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Gravel, Albert. Histoire de Coaticook. Sherbrooke, QC: Typ. de La Tribune, 1925.
Auclair, Élie-J. “La pénétration catholique et française dans les Cantons-de-l’Est. Leçon d’énergie nationale.” In Semaines sociales du Canada, Ve session, Sherbrooke, 1924, 360–373. Montréal: Action française, 1924.
Ross, Margaret. “Lewis Settlers in the Eastern Townships.” Canadian Magazine, June 1923.
McOuat, J. Egbert. “A Study of Rural School Conditions in Quebec in so Far as They Affect Agricultural Education : Containing Suggestions as to Improvements in These Conditions, and the Possibility of Introducing a System of Agricultural Education Suitable to This Province by Bringing about Such Improvements.” Master’s Thesis (?), McGill University, 1918.
Morill, V. E., and Erastus G. Pierce. Men of Today in the Eastern Townships. Sherbrooke, QC: Sherbrooke Record Company, 1917.
MacLeod, Norman A. Brief History of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, 1867-1917. Montreal: [s.n.], 1917.
Cunliffe, John William. A Canadian Soldier: George Harold Baker, M.P., Lieutenant Colonel 5th C.M.R., Killed in Action at Ypres, June 2nd, 1916. New York, NY: [s.n.], 1917.
Fisk, J. M. Abbotsford : Historical Sketch. Granby, QC: The Leader-Mail Press, 1916.
Drummond, May Harvey. The Grand Old Man of Dudswell: Being the Memoirs of the Rev. Thos. Shaw Chapman, M.A., Rector of St-Paul’s Church, Marbleton. Quebec: Telegraph Printing, 1916.
Quebec. Department of Public Instruction. Protestant Schools in the Eastern Townships:.. Quebec: Department of Public Instruction, 1913.
Department of Public Education. Protestant Schools in the Eastern Townships:... Quebec: The Department, 1913.
Melrose, William M. The Stanstead Cavalry, History, Opportunities and Possibilities: Dedicated to the Young Men of Stanstead County and Those Who Serve in the 26th Stanstead Dragoons. Hatley, QC: 26th S. Dragoons, 1912.
Eastern Townships Bank. Charter and Annual Reports, 1859-1912. Sherbrooke, QC: [s.n.], 1912.
Bugeia, Julia H., and Theodora Cornell Moore. In Old Missisquoi: With History and Reminiscences of Stanbridge Academy. Montreal: John Lovell and Son, 1910.
Lovell’s Farmers’ Register of the Garden of the Eastern Townships, Comprising the Counties of Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Compton, Richmond, Brome and Shefford. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1909.
Fiftieth Annual Report 1909, With a Brief History of the Bank. Sherbrooke, QC: [s.n.], 1909.
Taylor, Ernest M. History of Brome County, Quebec, From the Date of Grants of Land Therein to the Present Time, With Records of Some Early Families. 2 vols. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1908.
Moore, Arthur Henry. History of Golden Rule Lodge No. 5, Q.R., A.F. and A.M. Stanstead, Que.: Being a Sketch of a Century of Freemasonry in the Jurisdiction of That Lodge, 1803-1903. Toronto, ON: William Briggs, 1905.
Ross, Aileen D. “Ethnic Group Contacts and Status Dilemma.” Phylon (1940-1956) Vol. 15, no. 3 (Qtr 1954): 267–275.
Woodley, E. C. The Eastern Townships of Quebec: History and Culture. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [n.d.].
Milot, Richard. “Présence de l’art En Estrie Entre 1815 et 1940/Art in the Eastern Townships between 1815 and 1940.” Vie des arts Vol. 23, no. 92 (n.d.): 20–23, 96–97.
Godbout, Patricia. “D. G. Jones, poète, comparatiste et traducteur.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 22, no. 2 (2e semestre 2009): 23–35.
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