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Dorwin, J. H. “Montreal in 1816. Reminiscences of Mr. J.H. Dorwin. What Our Fathers Did When They Were Boys - Laying the Foundations of the City’s Wealth and Prosperity - ... - ‘The Good Old Times’ - Food For Reflection and Facts for Future Reference.” The Montreal Daily Star. Montreal, February 5, 1881.
J. C.F. “J.J. Curran, Q.C., L.L.D.” The Harp: A Magazine of General Literature Vol. 6, no. 11 (September 1881): 488–498.
Campbell, John (Marquis of Lorne). “The Opening of an Art Institute in Montreal in 1879.” In Memories of Canada and Scotland: Speeches and Verses, 214–220. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1884.
McGibbon, Robert D. Thomas D’Arcy McGee. An Address Delivered before the St. Patrick’s Society of Sherbrooke, P.Q., March 17th, 1884. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1884.
Borthwick, John Douglas. History of the Montreal Prison, From A.D. 1784 to A.D. 1886: Containing a Complete Record of the Troubles of 1837-38. Burning of the Parliament Buildings in 1849. The St. Alban’s Raiders, 1864. The Two Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870. And a Chronological Digestof All the Principal Events for the Past Hundred Years. Valuable Statistical Tables from the Police and Recorder’s Courts. Curious Proclamations, Warrants and Other Documents Never Before Printed, Relating to the Patriots of ’37, and the Administration of Justice from the Commencement of the Courts in 1784. With Descriptions of Branding on the Hand, Standing on the Pillory, the Stocks, Whipping, &c. Montreal: A. Periard, 1886.
Deschamps, C. E. List of Municipalities in the Province of Quebec / Liste Des Municipalités Dans La Province de Québec. Lévis, QC: Mércier et Cie, 1886.
Foran, Joseph K. Irish-Canadian Representatives, Their Past Acts, Present Stand, Future Prospects: A Review of the Question. Ottawa, ON: Evening Journal, 1886.
“General Murray’s Recall.” Public Archives of Canada Report (1888): 14–23.
The Eastern Townships Business & Farmers Directory for 1888-89. Comprising a Complete Directory of the Mercantile and Professional Men, Public Officials and Farmers of the Counties of St. Johns, Missisquoi, Brome, Compton, Shefford, Stanstead, Sherbrooke, Richmond and Huntingdon, Embracing the Towns of Three Rivers, Sorel, Iberville, Chambly, St. Hyacinthe ... Properly Classified and Arranged, with a Concise Description of Each Town or Village. St. Johns, QC: E.R. Smith; Printed at the News Office, 1888.
“The Walker Outrage, 1764.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1888 (1888): 1–14.
Jones, Arthur Edward. The Gazette and Mail’s Campaign Against the Jesuits’ Estates Bill, 1888. Montreal: [s.n.], 1889.
“Administration of Justice, 1769-1770.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1890 (1890): 1–9.
Leblond de Brumath, A. Histoire populaire de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours. Montréal: Granger Frères, 1890.
Sellar, Robert. Letters Relative to the Rights and Present Position of the Quebec Minority. Huntingdon, QC: The Gleaner, 1890.
List of Lands Granted by the Crown in the Province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890. Quebec: C.F. Langlois, Queen’s Printer, 1891.
Rev. Cochrane, William, ed. The Canadian Album, Men of Canada; or Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of Some of Canada’s Chief Businessmen, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of Learned Professions, and Others. 5 vols. Brantford, ON: Bradley, Garretson, 1891.
Fairclough, H. Rushton. “The Private Correspondence of Lieut. Col. Coffin, During the Rebellion of 1837.” Transactions of the Canadian Institute Vol. 3 (1892 1891): 281–302.
Langelier, J. C. List of the Land Grants by the Crown in the Province of Quebec, 1763 to December 31st, 1890: Printed by Order of the Legislature. 8 vols. Quebec: Charles-François Langlois, Printer to Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen, 1891.
“Ecclesiastical Affairs in Lower Canada.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1892): 16–31.
“Lower Canada in 1800.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1892 (1892): 9–15.
The Eastern Townships Business and Farmers Directory 1892: Containing a Complete and Accurate List of All the Mercantile, Professional Men, Public Officials and Farmers in the Counties of Arthabaska, Beauce, Brome, Compton, Drummond, Megantic, Missisquoi, Richmond, Shefford, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Wolfe, Including the Cities of Iberville, Levis, Montreal, Quebec, St. Hyacinthe, St. John’s, Sorel and Three Rivers. Toronto, ON: Might’s Directory Company, 1892.
Trois scandales : l’affaire Lockwood, l’affaire Whelan, l’affaire Langlais. Québec: [s.n.], 1892.
Ogilvy, Maud. “Sir J.J.C. Abbott.” In Men of the Day: A Canadian Portrait Gallery (Eleventh Series), edited by Louis-H. Taché, 160–176. Montreal: The Montreal Paper Mills Company, 1892.
Fortier, Louis. Index général des Journaux de l’Assemblée législative de la province de Québec, par ordre alphabétique des noms des députés, contenant les différents sujets et matières qui les concernent, depuis la session 1867-68 à la 2ième session de 1890. Québec: Langlais, 1893.
Stuart, H. C. The Church of England in Canada, 1759-1793: From the Conquest to the Establishment of the See of Quebec. Montreal: Published for the author by John Lovell & Son, 1893.
Thompson, F. C. “Sherbrooke, The Metropolis of the Eastern Townships.” In Sherbrooke City Directory for 1892-93, 13–22. Royer: J.-P., 1893.
David, L. O. Mes contemporaines. Montréal: Eusèbe Séncal & Fils, 1894.
Coté, N. Omer, ed. Political Appointments, Parliaments and the Judicial Bench in the Dominiom of Canada, 1867-1895. Ottawa, ON: Thoburn, 1896.
Coffin, Victor. The Province of Quebec and the Early American Revolution. A Study in English-American Colonial History. Vol. 1, no. 3 of the Economics, Political Science, and History series of the University of Wisconsin, 1896. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1896.
Deschamps, C. E. Municipalités et Paroisses Dans La Province de Québec/Municipalities and Parishes in the Province of Quebec. Québec: Impr. L. Brousseau, 1896.
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