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Bourassa, Guy. “Les élites politiques de Montréal : de l’aristocratie à la démocratie.” Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science/Revue canadienne d’économique et de science politique Vol. 31, no. 1 (Février 1965): 35–51.
Milne, George E. R. Recollections of Early Pointe Claire. Pointe Claire. QC: The West Island School Commission, 1965.
MacDermot, H. E. A Short History of the Royal Edward Institute. Montreal: Royal Edward Institute, 1965.
Desbarats, Peter. The State of Quebec: A Journalist’s View of the Quiet Revolution. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1965.
Cohen, Ronald I. Quebec Votes: The How and Why of Quebec Voting in Every Federal Election Since Confederation. Montreal: Saje Publications, 1965.
Cimon, Paul. L’entreprise au Québec : sondage sur le biculturalisme et la formation professionnelle / Quebec Business : A Provisional Inquiry into Business, Education and Training. Montréal: Éditions du Jour, 1965.
Bélanger, Pauline. “Les ministres de la couronne du Québec, 1867-1964 : notices biographiques précédées d’un historique du Conseil exécutif.” Université Laval, 1965.
Auyang, Antonio C.W. “Evolution of Commercial Land Use in Cities with Special Reference to Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1965.
Lower, Arthur. “Would Canada Be Better Off Without Quebec?” Maclean’s Magazine, December 14, 1964.
Clapperton, George. “William H. Clapperton, député de Bonaventure.” Revue d’Histoire de la Gaspésie Vol. 2, no. 4 (Avril-juin 1964): 86–89.
Elkin, Frederick. “Biculturalism in Quebec.” The Social Worker Vol. 32 (February 1964): 13–23.
Townsend, Paul A. R. “The Legal History of Bilingualism in Canada: Past and Present.” B.C.L. degree, McGill University, 1964.
Reid, J. H. S., Kenneth McNaught, and Harry S. Crowe. A Source-Book of Canadian History: Selected Documents and Personal Papers. Toronto, ON: Longsmans Canada Ltd., 1964.
Groupe de recherche sociale. La préférences politiques des électeurs québécois en 1962. Montréal: Groupe de recherche sociale, 1964.
LeMoignan, Michel. “Les députés de la Gaspésie.” Revue d’histoire de la Gaspésie Vol. 1, no. 3 (September 1963): 139–143.
Yetnikoff, Stanley. Jewish Education in Quebec: A Recommended Solution. Montreal: Northern Printing and Lithographing, 1963.
Pouliot, Ghislain. “La représentation politique et sociologique des députés à l’Assemblée législative du Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1963.
McLeod, Malcolm Edward. The Legal History of Bilingualism, Past and Present. Montreal: McGill University, 1963.
Marko, Anne Marie. “Federal Representation in the Canadian Cabinet, July 1, 1867-June 21, 1957.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1963.
Kyle, Lynne. “The Political Integration of Italian-Canadians in Montreal: A Subjective Study of the Influences Affecting the Italian Working Class Immigrant Mens’ [Sic] Participation in Voting and Political Activities.” Research report, McGill University, 1963.
Desbarats, Peter. A Minority Report / Une Voix Minoritaire. Montreal: Montreal Star, 1963.
Cotler, Irwin. “The Legal History of Bilingualism in Canada, Past and Present.” B.C.L. degree, McGill University, 1963.
Citrin, Jacob. “The Quebec General Election of 1962.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1963.
Chevrette, F. “Le Conseil Législatif de Québec. Historique et fondements.” Revue juridique Thémis Vol. 13 (1963): 85–118.
Bonenfant, Jean-Charles. “Les douze circonscriptions électorales ‘privilégiées’ du Québec.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec Vol. 6, no. 12 (September 1962): 161–166.
McIver, John Mackay. “The Administration of Montreal, Past, Present and Future.” Degree, Carleton University, 1962.
Lessard, Victrice. “L’instruction obligatoire dans la Province de Québec de 1875 à 1943.” PhD dissertation, Université d’Ottawa, 1962.
McGill University. Brief to the Royal Commission on Education of the Province of Quebec, Submitted Under the Authority of the Board of Governors, with the Approval; of the Senate, November 29, 1961. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1961.
Kentridge, Leon R. “A Survey of New Towns about Metropolitan Areas with Special Reference to Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1961.
Goetsch, Paul. Das Romanwerk Hugh MacLennans: Eine Studie zum literarischen Nationalismus in Kanada. Hamburg, Germany: Cram, de Gruyter & Co., 1961.
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