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Mus, Francis. “Les langues de Leonard Cohen.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 26, no. 1 (1er semestre 2013): 103–122.
Chisholme, David. The Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston, ON: T. MacFarlane, printer, 1829.
“A New Song, Sung by the Irish Children of Quebec, to the Air of ‘Donybrook Fair.’” [s.n.], 1834.
Thom, Adam. Remarks on the Petition of the Convention and on the Petition of the Constitutionalists. By Anti-Bureaucrat. Montreal: Printed at the Herald Office, 1835.
Thom, Adam. Anti-Gallic Letters: Addressed to His Excellency the Earl of Gosford, Governor-in-Chief of the Canadas. By Camillus. Montreal: Herald Printing, 1836.
Beauclerk, Charles. Lithographic Views of Military Operations in Canada Under His Excellency Sir John Colborne, G.C.B., Etc, During the Late Insurrection. From Sketches by Lord Charles Beauclerk, Captain, Royal Regiment. Accompanied by Notes Historical and Descriptive. London, England: Published by A. Flint, 1840.
Day, Samuel Phillips. English America: Or, Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols. London, England: T.C. Newby, 1864.
Catalogue of the Valuable Law Library of the Late Hon. Judge Dunkin: Comprising the Principal English and French Legal Authorities, Canada Jurist, Upper and Lower Canada Law Reports, Statutes from the Conquest to the Present Time: Many of Them in Fine Style of Bindings and in Perfect Order, the Whole for Positive Sale by Auction in the Order of the Catalogue on Saturday Afternoon, the 11th Inst., at Two o’clock, Shaw & Gowdey, Auctioneers. Montreal: [s.n.], 1881.
Campbell, John (Marquis of Lorne). “The Opening of an Art Institute in Montreal in 1879.” In Memories of Canada and Scotland: Speeches and Verses, 214–220. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1884.
Jones, Arthur Edward. The Gazette and Mail’s Campaign Against the Jesuits’ Estates Bill, 1888. Montreal: [s.n.], 1889.
“List of Officers and Men Killed and Wounded in 1837-38.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1904): 393–395.
Hayes, E. H. Montrealers As We See’em. [S.l.]: Canada Newspaper Cartoonists’ Association, 1905.
“Calendar of Public Letters in the (John) Neilson Collection Between the Years 1801 and 1824.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1913): 99–151.
Bourassa, Henri. French and English, Frictions and Misunderstandings: A Few Reflections A Propos of the Mayoralty Contest. With Preface-Letters from Mr. C.-H. Cahan and Mr. J.-C. Walsh. Montréal: Imprimerie du “Devoir,” 1914.
“Completion of the Calendar of the (John) Neilson Papers..” Public Archives of Canada, Report Appendix D (1918): 1–87.
Fauteux, AEgidius. “Jocelyn Waller.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 26, no. 10 (October 1920): 307–310.
Colquhoun, A. H. U. “A Victim of Scottish Canadians.” Dalhousie Review Vol. 3 (October 1923): 286–290.
Read, Stanley M. Ellery. “An Account of English Journalism in Canada from the Middle of the Eighteenth Century to the Beginning of the Twentieth, with Special Emphasis Being Given the Period Prior to Confederation.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1925. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=141898&silo_library=GEN01.
MacDonald, Helen G. Canadian Public Opinion on the American Civil War. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1926.
Audet, Francis-J. “John Neilson.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 3rd Series, Vol. 22 (1928): 81–97.
Brierley, John Gossage. “A Study of Literature in English Produced in the Province of Quebec Prior to Confederation, with Its Historical Background.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1929. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=137488&silo_library=GEN01.
Muckle, Alice May. “Sir Francis Hincks and Political Reform in Canada, 1838-48.” Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto, 1931.
Kerr, W. B. “The Stamp Act in Quebec.” English Historical Review Vol. 47, no. 188 (October 1932): 648–651.
Coffey, Agnes. A Bibliography of the Honorable Thomas D’Arcy McGee, L.L.D., (1825-1868): Orator, Poet, Patriot, Statesman: The Prophet of Canadian Nationality. Montreal: McGill University Library School, 1933.
Mullally, Emmet J. “Dr. Daniel Tracey, A Pioneer Worker for Responsible Government in Canada.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Report Vol. 2 (35 1934): 33–45.
Lanctôt, Gustave. “Un régionaliste anglais de Québec, Robert Sellar.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 41, no. 3 (March 1935): 172–174.
“MM. Duvernay et Tracey à la prison de Québec.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 43, no. 3 (March 1937): 86.
Fauteux, Noel. “La presse du Bas-Canada et la rébellion de 1837-1838.” La Revue Populaire Vol. 30, no. 10 (October 1937): 7, 68–70.
“Bibliography of Materials at the Public Archives of Canada Relating to the Rebellions of 1837-38.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1939): 61–138.
Gibbon, John Murray. “William Douw Lighthall.” The Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Vol. 59, no. 3 (September 1943): 172–177.
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