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Hervey, William. Journals of the Hon. William Hervey, in North America and Europe from 1785 to 1814; With Order Books at Montreal, 1760-1763. Suffolk Green Books, No. 14. Bury St. Edmunds, England: Paul and Matthew, 1906.
Shortt, Adam, and Arthur G. Doughty, eds. Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1907.
Beer, George Louis. British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765. New York, NY: MacMillan, 1907.
Bell, Robert. Sir William E. Logan and the Geological Survey of Canada. Ottawa, ON: The Mortimer Co., 1907.
Bradley, A. G. Lord Dorchester. Toronto, ON: Morand and Co., 1907.
Egerton, Hugh Edward, and W. L. Grant. Canadian Constitutional Development Shown by Selected Speeches and Dispatches. London, England: John Murray, 1907.
Lighthall, William Douw. “Westmount: A Municipal Illustration.” University of Toronto Studies History and Economics Vol. 2 (1907): 27–34.
Martineau, Paul G. “The Civic Administration of Montreal.” University of Toronto Studies History and Economics Vol. 2 (1907): 303–322.
Smith, Justin H. Our Struggle for the Fourteenth Colony: Canada and the American Revolution. 2 vols. New York, NY: Putman, 1907.
Leacock, Stephen. “Responsible Government in the British Colonial System.” The American Political Science Review Vol. 1, no. 3 (May 1907): 355–392.
Audet, Francis-J. “Gouverneurs, Lieutenants-gouverneurs, et administrateurs de la province de Québec, des bas et haut Canadas, du Canada sous l’union et de la puissance du Canada, 1763-1908.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 2 (1909 1908): 85–116.
Jones, Charles O. “The Moore’s Corner Battle in 1837.” Fourth Annual Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society (1909 1908): 67–73.
Lieut. -Col Cruikshank, E. A. “The Administration of Sir James Craig: A Chapter in Canadian History.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 2 (1908): 61–87.
Sulte, Benjamin, C. E. Fryer, and L. O. David. A History of Quebec, Its Resources and People. 2 vols. Montreal and Toronto: The Canada History Company, 1908.
Fairchild, G. M., ed. Lower Canada Affairs in 1836. A Statement of the Controversy and Deadlock Existing Between the Lower Canada Assembly and the Executive, and the Causes Leading Thereto, With Some Suggestions for Their Removal and Certain Reforms to Be Effected. Quebec: The Telegraph Printing Company, 1910.
Greenwood, Isaac J. “Concerning Thomas Walker, Esq.” The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal 3rd Series, Vol. 7, no. 3 (July 1910): 97–100.
Guerin, Bellelle Guerin. John Easton Mills: The Martyr Mayor of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1911.
Parmelee, G. W. The School Law of the Province of Quebec with Notes of Numerous Judicial Decisions Thereon and the Regulations of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction. Quebec: Canada Stamp Company, 1911.
Sulte, Benjamin. “Les projets de 1793 à 1810.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 5 (1911): 19–67.
Egerton, H. E. “Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester.” United Empire (September 1912): 708–711.
“Calendar of Public Letters in the (John) Neilson Collection Between the Years 1801 and 1824.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1913): 99–151.
DeCelles, Alfred D. “Lettres de 1835 et de 1836.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 7 (1913): 169–179.
Dewey, A. Gordon. “The First Fifteen Years of British Administration in Montreal, 1760-1775.” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1913. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=119214&silo_library=GEN01.
McCorkill, J. C. “Ralph Taylor, Ex M.P.P.” Fifth Report of the Missisquoi County Historical Society (1913): 64–73.
Quebec. Department of Public Instruction. Protestant Schools in the Eastern Townships:.. Quebec: Department of Public Instruction, 1913.
Smith, F. Clifford. The Montreal Water Works: Its History Compiled from the Year 1800 to 1912. Montreal: [s.n.], 1913.
Shortt, Adam, and A. G. Doughty, eds. Canada and Its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions, By One Hundred Associates. 23 vols. Toronto, ON: The Edinburg University Press for the Publishers Association of Canada, 1914.
Doughty, Arthur G., and Dubcan A. McArthur, eds. Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1791-1818. Ottawa, ON: The King’s Printer, 1914.
Atherton, William Henry. Montreal, 1535-1914: Volume III, Biographical. Montreal: The S,J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1914.
Bourassa, Henri. French and English, Frictions and Misunderstandings: A Few Reflections A Propos of the Mayoralty Contest. With Preface-Letters from Mr. C.-H. Cahan and Mr. J.-C. Walsh. Montréal: Imprimerie du “Devoir,” 1914.
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