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Viau, Roland. “Careful Coexistence : The Canadians and British in Montreal Prior to 1800.” In Montreal : The History of a North American City, edited by Dany Fougères and Roderick MacLeod, 1:209–257. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Wilkins, Robert N. Montreal 1909. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline Press, 2017.
LaRose, André. “La Montreal Investment Association, le Montreal Investment Trust et la seigneurie de Beauharnois (1866-1941).” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 98, no. 1 (March 2017): 1–34.
Christie, Nancy, and Michael Gauvreau. “’Freedom of the Fassions’ : The Politics of the Street in Montreal and the Struggle against the British Fiscal-Military State.” Critical Historical Studies Vol. 4, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 75–104.
Rudy, Jarrett, Nicolas Kenny, and Magda Fahrni. “‘An Ocean of Noise’: H.E. Reilley and the Making of a Legitimate Social Problem, 1911–45.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 51, no. 2 (Spring 2017): 261–288.
Hiebert, Daniel. “A New Residential Order?: The Social Geography of Visible Minority and Religious Groups in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver in 2031.” Last modified April 12, 2017.
Noël, Julie. “Les Italo-Montréalais et la question de la langue d’enseignement.” Mémoires des Montréalais. Last modified juin 2017.
Maheu, Annique (le Musée de la monnaie de la Banque du Canada). “La collection nationale de monnaies et la collection Hart. Rapport de recherche.” Last modified July 4, 2017.
Bourhis, Richard Y., and Rana Sioufi. “Assessing Forty Years of Language Planning on the Vitality of the Francophone and Anglophone Communities of Quebec.” Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication Vol. 36, no. 5 (September 2017): 627–662.
High, Steven. “Little Burgundy : The Interwoven Histories of Race, Residence, and Work in Twentieth-Century Montreal.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 46, no. 1 (Fall 2017): 23–44.
Bernard Barbeau, Geneviève. “40 ans après, qu’en est-il de la loi 101 ? Représentations et discours conflictuels dans la presse québécoise.” Circula : Revue d’idéologies linguistiques Vol. 7 (2018): 52–69.
Buchanan, Dan. 38 Hours to Montreal : William Weller and the Governor General’s Race of 1840. Victoria, BC: Friesen Press, 2018.
Horner, Daniel. “‘Like a Thread of Gold’. Tracing Alfred Perry’s Lifelong Engagement with Montreal’s Politics of Ethnic Confrontation.” In Engaging with Diversity : Multidisciplinary Reflections on Plurality from Quebec, edited by Stéphan Gervais, Raffaele Iacovino, and Mary Anne Poutanen, 327–346. Diversitas. Bruxelles, Belgique: Peter Lang, 2018.
Kirouac, Laurie, and Isabelle Perreault. “Do you speak English? Traitement sociopolitique de l’accessibilité aux services en santé mentale pour les anglophones du Québec.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society Vol. 9 (2018): 36–54.
Martin, Valerie. “The Honest Man/L’Homme Honnête : The Colonial Gentleman, the Development of the Press, and the Race and Gender Discourses of the Newspapers in the British ‘Province of Quebec,’ 1764-1791.” PhD dissertation, Queen’s University, 2018.
Perron, Mathieu. “Taverne sous surveillance : conditions d’émergence de nouveaux espaces de divertissement semi-publics au Québec (1764-1825).” Lumen: The Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies/La Société canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle Vol. 37 (2018): 215–230.
Simeone, Daniel. “State of Failure: Bankruptcy and Imprisonment for Debt in Montreal, 1839–1899.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2018.
Frost, Harris. “‘Towards a Working Ideology’: Left-Wing Thought within the NCC.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 12, no. 1 (Winter 2018): 22–23.
Schwartz, Stephanie Tara. “The Challenge of Jewish Difference in Québec.” Journal of Jewish Identities Vol. 11, no. 1 (January 2018): 33–54.
Caron, Matthieu. “Taming the Jungle in the City: Uprooting Trees, Bushes, and Disorder from Mount Royal Park.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 47, no. 1–2 (Fall , Spring 2019 2018): 39–53.
Rainville, Paul-Etienne. “Au nom de l’ordre ou de la liberté? Le Congrès juif canadien face à la répression des libertés civiles et des droits des minorités religieuses au Québec (1945–1954).” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 99, no. 2 (Summer 2018): 196–224.
Castonguay, Charles. “Quebec’s New Language Dynamic : French Fading Fast.” Language Problems and Language Planning Vol. 43, no. 2 (2019): 113–134.
Cormier, Andrée-Anne. “Must Schools Teach Religions Neutrally? The Loyola Case and the Challenges of Liberal Neutrality in Education.” Religion & Education Vol. 46, no. 1 (2019): 308–330.
Dagenais, Michèle. “Montreal in the Twentieth Century : Trajectories of a City under Strains.” In New World Cities: Challenges of Urbanization and Globalization in the Americas, edited by John Tutino and Martin V. Melsoi, 169–209. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2019.
Goldbloom, Sheila Barshay. Opening Doors. Montreal: John Aylen Books, 2019.
Harvey, Louis-Georges. “La mort du soldat William Hands: violence urbaine, tensions politiques et justice criminelle à Montréal, 1835.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 73 (2019): 271–302.
Hemond, Amy. “A Voice of English-Montreal : The First Twenty Years of Véhicule Press, 1973-1993.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2019.
Hesler, William. Sydney Bellingham’s Canada: People, Places, and Events in the Middle Half of the Nineteenth Century. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2019.
Hodgson, Corah Lynn Victoria. “A Window into October : Examining the Framing of the October Crisis of 1970 in Canada’s English-Language Newspapers.” Master’s Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2019.
Hubert, Alex. “La couverture de la crise soudanaise dans la presse montréalaise, 1885-1904.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2019.
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