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McGuire, Susan. “A Park For All Montreal.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “Aldis Bernard : Montreal’s Dentist Mayor.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “Alexander Stevenson : The Colonel with the Cannons.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Montreal’s Most Popular Irishman : The Forgotten Life of J.J. Curran.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
Kirkland, Elizabeth. “Citizens of the City: Women and Montréal’s Municipal Election of 1910.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 54, no. 110 (May 2021): 43–67.
Chouinard, Stéphanie. “The Official Languages Act at 50: On the Eve of Reform, What Legacy and Future for Official Languages in Canada?” International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 59 (September 2021): 15–21.
Grenier, Benoît. La Mémoire Seigneuriale Au Québec : Identité et Patrimoine. YouTube, Documentary. Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “The Nuttings of Waterloo : One Family Changes the World.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2021.
Rodgers, Guy Rex. “Waves of Change : A New Film Project Puts a Face to a Community.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2021.
Roy, Alain. Study of Provincial and Territorial Measures to Support Official Languages in Libraries in Canada. Part 1: Overview. [Research Report]. Ottawa, ON: Library and Archives Canada, October 2021.
Roy, François. “Charles Ramsay Devlin, Député de Nicolet et Ministre régional.” Empreintes, Revue d’histoire de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec, Décembre 2021.
Pothier, Louise, ed. Montréal. Capital City : The Remarkable Story of the Archaeological Site of St. Anne’s Market and the Parliament of the United Province of Canada. Montreal: Éditions de l’Homme, 2022.
“Services for the English-Speaking Population.” Gouvernement Du Québec. Last modified 2022.
Ballinger, Susan, Melanie Brouillard, Alexa Ahooja, Ruth Kircher, Linda Polka, and Krista Byers-Heinlein. “Intersections of Official and Family Language Policy in Quebec.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 43, no. 7 (2022): 614–628.
Bourhis, Richard Y. “Group Vitality, Language Policies and the French and English-Speaking Communities of Quebec.” In Language, Policy and Territory : A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams, edited by Wilson McLeod, Robert Dunbar, Kathryn Jones, and John Walsh, 277–302. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Cyr Hicks, Martin. “The Hidden Symbol: The Institutional Discourse of Linguistic Duality in Canada and the Evolving Spirit of the Official Languages Act.” In Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond, edited by María Constanza Guzmán and Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, 161–183. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Duquette, Catherine, Lindsay Gibson, and Jacqueline P. Leighton. “Important ou non ? Comparaison de l’importance historique accordée aux événements de l’histoire dite nationale par des enseignants francophones et anglophones du Canada.” In Tensions dans l’enseignement de l’histoire nationale et des sciences sociales. Vues québécoises et internationales, edited by Marie-Claude Larouche, Félix Bouvier, and Pierre-Luc Fillion, 57–78. Québec, QC: Septentrion, 2022.
Fraser, Graham. “F.R. Scott and the Origins of Language Policy in Canada.” In Language, Policy and Territory : A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams, edited by Wilson McLeod, Robert Dunbar, Kathryn Jones, and John Walsh, 237–255. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Furlani, Andre. “Saint Urbain’s Quiet Revolutionary.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 248 (2022): 158–169.
Guénette, Dave, and Félix Mathieu. “Minority Language School Boards and Personal Federalism in Canada — Recent and Ongoing Developments in Quebec.” Constitutional Forum constitutionnel Vol. 31, no. 1 (2022): 19–28.
Hill, Micharl. The Lost Prime Ministers : Macdonald’s Successors Abbott, Thompson, Bowell, and Tupper. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2022.
Jenson, Jane. “Fixing Ownership: Land Agents, Settlers, and Property Relations in Two Eastern Townships, 1840–1865.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 55, no. 113 (2022): 27–48.
Kircher, Ruth. “Intergenerational Language Transmission in Quebec: Patterns and Predictors in the Light of Provincial Language Planning.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Vol. 25, no. 2 (2022): 418–435.
Kircher, Ruth, Erin Quirk, Melanie Brouillard, Alexa Ahooja, Susan Ballinger, Linda Polka, and Krista Byers-Heinlein. “Quebec-Based Parents’ Attitudes Towards Childhood Multilingualism: Evaluative Dimensions and Potential Predictors.” Journal of Language and Social Psychology Vol. 4, no. 5 (2022): 527–552.
Lacasse, Chantal. “Le Québec anglophone: une communauté distincte du reste du Canada? : étude comparative des positions éditoriales de deux journaux anglophones - The Gazette et The Globe and Mail - en rapport avec certains débats publics au Québec et au Canada de 1976 à 1982.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2022.
Lacasse, Simon-Pierre. Les Juifs de la Révolution tranquille. Regards d’une minorité religieuse sur le Québec de 1945 à 1976. Ottawa, ON: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2022.
Langevin, Andréanne. “Bill 101’s Silent Stakeholders: The Influence of Geography, Immigration Background and Eligibility on Quebec Parents’ Perception of Language Instruction and Attitudes Towards Official Language Policies.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2022.
McKell, Tabitha. “Understanding Teachers’ Experience with a Revised History Curriculum in Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2022.
Pelletier, Francine. Bataille pour l’âme du Québec. [Documentary]. / Radio Canada, 2022.
Reford Gardens. Elsie Reford: 150 Objects of Passion. Grand Métis & Montreal: Jardin de Métis & Éditions Umanium, 2022.
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