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Stock, Sandra. “Public Art In Montreal: Messages from the Past and to the Future.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2024.
Kiley, Deborah, and Kerry Ann King. “Shannon Irish Show: A History in the Making.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2023.
Lacroix, Laurier. “Discovering Duncan. James Duncan: One of Quebec’s Most Famous Unknown Artists.” In James Duncan (1806-1881): Painter of Montreal, edited by Laurier Lacroix and Suzanne Sauvage, 13–45. Montreal: McCord Stewart Museum, 2023.
Gehmacher, Arlene. “Speaking Volumes: James Duncan ‘Takes Note’ of Montreal.” In James Duncan (1806-1881) : Painter of Montreal, edited by Laurier Lacroix and Suzanne Sauvage, 48–59. Montreal: McCord Stewart Museum, 2023.
Lacroix, Laurier, and Suzanne Sauvage, eds. James Duncan (1806-1881): Painter of Montreal. Montreal: McCord Stewart Museum, 2023.
Darch, Heather. “A Difficult Lens : Tales of Two Soldiers.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2022.
Bur, Justin. “St. Michael’s Legacy : In Search of Irish Mile End.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2022.
Seward, Sara. “From the Outside In : Musical Heritage and Community in Valcartier.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2021.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Montreal’s Most Popular Irishman : The Forgotten Life of J.J. Curran.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
Bartle, Gregory. “Sacred Places: Public Spaces : An Inquiry into Sacred Public Places for the Canadian City - With a Design Response In and Around St. Ann’s Park in Montreal and Urban Planning and Design Recommendations.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, School of Architecture, 2020.
Tétrault-Farber, Jérémy. “Une Ville - Plusieurs Reels: Montreal’s Multicultural Irish Soundscape.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2019.
St-Onge, Audrey, Jody Robinson, and Fabian Will. Quebec’s Eastern Townships : A Brief History of Its Peoples, Politics and Economy. Sherbrooke QC: Eastern Townships Resource Centre, 2019.
Hesler, William. Sydney Bellingham’s Canada: People, Places, and Events in the Middle Half of the Nineteenth Century. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2019.
Poirier, Lucien. “La musique au fil de la presse québécoise dans les belles années du régime anglais.” Les Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique Vol. 19, no. nos. 1 et 2 (Printemps-Automne 2018): 71–82.
Cant, Maureen. “Montreal: A Mechanics’ City.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2018.
Tétrault-Farber, Jérémy. “Musique d’Irlande à l’image du Québec.” Bulletin APHCQ (Association des professeur.e.s d’histoire de cégeps du Québec), Hiver 2018.
MacLeod, G. Scott. Griffintown Tour: The Death and Life of Griffintown: 21 Stories, 2017.
Ó hAllmhuráin, Gearóid. “The Place of Sound – The Sound of Place: Irish Music and Cultural Memory in Rural Quebec.” In Ireland and Quebec: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on History, Culture and Society, edited by Margaret Kelleher and Michael Kenneally, 183–196. Dublin, Ireland: Four Courts Press, 2016.
King, Jason. “Staging Famine Irish Memories of Migration and National Performance in Ireland and Québec.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Vol. 18, no. 4 (2016): 8 pages.
Lynch, Gerald. “Brian Moore’s Unsettling Irish Immigrant: The Luck of Ginger Coffey.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 49, no. 3 (Fall 2015): 55–75.
Leroux, Éric. “Brown & Gilmore : Les pionniers de l’imprimerie.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 120 (Hiver 2015): 8–9.
Holmgren, Michele J. “’Stranger No Longer’ : Recuperating Memories of Place from Present Amnesia in Al Purdy’s ‘Grosse Isle.’” The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies / Revue canadienne d’études irlandaises Vol. 39, no. 1 (2015): 142–161.
Harvey, Louis-Georges. “Banques, société et politique dans le discours politique d’Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan, 1833-1837.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 69 (2015): 251–279.
Fleming, Arwen Jean. “David Marvin’s Griffintown: An Archival Exploration of a Ghosted Neighbourhood.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2015.
Turing, John M. F. “The Construction of Colonial Identity in the Canadas, 1815-1867.” PhD dissertation, University of Oxford, 2014.
Charlebois, Catherine, and Paul-André Linteau. Quartiers Disparus: Red Light, Faubourg à m’lasse, Goose Village. Montréal: Les Éditions Cardinal, 2014.
Cha, Jonathan. “Formes et sens des squares victoriens montréalais dans le contexte de développement de la métropole (1801-1914).” PhD dissertation, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2013.
Epstein, Clarence. Montreal, City of Spires: Church Architecture During the British Colonial Period, 1760-1860. [Patrimoine urbain 7]. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2012.
Urschel, Katrin. “From the ‘White Lily’ to the ‘King Frog in a Puddle’: A Comparison of Confederation and Multiculturalism in Irish-Canadian Literature.” International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 43, no. 1 (2011): 45–65.
Harvey, Louis-Georges. “’L’exception irlandaise’ : La représentation de l’Irlande et des Irlandais dans la presse anglophone du Bas-Canada, 1823-1836.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 65 (2011): 117–139.
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