familles nobles suite au démantèlement des territoires français en Amérique du Nord, 1760-1840. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2020.
Mount, Balfour. Ten Thousand Crossroads : The Path As I Remember It. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
Mus, Francis. The Demons of Leonard Cohen. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2020.
Mussio, Laurence B. Whom Fortune Favours : The Bank of Montreal and the Rise of North American Finance. 2 vols. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
Pepall, Rosalind. Talking to a Portrait : Tales of an Art Curator. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2020.
Popica, Maria. Apprentissage collaboratif interculturel en classe de français langue seconde. Montréal: Éditeur John Abbott College, 2020. https://mobile.eduq.info/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11515/37929/popica-apprentissage-collaboratif-interculturel-FLS-JAC-2020.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y.
Posner, Michael. Leonard Cohen, Untold Stories : The Early Years. Toronto, ON: Simon & Schuster Canada, 2020.
Pothier, Louise. “Réflexions autour de deux pichets commémoratifs découverts sur le site du parlement à Montréal et l’abolition des Corn Laws en 1846.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 74 (2020): 101–134. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/cdd/2020-n74-cdd06065/1077576ar/.
Pound, Richard W. “Constitutional Statesmanship: Lord Durham and the Creation of a New Colonial Paradigm, 1839–1841.” London Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 35, no. 1 (2020): 119–137.
Quebec Federation of Home & School Associations. “QFHSA Member Home & School Associations Interactive Map.” Interactive map. Last modified 2020. http://www.qfhsa.org/map/.
Reid Marcil, Eileen. The PS Royal William of Quebec : The First True Transatlantic Steamer. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2020.
Reiter, Eric H. Wounded Feelings : Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Robins Sharpe, Emily. Mosaic Fictions: Writing Identity in the Spanish Civil War. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Roman, Karolina. “Minority Publishing : The Case of Anglo-Québécois Literature.” McGill Undergraduate Journal of Canadian Studies Vol, 12 (2020): 10–24. https://www.mcgill.ca/misc/files/misc/2020_-_canadian_content_v12.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=July-2020-%28friends-of-MISC%29&utm_source=Envoke-Friends-of-MISC&utm_term=%7B%40ab_test%7D.
Rose, Jérémie. “‘Des Québécois comme les autres’? Les communautés culturelles dans le projet politique et national du Parti québécois (1968-1981).” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2020. https://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/bitstream/handle/11143/17717/Rose_Jeremie_MA_2020.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y.
Ryan, Bill, and Shari Brotman. “Queer McGill.” Service social Vol. 66, no. 1 (2020): 27–35. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/ss/2020-v66-n1-ss05253/1068917ar.pdf.
Sandilands, Marion. “English-Speaking Quebecers Care About the Official Languages Act – They Just Don’t Know It.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020. https://acs-metropolis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/canadiandiversity-vol17-no1-2020-zyknm.pdf.
Shahar, Charles. “Canadian Jewish Population, 2019.” In American Jewish Year Book 2019 : The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899, edited by Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, 119:233–245. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.
Shukrun, Roy Orel. “‘En Avant Sépharades Montréalais!’ North African Jews, Ashkenazim, and the Quiet Revolution 1956-1975.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2020. https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/7p88cn11w.
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